GitHub - r-lib/coro: Coroutines for R (original) (raw)


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coro implements coroutines for R, i.e. functions that can be suspended and resumed later on. There are two kinds:

Supported features:

Compatibility with:

Attach the package to follow the examples:

Async/await functions

Concurrent programming is made straightforward by async-await functions. Whenever you are waiting for a result that may take a while (downloading a file, computing a value in an external process), use await(). The argument to await() must return a promise from thepromises package.

Concurrent code based on promises can quickly become hard to write and follow. In the following artificial example, we wait for a download to complete, then decide to launch a computation in an external process depending on a property of the downloaded data. We also handle some errors specifically.

my_async <- function() { async_download() %>% then(function(data) { if (ncol(data) > 10) { then(future::future(fib(30)), function(fib) { data / fib }) } else { data } }, onRejected = function(err) { if (inherits(err, "download_error")) { NULL } else { stop(err) } }) }

Rewriting this function with async/await greatly simplifies the code:

my_async <- async(function() { data <- tryCatch( await(async_download()), download_error = function(err) NULL )

if (is.null(data)) { return(NULL) }

if (ncol(data) > 10) { fib <- await(future::future(fib(30))) data <- data /fib }

data })


Generators are based on a simple iteration protocol:

The generator() function creates a generator factory which returns generator instances:

Create a generator factory

generate_abc <- generator(function() { for (x in letters[1:3]) { yield(x) } })

Create a generator instance

abc <- generate_abc()

A generator instance is an iterator function which yields values:

abc #> <generator/instance> #> function () #> { #> for (x in letters[1:3]) { #> yield(x) #> } #> } #> <environment: 0x1258e3818>

abc() #> [1] "a"

Collect all remaining values from an iterator with collect():

collect(abc) #> [[1]] #> [1] "b" #> #> [[2]] #> [1] "c"

Iterate over an iterator with loop():

loop(for (x in generate_abc()) { print(toupper(x)) }) #> [1] "A" #> [1] "B" #> [1] "C"

See vignette("generator") for more information.

Compatibility with the reticulate package

Python iterators imported with thereticulate package are compatible with loop() and collect():


py_run_string(" def first_n(n): num = 1 while num <= n: yield num num += 1 ")

loop(for (x in py$first_n(3)) { print(x * 2) }) #> [1] 2 #> [1] 4 #> [1] 6

They can also be composed with coro generators:

times <- generator(function(it, n) for (x in it) yield(x * n))

composed <- times(py$first_n(3), 10)

collect(composed) #> [[1]] #> [1] 10 #> #> [[2]] #> [1] 20 #> #> [[3]] #> [1] 30


yield() and await() can be used in loops, if/else branches,tryCatch() expressions, or any combinations of these. However they can’t be used as function arguments. These will cause errors:

generator(function() { list(yield("foo")) })

async(function() { list(await(foo())) })

Fortunately it is easy to rewrite the code to work around this limitation:

generator(function() { x <- yield("foo") list(x) })

async(function() { x <- await(foo()) list(x) })

How does it work

Coroutines are an abstraction for state machinesin languages that support them. Conversely, you can implement coroutines by rewriting the code source provided by the user as a state machine. Pass internals = TRUE to the print methods of coroutines to reveal the state machine that is running under the hood:

print(generate_abc, internals = TRUE) #> #> function () #> { #> for (x in letters[1:3]) { #> yield(x) #> } #> } #> <environment: 0x1258e3818> #> State machine: #> { #> if (exhausted) { #> return(invisible(exhausted())) #> } #> repeat switch(state[[1L]], 1 = { #> iterators[[2L]] <- as_iterator(user(letters[1:3])) #> state[[1L]] <- 2L #> state[[2L]] <- 1L #> }, 2 = { #> repeat switch(state[[2L]], 1 = { #> if ({ #> iterator <- iterators[[2L]] #> if (is_exhausted(elt <- iterator())) { #> FALSE #> } else { #> user_env[["x"]] <- elt #> TRUE #> } #> }) { #> state[[2L]] <- 2L #> } else { #> break #> } #> }, 2 = { #> user({ #> x #> }) #> state[[2L]] <- 3L #> suspend() #> return(last_value()) #> }, 3 = { #> .last_value <- if (missing(arg)) NULL else arg #> state[[2L]] <- 1L #> }) #> iterators[[2L]] <- NULL #> length(state) <- 1L #> break #> }) #> exhausted <- TRUE #> invisible(exhausted()) #> }

Despite this transformation of source code, browser() and step-debugging still work as you would expect. This is because coro keeps track of the source references from the original code.



Install the development version from github with:


devtools::install_github("r-lib/coro", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Code of Conduct

Please note that the coro project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.