GitHub - aws/s2n-quic: An implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol (original) (raw)


s2n-quic is a Rust implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, featuring:

See the API documentation and examples to get started with s2n-quic. Apache 2.0 Licensed Build Status Dependencies MSRV


s2n-quic is available on and can be added to a project like so:

[dependencies] s2n-quic = "1"

NOTE: On unix-like systems, s2n-tls will be used as the default TLS provider. On linux systems, aws-lc-rs will be used for cryptographic operations. A C compiler and CMake may be required on these systems for installation.


The following implements a basic echo server and client. The client connects to the server and pipes its stdin on a stream. The server listens for new streams and pipes any data it receives back to the client. The client will then pipe all stream data to stdout.


// src/bin/ use s2n_quic::Server; use std::{error::Error, path::Path};

#[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut server = Server::builder() .with_tls((Path::new("cert.pem"), Path::new("key.pem")))? .with_io("")? .start()?;

while let Some(mut connection) = server.accept().await {
    // spawn a new task for the connection
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Ok(Some(mut stream)) = connection.accept_bidirectional_stream().await {
            // spawn a new task for the stream
            tokio::spawn(async move {
                // echo any data back to the stream
                while let Ok(Some(data)) = stream.receive().await {
                    stream.send(data).await.expect("stream should be open");




// src/bin/ use s2n_quic::{client::Connect, Client}; use std::{error::Error, path::Path, net::SocketAddr};

#[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let client = Client::builder() .with_tls(Path::new("cert.pem"))? .with_io("")? .start()?;

let addr: SocketAddr = "".parse()?;
let connect = Connect::new(addr).with_server_name("localhost");
let mut connection = client.connect(connect).await?;

// ensure the connection doesn't time out with inactivity

// open a new stream and split the receiving and sending sides
let stream = connection.open_bidirectional_stream().await?;
let (mut receive_stream, mut send_stream) = stream.split();

// spawn a task that copies responses from the server to stdout
tokio::spawn(async move {
    let mut stdout = tokio::io::stdout();
    let _ = tokio::io::copy(&mut receive_stream, &mut stdout).await;

// copy data from stdin and send it to the server
let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin();
tokio::io::copy(&mut stdin, &mut send_stream).await?;



Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

s2n-quic will maintain a rolling MSRV (minimum supported rust version) policy of at least 6 months. The current s2n-quic version is not guaranteed to build on Rust versions earlier than the MSRV.

The current MSRV is 1.71.0.

Security issue notifications

If you discover a potential security issue in s2n-quic we ask that you notify AWS Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public github issue.

If you package or distribute s2n-quic, or use s2n-quic as part of a large multi-user service, you may be eligible for pre-notification of future s2n-quic releases. Please contact


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.