GitHub - emacs-eaf/eaf-pdf-viewer: Fastest PDF Viewer in Emacs (original) (raw)

EAF PDF Viewer

PDF Viewer application for the Emacs Application Framework.

Load application

Install EAF first, then add below code in your emacs config:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/emacs-application-framework/") (require 'eaf) (require 'eaf-pdf-viewer)

LaTeX config

(add-to-list 'TeX-command-list '("XeLaTeX" "%`xelatex --synctex=1%(mode)%' %t" TeX-run-TeX nil t)) (add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-list '("eaf" eaf-pdf-synctex-forward-view)) (add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-selection '(output-pdf "eaf"))

Double click the left button to edit backward.

Translate current word

Double click the right button to edit backward.

You need re-implement eaf-translate-text yourself.


The translation tool used in the screenshot is: popweb

Dark mode

Default set background color to emacs-background-color

Override this behavior

(setq eaf-pdf-dark-mode nil)

Dependency List

Package Description
python-pymupdf PDF rendering engine
libreoffice Convert doc file to pdf, optional

The keybinding of EAF PDF Viewer.

Key Event
j scroll_up
C-n scroll_up
k scroll_down
C-p scroll_down
h scroll_left
C-b scroll_left
l scroll_right
C-f scroll_right
SPC scroll_up_page
b scroll_down_page
C-v scroll_up_page
M-v scroll_down_page
t toggle_read_mode
0 zoom_reset
= zoom_in
- zoom_out
g scroll_to_begin
G scroll_to_end
p jump_to_page
P jump_to_percent
[ save_current_pos
] jump_to_saved_pos
i toggle_inverted_mode
C-i toggle_inverted_image_mode
m toggle_mark_link
f jump_to_link
M-w copy_select
C-s search_text_forward
C-r search_text_backward
x close_buffer
z eaf-ocr-buffer
C- rotate_clockwise
C- rotate_counterclockwise
M-h add_annot_highlight
M-u add_annot_underline
M-s add_annot_squiggly
M-d add_annot_strikeout_or_delete_annot
M-e add_annot_text_or_edit_annot
M-p toggle_presentation_mode
J select_left_tab
K select_right_tab
o eaf-pdf-outline
O eaf-pdf-outline-edit
T toggle_trim_white_margin