GitHub - schochastics/roughnet: R package to draw sketchy, hand-drawn-like networks with roughjs (original) (raw)


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Using the java script library rough.js to draw sketchy, hand-drawn-like networks.
(Checkout ggrough for turning general ggplot objects into sketchy drawings)


You can install the developers version of roughnet with:




The package currently only works with {{igraph}} objects by setting styling elements as vertex/edge attributes.

library(roughnet) library(igraph)

g <- make_graph("Zachary") V(g)$shape <- "circle" V(g)$shape[c(1,34)] <- "rectangle" V(g)$fill <- c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3")[membership(cluster_louvain(g))] V(g)$fillstyle <- c("hachure", "zigzag", "cross-hatch", "dots")[membership(cluster_louvain(g))] V(g)$color <- "black" V(g)$size <- 30 V(g)$stroke <- 2 E(g)$color <- "#AEAEAE" roughnet(g,width = 960,height = 600)

You can save the plot with the function save_roughnet() (needs {{pagedown}} to be installed.)


p <- roughnet(g,width = 960,height = 600) save_roughnet(p,"karate.png")

Extended Example

The package also allows to place labels in or around vertices and implements some custom vertex shapes.


library(signnet) library(graphlayouts) library(dplyr)

data("avatar") # Allies/Enemies relations in Avatar: The Last Airbender

main <- induced_subgraph(avatar,which(V(avatar)$main)) #only use the main characters

#calculate layout w <- ifelse(E(main)$sign==1,3,1) xy <- layout_with_stress(main,weights = 1/w)

V(main)$x <- xy[,1] V(main)$y <- xy[,2]

V(main)$fill <- case_when(V(main)$affiliation=="earth kingdom""#8B6914", V(main)$affiliation=="fire nation""#CD2626", V(main)$affiliation=="water tribe""white", V(main)$affiliation=="air nomad""#98F5FF", TRUE~"grey" )

V(main)$color <- case_when(V(main)$affiliation=="earth kingdom""#8B6914", V(main)$affiliation=="fire nation""#CD2626", V(main)$affiliation=="water tribe""#1874CD", V(main)$affiliation=="air nomad""#98F5FF", TRUE~"grey" )

V(main)$shape <- case_when(V(main)$affiliation=="earth kingdom""earth", V(main)$affiliation=="fire nation""fire", V(main)$affiliation=="water tribe""water", V(main)$affiliation=="air nomad""air", TRUE~"circle" )

E(main)$width <- ifelse(E(main)$sign==1,1.2,0.3) E(main)$color <- ifelse(E(main)$sign==1,"#228B22","#CD3278") V(main)$label <- V(main)$name

position labels in the (c)enter of the vertex or (n)orth, (e)ast, (s)outh, or (w)est of it

V(main)$pos <- c("n","s","s","s","s","e","n","e","s","n")

roughnet(main, width = 600, height=600, font = "30px Herculanum")