robnptests/ at main · s-abbas/robnptests (original) (raw)

We are grateful for any contribution to robnptests.

Before you propose a change via a pull request, you should install the devtools package as it greatly facilitates the package development process.


If you have found a bug in the code, create a bug report in the issue tracker. Please include a minimal reproducible example (reprex) that illustrates the bug.

Feature requests

If you miss a feature in the package, just post a new issue in the issue tracker. Before that, please make sure that there is no existing issue with the same request. If such a request already exists, it is, of course, always possible to join the discussion.

Please describe the requested feature as precisely as possible, preferably with a reprex.


If you find typos, grammatical errors, spelling or content errors in the documentation, please feel free to make a pull request.

One important thing to consider is that we use the package roxygen2 to document the functions. You should be familiar with the package. Changes to the documentation of a function have to be made in the corresponding .R file. To update the .Rd files call the function devtools::document().

Pull requests

If you would like to actively add a new feature or fix a mistake or bug, you can do so by making a pull request.

For bigger changes, such as extending an existing function or adding a new function, please first create an issue to make sure that someone from the development team agrees that the change is needed.

Follow these steps to contribute to the package:

  1. Create a branch in Git from the develop branch with a descriptive name and make your changes.
  2. Push the branch to GitHub and create a pull request to merge the changes into the develop branch. Please link the pull request to the corresponding issue.
  3. Your pull request will be reviewed by the development team and discussed with you until we approve the pull request or decide that it does not fit for robnptests.

Please consider the following points when you create a pull request: