Installation guide v 1.3.1 (original) (raw)

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Step 1 Install Required 3-rd Party Tools
METAREP uses the following open source tools that need to be installed. Please refer to the individual
tool pages for installation instructions.

CentOS 5.5. installation

Step 2 Download and install METAREP source code

Step 3 Set up METAREP MySQL database

Step 4 Set up METAREP Apache Solr/Lucene instance

Step 5 Import example datasets

perl scripts/perl/ --project_id 1 --project_dir data/tab --format=tab --sqlite_db db/metarep.sqlite3.db --solr_url http://localhost:1234 --solr_home_dir <SOLR_HOME> --solr_instance_dir <SOLR_HOME>/metarep-solr --mysql_host localhost --mysql_db metarep --mysql_username metarep --mysql_password metarep --tmp_dir /usr/local/scratch

Step 6 Adjust METAREP configuration files

Step 7 Configure and start Apache web server

Step 8 Create new project

Step 9 Change METAREP admin password

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