GitHub - dosreislab/mcmc3r: mcmc3r: an R package for MCMCTree (original) (raw)


An R package with utility functions to work with MCMCtree

You can install the package by typing in an R prompt:


Plotting calibration densities

The packge can be used to plot the L and B calibration densities used by MCMCtree. Note you can use the sn package (available from CRAN) to plot the Skew-normal and Skew-t calibration densities. For example, suppose you have a minimum bound calibration L(10, .1, 1, .025), you can plot this with:

curve(dL(x, 10, .1, 1, .025), n=5e2, from=0, to=100)

and suppose you have the joint calibration B(5, 10, .01, .05), this can be plotted with:

curve(dB(x, 5, 10, .01, .05), n=5e2, from=0, to=20)

Marginal likelihood calculation

The package can be used to prepare control files for marginal likelihood calculation with MCMCtree to, for example, select the relaxed-clock model. Marginal likelihood calculation can be carried out by the thermodynamic integration or stepping-stones methods. A tutorial is available here.

Working with quantitative morphological characters

The package is also useful for working with quantitative morphological characters. It can:


If using the package for marginal likelihood calculation please cite:

The block bootstrap used to estimate the error of marginal likelihood estimates is described in:

The continuous morphological models are described in: