GitHub - brendenlake/MLC: Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) for modeling human behavior (original) (raw)

Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) for modeling human behavior

Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) is an optimization procedure that encourages systematicity through a series of few-shot compositional tasks. This code shows how to train and evaluate a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) transformer in PyTorch to implement MLC for modeling human behavior.

A separate repository here has code for applying MLC to machine learning benchmarks, including SCAN and COGS.

Note: Users can regard the acronym BIML as synonymous with MLC. The approach was renamed to MLC after the code was written.


Please cite the following article if you use any of this code in your work:


This repo borrows from the excellent PyTorch seq2seq tutorial.


Python 3 with the following packages (install time within minutes): torch (PyTorch), sklearn (scikit-learn), numpy, matplotlib

The specific versions used for development: Python (3.7.9), PyTorch (1.10.1), sklean (0.24.2), numpy (1.21.5), matplotlib (3.3.2)

Downloading data and pre-trained models

Meta-training data
To get the episodes used for meta-training, you should download the following zip file with the 100K meta-training episodes. Please extract such that data_algebraicis a sub-directory of the main repo.

Pre-trained models
To get the top pre-trained models, you should download the following zip file. Please extract such that out_models is a sub-directory of the main repo and contains the model files net-BIML-*.pt.

Evaluating models

There are many different ways to evaluate a model after training, each of which should take less than a minute on a standard desktop. Here are a few examples.

Generating algebraic outputs on few-shot learning task

Here we find the best response from the pre-trained MLC model using greedy decoding:

python --max --episode_type few_shot_gold --fn_out_model --verbose

Evaluating human responses on few-shot learning task (using log-likelihood)

Here we evaluate the log-likelihood of the human data:

python --ll --ll_nrep 100 --episode_type few_shot_human --ll_p_lapse 0.03 --fn_out_model

To evaluate the log-likelihood of all models and to reproduce Table 1 in the manuscript, you can run this command for the various models. Please see the table below for how to set the arguments in each case. Note that due to system/version differences, the log-likelihood values may vary in minor ways from the paper.

--fn_out_model --ll_p_lapse --episode_type 0.9 human_vanilla 0.5 few_shot_human 0.1 few_shot_human 0.03 few_shot_human 0.03 few_shot_human

Sampling model responses for the few-shot learning task

The models can be asked to mimic human responses on few-shot learning. To do so, the models sample from their distribution of possible outputs. A full set of samples from the models is available on this webpage. To reproduce the results for MLC (or other models), you can type the following to generate a HTML page.

python --episode_type few_shot_human_mult10 --sample_html --fn_out_model

Then, after ensuring the right file name is listed under __main__ in the script, you can compare the human and machine mistakes

cd html_output/few_shot_human_mult10 python

This should reproduce the hosted HTML file and numbers reported in the paper. Small variations may arise through version differences. Here is a snippet of the HTML and the text output.
few shot learning task

Human responses (item accuracy):
   DAX after 1 : 86.364
  mean overall acc.: 80.739
  mean acc. on simple queries: 85.479
  mean acc. on complex queries: 76.0
  mean acc. on len=6 queries: 72.5
  perc. of errors that are one2one:  24.39 ; 10 of 41
  perc. of errors (involving "after") that are iconic :  23.333 ; 7 of 30
Model responses (item accuracy):
   DAX after 1 : 85.909
  mean overall acc.: 82.376
  mean acc. on simple queries: 86.252
  mean acc. on complex queries: 78.5
  mean acc. on len=6 queries: 77.75
  perc. of errors that are one2one:  56.267 ; 211 of 375
  perc. of errors (involving "after") that are iconic :  13.83 ; 39 of 282

Correlation for item accuracies: r= 0.788 ; p= 0.007
Generating HTML file: human_few_shot_behavior.html

Sampling model responses for the open-ended task

The models can be asked to mimic human responses on the open-ended task. Again, a full set of samples from the models is available on this webpage. To reproduce the results for MLC, you can type the following two commands to generate a HTML page.

python --episode_type open_end_freeform --sample_iterative --fn_out_model

Then, after ensuring the right file name is listed under __main__ in the script, you can compare the human and machine mistakes

cd html_output/open_end_freeform python

This should reproduce the hosted HTML file and numbers reported in the paper. Small variations may arise through version differences. Here is a snippet of the HTML and the text output.
open-ended task

   Processing 29 human participants.
   Percent with perfect maps (consistent with 3 inductive biases): 58.621 ; N= 17 of 29
   Percent with one2one maps: 62.069 ; N= 18 of 29
   Percent with iconic concatenation: 79.31 ; N= 23 of 29
   Percent with ME maps: 93.103 ; N= 27 of 29
   Processing 100 model samples.
   Percent with perfect maps (consistent with 3 inductive biases): 65.0 ; N= 65 of 100
   Percent with one2one maps: 66.0 ; N= 66 of 100
   Percent with iconic concatenation: 85.0 ; N= 85 of 100
   Percent with ME maps: 99.0 ; N= 99 of 100
Generating HTML file: human_open_end_freeform.html
Generating HTML file: open_end_freeform_net-BIML-open-ended-top.html

The full set of evaluation arguments can be viewed with when typing python -h:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fn_out_model FN_OUT_MODEL
                        *REQUIRED*. Filename for loading the model
  --dir_model DIR_MODEL
                        Directory for loading the model file
  --max_length_eval MAX_LENGTH_EVAL
                        Maximum generated sequence length
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of episodes in batch
  --episode_type EPISODE_TYPE
                        What type of episodes do we want? See for
  --dashboard           Showing loss curves during training.
  --ll                  Evaluate log-likelihood of validation (val) set
  --max                 Find best outputs for val commands (greedy decoding)
  --sample              Sample outputs for val commands
  --sample_html         Sample outputs for val commands in html format (using
                        unmap to canonical text)
  --sample_iterative    Sample outputs for val commands iteratively
  --fit_lapse           Fit the lapse rate
  --ll_nrep LL_NREP     Evaluate each episode this many times when computing
                        log-likelihood (needed for stochastic remappings)
  --ll_p_lapse LL_P_LAPSE
                        Lapse rate when evaluating log-likelihoods
  --verbose             Inspect outputs in more detail

Episode types

Please see for the full set of options. Here are a few key episode types that can be set via --episode_type:

Training models from scratch

To train MLC on few-shot learning (as in the MLC model in Fig. 2 and Table 1), you can run the train command with default arguments:

python --episode_type algebraic+biases --fn_out_model

which will produce a file out_models/

The full set of training arguments can be viewed with python -h:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fn_out_model FN_OUT_MODEL
                        *REQUIRED* Filename for saving model checkpoints.
                        Typically ends in .pt
  --dir_model DIR_MODEL
                        Directory for saving model files
  --episode_type EPISODE_TYPE
                        What type of episodes do we want? See for
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        number of episodes per batch
  --nepochs NEPOCHS     number of training epochs
  --lr LR               learning rate
  --lr_end_factor LR_END_FACTOR
                        factor X for decrease learning rate linearly from
                        1.0*lr to X*lr across training
  --no_lr_warmup        Turn off learning rate warm up (by default, we use 1
                        epoch of warm up)
  --nlayers_encoder NLAYERS_ENCODER
                        number of layers for encoder
  --nlayers_decoder NLAYERS_DECODER
                        number of layers for decoder
  --emb_size EMB_SIZE   size of embedding
  --ff_mult FF_MULT     multiplier for size of the fully-connected layer in
  --dropout DROPOUT     dropout applied to embeddings and transformer
  --act ACT             activation function in the fully-connected layer of
                        the transformer (relu or gelu)
  --save_best           Save the "best model" according to validation loss.
  --save_best_skip SAVE_BEST_SKIP
                        Do not bother saving the "best model" for this
                        fraction of early training
  --resume              Resume training from a previous checkpoint