IpastorSan - Overview (original) (raw)

👨‍💻 Ignacio Pastor

Fullstack Web3 & Blockchain Developer

👋 Hey there! I'm Ignacio, pioneering the Blockend frontier! (Shoutout to @VittoStack for coining that term).

🛠️ Blockchain Mastery:

Smart Contracts: I code with Solidity, using both Hardhat and Foundry.
Token Standards: From ERC721 and ERC1155 to the cutting-edge ERC6551, you can use them way beyond just PFPs – think token-gated communities, blockchain gaming, marketplaces, and more!
Upgradability: I've delved deep into upgradable patterns and proxy contracts. A complex and often controversial topic!

💻 Beyond Blockchain:

Frontend: Other than the hardcore blockchain work, I enjoy building frontends with Next.js(anyone else a fan of v13?) and making them interact with smart contracts using ethers.js, wagmi and viem
Backend: Sometimes I find myself creating a Merkle Tree for an allowlist, setting up dynamic metadata for NFTs, or architecting subgraphs for a marketplace contract, and that's fun!

🚀 Next Projects:

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🛠️ Languages, Frameworks and Tools

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