GitHub - eiriniar/CellCnn at python3 (original) (raw)



This branch contains a Python 3.7 implementation of CellCnn. We recommend using it withpipenv, by following the steps below:

  1. Clone the CellCnn repository and checkout the python3 branch:
    git clone -b python3
  2. Go to the CellCnn root directory:
    cd CellCnn
  3. Install CellCnn and its dependencies:
    pipenv install

The above steps have to be performed only once. Then, each time you want to perform a CellCnn analysis, go to the CellCnn root directory and activate the pipenv virtual environment by running:

  1. pipenv shell


Examples are provided in the subfolder CellCnn/cellCnn/examples.

Alternatively, for the analysis of mass/flow cytometry samples, CellCnn can be run from the command line. To get a list of command line options please run:

python --help

For a CellCnn analysis with default settings only two arguments have to be provided:

python -f fcs_samples_with_labels.csv -m markers.csv

The first input argument is a two-column CSV file, where the first column specifies input sample filenames and the second column the corresponding class labels. An example file is provided in CellCnn/cellCnn/examples/NK_fcs_samples_with_labels.csv.

The second input argument is a CSV file containing the names of markers/channels that should be used for the analysis. An example file is provided in CellCnn/cellCnn/examples/NK_markers.csv.

For example, to perform the analysis outlined in CellCnn/cellCnn/examples/NK_cell.ipynbfrom the command line, you can run the following (assuming your current directory is CellCnn/cellCnn/examples):

python ../ -f NK_fcs_samples_with_labels.csv -m NK_markers.csv -i NK_cell_dataset/gated_NK/ -o outdir_NK --export_csv --group_a CMV- --group_b CMV+ --verbose 0

The above command performs a binary classification CellCnn analysis, exports the learned filter weights as CSV files in the directory outdir_NK/exported_filter_weights and generates result plots in outdir_NK/plots. The following plots are generated:



These plots are generated on the basis of samples used for model training.

In addition, the following plots are produced for each selected filter (e.g. filter i):


Same as the training_plots, but generated on the basis of samples used for model validation.

After performing model training once, you can refine the plots with different cutoff values for the selected filters and cell populations. Training does not have to be repeated for refining the plots. The pre-computed results can be used with the option --load_results.

Another relevant argument is --export_selected_cells, which produces a CSV result file for each input FCS file and stores it in outdir/selected_cells. Rows in the CSV result file correspond to cells in the order found in the FCS input file. The CSV result file contains two columns per selected filter, the first indicating the cell filter response as a continuous value and the second containing a binary value resulting from thresholding the continuous cell filter response. This later column is an indicator of whether a cell belongs to the cell population selected by a particular filter.

python ../ -f NK_fcs_samples_with_labels.csv -m NK_markers.csv -i NK_cell_dataset/gated_NK/ -o outdir_NK --group_a CMV- --group_b CMV+ --filter_response_thres 0.3 --load_results --export_selected_cells


For additional information, CellCnn's documentation is hosted on