GitHub - astefanutti/decktape: PDF exporter for HTML presentations (original) (raw)

$ decktape -h

Usage: decktape [options] [command] <url> <filename>
       decktape version

command      one of: automatic, bespoke, deck, dzslides, flowtime, generic, impress, inspire,
             nuedeck, remark, reveal, shower, slidy, webslides
url          URL of the slides deck
filename     Filename of the output PDF file

   -s <size>, --size <size>        Size of the slides deck viewport: <width>x<height> (e.g. '1280x720')
   -p <ms>, --pause <ms>           Duration in milliseconds before each slide is exported  [1000]
   --load-pause <ms>               Duration in milliseconds between the page has loaded and starting to export slides  [0]
   --url-load-timeout <ms>         Timeout in milliseconds to use when waiting for the initial URL to load  [60000]
   --page-load-timeout <ms>        Timeout in milliseconds to use when waiting for the slide deck page to load  [20000]
   --buffer-timeout <ms>           Timeout in milliseconds to use when waiting for a slide to finish buffering (set to 0 to disable)  [30000]
   --screenshots                   Capture each slide as an image  [false]
   --screenshots-directory <dir>   Screenshots output directory  [screenshots]
   --screenshots-size <size>       Screenshots resolution, can be repeated
   --screenshots-format <format>   Screenshots image format, one of [jpg, png]  [png]
   --slides <range>                Range of slides to be exported, a combination of slide indexes and ranges (e.g. '1-3,5,8')
   --headless                      Puppeteer headless mode, one if [new, true, false]  [new]
   --headers                       HTTP headers, comma-separated list of <header>,<value> pairs (e.g. "Authorization,'Bearer ASDJASLKJALKSJDL'")
   --chrome-path <path>            Path to the Chromium or Chrome executable to run instead of the bundled Chromium
   --chrome-arg <arg>              Additional argument to pass to the Chrome instance, can be repeated
   --pdf-author <arg>              String to set as the author of the resulting PDF document
   --pdf-title <arg>               String to set as the title of the resulting PDF document
   --pdf-subject <arg>             String to set as the subject of the resulting PDF document

Defaults to the automatic command.
Iterates over the available plugins, picks the compatible one for presentation at the
specified <url> and uses it to export and write the PDF into the specified <filename>.

In addition to the general options listed above, command specific options can be displayed the following way: