GitHub - OCHA-DAP/ripc: Download and Tidy IPC and CH Data (original) (raw)


R-CMD-check Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of ripc is to provide access to Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) and Cadre Harmonisé (CH) data.


You can install the ripc from CRAN:

The development version can be installed from GitHub:




ripc provides functionality to access IPC data stored directly on theIPC-CH Public API. There are a wider set of functions detailed further below, but most users will get the information they need from the ipc_get_population() function which returns datasets of country-level, group-level, and area-level analyses in a list.


df_list <- ipc_get_population() df_list$country #> # A tibble: 761 × 29 #> analysis_id title country condition analysis_date view_level ipc_period #>
#> 1 65508276 Acute Food… HT A Mar 2024 area A
#> 2 65115079 Acute Food… PS A Feb 2024 area C
#> 3 65115079 Acute Food… PS A Feb 2024 area C
#> 4 65113995 Acute Food… KE A Feb 2024 area A
#> 5 65113995 Acute Food… KE A Feb 2024 area A
#> 6 65024769 Acute Food… SO A Jan 2024 area A
#> 7 65024769 Acute Food… SO A Jan 2024 area A
#> 8 64948217 Acute Food… MG A Dec 2023 area A
#> 9 64948217 Acute Food… MG A Dec 2023 area A
#> 10 64948217 Acute Food… MG A Dec 2023 area A
#> # ℹ 751 more rows #> # ℹ 22 more variables: population , population_percentage , #> # period , from , to , analysis_period_start , #> # analysis_period_end , p3plus , p3plus_percentage , #> # estimated_population , phase1_population , #> # phase1_percentage , phase2_population , phase2_percentage , #> # phase3_population , phase3_percentage , …

While the default is to return data frames to the user, you can directly access GeoJSON files from the IPC API.

df_areas <- ipc_get_areas(id = 12856213, period = "P", return_format = "geojson") plot(df_areas[,"overall_phase"])

More details on the API are available below.


The ripc functions provide access to API endpoints detailed in theIPC-CH Public API documentation. The documentation should be referred to in order to better understand the API calls themselves (under the simplified and advanced documentation sections), and the returned data. For ease of the user, a table to match up the simplified and advanced API endpoints with ripc functions is below.

API and ripc functions

In general, the same functions can access both API endpoints, but the simplified endpoints are accessed with optional parameters while the advanced endpoints are accessed when IDs and/or periods are explicitly passed.

Simplified API

ripc IPC API
ipc_get_analyses() analyses
ipc_get_country() country
ipc_get_areas() areas
ipc_get_points() points
ipc_get_icons() icons

Advanced API

ripc IPC API
ipc_get_analyses(id = ###) analysis/{id}
ipc_get_areas(id = ###, period = X) areas/{id}/{period}
ipc_get_population() population
ipc_get_population(id = ###) population/{id}
ipc_get_points(id = ###, period = X) points/{id}/{period}
ipc_get_icons(id = ###, period = X) icons/{id}/{period}

API access

Please refer to the IPC API documentation to learn how to generate a token for the API you can use to access the data. This API key should be stored in your environment as IPC_API_KEY. You can easily add this to your environment by adding the following line to your .Renviron file, easily accessed using usethis::edit_r_environ().

IPC_API_KEY="API key here"

Make sure that your API key is granted access to the resources you need.

Output data

Data coming from the IPC API isn’t immediately joinable, with varying naming conventions for geographical name/ID columns. Outputs from the ripc functions are wrangled to ease the joining of datasets together by standardizing some column names and keeping the data in a tidy format. You can specify tidy_df = FALSE for any ipc_get_...() function to return directly what the IPC-CH Public API returns.

Tidy data

The tidy format means that a specific analysis for a period (current, projection, or second projection) and geography (area/point, group, or country) are stored in a single row, with columns containing the relevant metadata, phase classification, and population figures. Data from mixed levels of geography are not stored in the same dataset.

While full documentation of output data can be derived from the IPC API schema documentation, key changes made to the outputs to create tidy data are documented below.

Each exported function from ripc has a Tidy section describing the wrangling done.

Help and issues

For any help, please file an issue onGithub.