A Complete CI/CD Solution | GitHub (original) (raw)

Scale fast with thousands of pre-built CI/CD workflows

Go from builds to deployments with CI/CD templates from leading DevOps organizations like Red Hat, OpenShift, Docker, and more. Get started with more than 14,000 workflows in the GitHub Marketplace.

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Powerful CI/CD

with GitHub Enterprise

The complete developer platform to build, scale, and deliver secure software.


Turn code into the software

Unified development platform

Access code, collaboration, packages, CI/CD and more all from a single platform.

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Container and package management

Keep containers and packages in a centralized and private registry.

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Rich integration ecosystem

Easily integrate third-party tools and services you need on GitHub.

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Always-on scanning

Keep code, dependencies, and tokens secure with always-on testing.

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Security scorecards

Shift left with automated security testing that flag supply chain risks.

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Language and platform agnostic

Support for all major platforms, languages, and development frameworks.

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Multi-container testing

Secure multi-container applications with powerful automated testing.

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Fast feedback loops

Alerting on commits for integration testing and performance.

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Governance & compliance

Reduce risks by automating policy enforcement and assigning permissions.

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Build matrix testing

Simultaneously test on Linux, Windows, and macOS with support for any development framework or language.

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Ship with confidence

Powerful GitHub-hosted runners

MacOS, Linux, and Windows, with x86 and ARM available for self-hosted runners.

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OpenID Connect

Centralize security with your cloud provider of choice.

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Deployment protection rules

Set deployment rules to mitigate risk.

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Production environment provisioning

Automatically provision production environments on every release.

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End-to-end traceability

Track application and infrastructure performance with dynamic logging and extensive APIs.

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Resources & insights