GitHub - camdenk/mlbplotR: R package to easily plot MLB logos (original) (raw)


Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

The code for this package was copied heavily fromnflplotR with minor changes to support Major League Baseball logos.

The goal of mlbplotR is to provide functions and geoms that help with visualizations of MLB related analysis. It provides ggplot2 geoms that do the heavy lifting of plotting MLB logos in high quality, with correct aspect ratio, and possible transparency.


The easiest way to get mlbplotR is to install it fromCRAN with:


To get a bug fix or use a feature from the development version, you can install the development version from GitHub with:




Let’s plot every team on a grid with some extra customization:

library(mlbplotR) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr)

teams_colors_logos <- mlbplotR::load_mlb_teams() |> dplyr::filter(!team_abbr %in% c("AL", "NL", "MLB")) |> dplyr::mutate( a = rep(1:6, 5), b = sort(rep(1:5, 6), decreasing = TRUE) )

ggplot2::ggplot(teams_colors_logos, aes(x = a, y = b)) + mlbplotR::geom_mlb_logos(aes(team_abbr = team_abbr), width = 0.075) + ggplot2::geom_label(aes(label = team_abbr), nudge_y = -0.35, alpha = 0.5) + ggplot2::theme_void()

There is a getting started guide that will walk you through more use cases for the package.
