GitHub - bshuster-repo/logrus-logstash-hook: :information_source: Logstash hook for logrus (original) (raw)

Logstash hook for logrus :walrus:

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Use this hook to send the logs to Logstash.


package main

import ( "" "" "net" )

func main() { log := logrus.New() conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } hook := logrustash.New(conn, logrustash.DefaultFormatter(logrus.Fields{"type": "myappName"}))

    ctx := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
            "method": "main",
    ctx.Info("Hello World!")


This is how it will look like:

{ "@timestamp" => "2016-02-29T16:57:23.000Z", "@version" => "1", "level" => "info", "message" => "Hello World!", "method" => "main", "host" => "", "port" => 45199, "type" => "myappName" }


Q: I would like to add characters to each line before sending to Logstash? A: Logrustash gives you the ability to mutate the message before sending it to Logstash. Just follow this example.

Q: Is there a way to maintain the connection when it drops A: It's recommended to use GoAutoSocket for that. See here how it can be done.


Name Github
Boaz Shuster boaz0
