GitHub - ganelson/intest: A text-based command-line tool for testing other command-line tools. (original) (raw)

Intest 2.2.0

Version: 2.2.0-beta+1A60 'The Remembering' (21 May 2024)

About Intest

Intest is a flexible command-line tool for running batches of tests on other command-line tools. Although it was written for development work on the Inform programming language (see ganelson/inform), it's a general-purpose tool.

Intest is a "literate program": it is written as a narrative intended to be readable by humans as well as by other programs. The human-readable form of Intest is a companion website to this one.

For the Intest manual, see ★ intest/Preliminaries.

Except as noted, copyright in material in this repository (the "Package") is held by Graham Nelson (the "Author"), who retains copyright so that there is a single point of reference. As from the first date of this repository becoming public, 28 April 2022, the Package is placed under theArtistic License 2.0. This is a highly permissive licence, used by Perl among other notable projects, recognised by the Open Source Initiative as open and by the Free Software Foundation as free in both senses.

A condition of any pull-request being made (i.e., to make suggested amendments to this software) is that, if the request is accepted, copyright on any contribution made by it immediately transfers to the project's copyright-holder, Graham Nelson. This is in order that there can be clear ownership.

Build Instructions

Caution: The main branch of this repository generally holds "unstable", that is, unreleased work-in-progress versions of Intest. See notes/

Make a directory in which to work: let's call this "work". Then:

You should now have a working copy of Intest. To build it again, simply: "make -f intest/". To test that it's working, try running the test cases for Inweb: see Testing Inweb.

Reporting Issues

The bug tracker for Intest is powered by Jira and hostedat the Atlassian website. (Note that Inform, Inweb and Intest are three different projects in Jira: please do not report Inweb issues on the Inform bug tracker or vice versa.)

The curator of the bug tracker is Brian Rushton, and the administrator is Hugo Labrande.

Pull Requests and Adding Features

Intest might well be useful more widely: it's a nice tool to use, and people are very welcome to try it out.

For now, though, its main function is to verify the Inform suite of software. Its future direction remains in the hands of the original author.

At some point a more formal process may emerge, but for now community discussion of possible features is best kept to the IF forum. In particular, please do not use the bug trackers to propose new features.

Pull requests adding functionality or making any significant changes are therefore not likely to be accepted from non-members of the wider Inform team without prior agreement, unless they are clear-cut bug fixes or corrections of typos, broken links, or similar. See also the note about copyright above.

The Intest licence is highly permissive, and forks which develop in quite different ways are entirely within the rules. (But one of the few requirements of the Artistic Licence is that such forks be given a name which is not simply "Intest", to avoid confusion.)


This file was generated automatically by Inweb, and should not be edited. To make changes, edit intest.rmscript and re-generate.