GitHub - ColinFay/languagelayeR: Access the languagelayer API with R (original) (raw)

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This package is designed to detect a language from a character string in R by acessing the languagelayer API —

Language layer API

This package offers a language detection tool by connecting to the languagelayer API, a JSON interface designed to extract language information from a character string.

Install languagelayerR

Install this package directly in R :

From CRAN :


From Github :


How languagelayeR works

The version 1.1.0 works with two functions. Which are :

First of all

Before any request on the languagelayer, you need to get your API key from your language layerdashboard.



Detect a language from a character string.

get_lang(query = "I really really love R and that's a good thing, right?", api_key = "your_api_key")


List all the languages available on the languagelayer API.

get_supported_lang(api_key = "your_api_key")


Questions and feedbacks welcome !

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