Slight change to the vioplot function from Daniel Adler that plots median lines instead of points, and gives the option to plot either side of a violin rather than always both. (original) (raw)

vioplot2 <- function (x, ..., range = 1.5, h = NULL, ylim = NULL, names = NULL,

horizontal = FALSE, col = "magenta", border = "black", lty = 1,

lwd = 1, rectCol = "black", colMed = "white", pchMed = 19,

at, add = FALSE, wex = 1, drawRect = TRUE, side="both")


datas <- list(x, ...)

n <- length(datas)

if (missing(at))

at <- 1:n

upper <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

lower <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

q1 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

q2 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

q3 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

med <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)

base <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)

height <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)

baserange <- c(Inf, -Inf)

args <- list(display = "none")

radj <- ifelse(side == "right", 0, 1)

ladj <- ifelse(side == "left", 0, 1)

if (!(is.null(h)))

args <- c(args, h = h)

med.dens <- rep(NA, n)

for (i in 1:n) {

data <- datas[[i]]

data.min <- min(data)

data.max <- max(data)

q1[i] <- quantile(data, 0.25)

q2[i] <- quantile(data, 0.5)

q3[i] <- quantile(data, 0.75)

med[i] <- median(data)

iqd <- q3[i] - q1[i]

upper[i] <- min(q3[i] + range * iqd, data.max)

lower[i] <- max(q1[i] - range * iqd, data.min)

est.xlim <- c(min(lower[i], data.min), max(upper[i],


smout <-"sm.density", c(list(data, xlim = est.xlim),


med.dat <-"sm.density",

c(list(data, xlim=est.xlim,

eval.points=med[i], display = "none")))

med.dens[i] <- med.dat$estimate

hscale <- 0.4/max(smout$estimate) * wex

base[[i]] <- smout$eval.points

height[[i]] <- smout$estimate * hscale

med.dens[i] <- med.dens[i] * hscale

t <- range(base[[i]])

baserange[1] <- min(baserange[1], t[1])

baserange[2] <- max(baserange[2], t[2])


if (!add) {

xlim <- if (n == 1)

at + c(-0.5, 0.5)

else range(at) + min(diff(at))/2 * c(-1, 1)

if (is.null(ylim)) {

ylim <- baserange



if (is.null(names)) {

label <- 1:n


else {

label <- names


boxwidth <- 0.05 * wex

if (!add)

if (!horizontal) {

if (!add) {

plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)


axis(1, at = at, label = label)



for (i in 1:n) {

polygon(x = c(at[i] - radj*height[[i]], rev(at[i] + ladj*height[[i]])),

y = c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),

col = col, border = border,

lty = lty, lwd = lwd)

if (drawRect) {

lines(at[c(i, i)], c(lower[i], upper[i]), lwd = lwd,

lty = lty)

rect(at[i] - radj*boxwidth/2,


at[i] + ladj*boxwidth/2,

q3[i], col = rectCol)

median line segment

lines(x = c(at[i] - radj*med.dens[i],


at[i] + ladj*med.dens[i]),

y = rep(med[i],3))




else {

if (!add) {

plot.window(xlim = ylim, ylim = xlim)


axis(2, at = at, label = label)



for (i in 1:n) {

polygon(c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),

c(at[i] - radj*height[[i]], rev(at[i] + ladj*height[[i]])),

col = col, border = border,

lty = lty, lwd = lwd)

if (drawRect) {

lines(c(lower[i], upper[i]), at[c(i, i)], lwd = lwd,

lty = lty)

rect(q1[i], at[i] - radj*boxwidth/2, q3[i], at[i] +

ladj*boxwidth/2, col = rectCol)

lines(y = c(at[i] - radj*med.dens[i],


at[i] + ladj*med.dens[i]),

x = rep(med[i],3))




invisible(list(upper = upper, lower = lower, median = med,

q1 = q1, q3 = q3))
