GitHub - OMerkel/eulersquare: Leonhard Euler's Magic Square (original) (raw)

Euler Square icon Euler Square

Leonhard Euler's Magic Square

Keywords: Leonhard Euler, Euler Square, Euler'sches Quadrat, Magic Square, Graeco-Latin square, Griechisch-Lateinisches Quadrat, Javascript, Firefox OS, Geeksphone, Mobile device, Catherine the Great, Katharina die Große, 36 officers problem, thirty-six officers problem, Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia § I

To get more detailed background information visit the info page while Euler Square puzzle is running.

Beware: Spoiler

If you still plan to solve the Euler Square puzzle on your own from scratch then do not look too closely onto the next screenshots.

| Screenshot of an initial version of Euler Square in Firefox OS Simulator. This 10x10 Graeco-Latin Square has a valid 3x3 Graeco-Latin Square included, own work, Oliver Merkel, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license | Euler Square of order seven on a Geeksphone Peak mobile device, own work, Oliver Merkel, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Screenshot of an initial version of Euler Square in Firefox OS Simulator. This 10x10 Graeco-Latin Square has a valid 3x3 Graeco-Latin Square included, own work, Oliver Merkel,Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. | Euler Square of order seven on a Geeksphone Peak mobile device, own work, Oliver Merkel,Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. | | | Another 10x10 solution with tiles of same inner and outer color on long diagonal only, own work, Oliver Merkel, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license | | | | Another solution sized 10x10. This solution has tiles of same inner and outer color on long diagonal only, own work, Oliver Merkel,Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. | | |