GitHub - tc39/proposal-discard-binding: Proposal to introduce discard bindings to ECMAScript (original) (raw)

void Discard Bindings for ECMAScript

This proposal seeks to introduce to ECMAScript the use of void as a "discard" binding when used in place of a_BindingIdentifier_ or Elision in numerous constructs.


Stage: 1
Champion: Ron Buckton (@rbuckton)
Last Presented: (none)

For more information see the TC39 proposal process.


Overview and Motivations

Starting in 2018, the Explicit Resource Management proposal had been proposed to include abindingless form that would allow you to enter a resource management scope for either a pre-existing disposable resource instance or one that required no user-reachable reference, such as a lock on a mutex. Before the feature was cut during Stage 2, it looked something like the following:

{ // lock is initialized and tracked for disposal, but no binding is declared using void = new UniqueLock(mutex);


} // lock is released

This idea for a bindingless form was not cut because it wasn't useful or needed, but because there are broader use cases for a "discard" binding that weren't unique to using declarations and warranted a full proposal of its own.

There are a number of potential use cases for "discard" bindings that this proposal seeks to investigate:

Prior Art


While most languages with the concept of discards use a single underscore (_) to denote the discard, the _ character is a valid Identifier in ECMAScript. Past discussion has shown that there is significant reticence to repurposing any valid existing Identifier, and such a change would more than likely be a web-incompatible breaking change to the language.

Instead, this proposal hopes to adopt the void keyword for this purpose given that it has a roughly analogous semantic meaning when used with expressions, where void foo() evaluates foo() and discards the return value. In the case of assignment patterns, a bare void would likely require either a cover grammar or a Static Semantics rule to disambiguate it from a normal void expression when it is not part of an assignment.

Variable Declarations

using Declarations

In its simplest form, a void discard binding can be used in place of a BindingIdentifier in any variable declaration. Generally, this is primarily useful with using and await using declarations:

using void = new UniqueLock(mutex);

var/let/const Declarations

Discard bindings would not be supported at the top level of var/let/const declarations.

const void = bar(); // syntax error

Object Binding and Assignment Patterns

For object binding patterns, a discard binding has the benefit of allowing developers to explicitly exclude properties from rest bindings (...) without needing to introduce throw-away temporary variables for that purpose:

const { z: void, ...obj1 } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }; obj1; // { x: 1, y: 2 }

let obj2; ({ z: void, ...obj2 } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }); obj2; // { x: 1, y: 2 }

Array Binding and Assignment Patterns

Discard bindings in array patterns provide two useful capabilities as they can act as a more explicit indicator of elision and they can help to avoid trailing , confusion:

function* gen() { for (let i = 0; i < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; i++) { console.log(i); yield i; } }

const iter = gen(); const [a, , ] = iter; // prints: // 0 // 1

Here, it is not clear to the reader whether the author intended to consume two or three elements from the generator, and thus this could be a bug. Discard bindings help to make the intent far more apparent:

const [a, void] = iter; // author intends to consume two elements // vs. const [a, void, void] = iter; // author intends to consume three elements


void discard bindings in parameter declarations help to avoid needing to give a name to parameters that might be unused by a callback or an overridden method of a subclass:

// project an array values into an array of indices const indices =, i) => i);

// passing a callback to Map.prototype.forEach that only cares about keys map.forEach((void, key) => { });

// watching a specific known file for events fs.watchFile(fileName, (void, kind) => { });

// ignoring unused parameters in an overridden method class Logger { log(timestamp, message) { console.log(${timestamp}: ${message}); } }

class CustomLogger extends Logger { log(void, message) { // this logger doesn't use the timestamp... } }

While trivial cases could use an identifier like _, this becomes more cumbersome when dealing with multiple discarded parameters:

doWork((_, a, _1, _2, b) => {}); // vs. doWork((void, a, void, void, b) => { });


The Extractors proposal does not currently include void discards and intends to rely on this proposal for their introduction. In the context of extractors, a void discard binding would have similar syntax as what is proposed forArray Binding Patterns:

const msg = new Message("subject", "body"); const Message(void, body) = msg;

Extractors would also leverage discards in nested Object Binding Patterns and Array Binding Patterns:

const IsoDate = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/; const IsoDate([void, year, month, day]) = text;

Pattern Matching

The Pattern Matching proposal is interested in introducing "discard patterns" which are irrefutable patterns (e.g, they always match). Discard patterns are extremely useful for matching a specific properties on an object without needing match specific values or depend on custom matchers:

match (shape) { when { x: void, y: void }: drawPoint(shape); when { p1: void, p2: void }: drawLine(shape); when { p: void, r: void }: drawCircle(shape); when { p: void, r1: void, r2: void }: drawEllipse(shape); when { p: void, h: void, w: void }: drawRectangle(shape); }

It should be noted that the Pattern Matching proposal champions are reticent to include discard patterns without a consistent syntax for discards in destructuring, and thus this proposal serves to address the cross-cutting concerns for discards within the language.

Other Forms

catch Clauses

This proposal is not actively pursuing discard bindings for catch clauses as bindingless catch already exists and its adoption did not face the same complexities as other bindingless forms have, since catch could simply elide the() portion of the clause.

Imports and Exports

This proposal is not actively pursuing discard bindings for imports or exports as there does not appear to be any merit in their inclusion. A bindingless form of import already exits (i.e., import "module") and there is no concept of "rest" (...) imports or re-exports that would warrant a discard binding to elide specific named imports or exports.

Function and Class Names

This proposal is not actively prusuing discard bindings for function or class names, as those syntactic forms already have a well-defined syntax for discarding the binding by simply eliding the identifier.


A void discard binding would not introduce a new binding in either the var-scoped names or lexicially declared names of the current environment record. However, relevant initializers in those bindings would still be evaluated and, in the case of using and await using declarations, tracked for future cleanup.

A void discard in an assignment pattern would perform the same algorithm steps that would be run for an_IdentifierReference_ in the same position, except that no assignment would be made.

A void discard in pattern matching would always succeed.


Please refer to the specification text for the formal grammar for this proposal.

The proposed grammar is intended to cover the following examples:

var [void] = x; // via: BindingPattern :: void var {x:void}; // via: BindingPattern :: void

let [void] = x; // via: BindingPattern :: void let {x:void}; // via: BindingPattern :: void

const [void] = x; // via: BindingPattern :: void const {x:void} = x; // via: BindingPattern :: void

function f(void) {} // via: BindingPattern :: void function f([void]) {} // via: BindingPattern :: void function f({x:void}) {} // via: BindingPattern :: void

((void) => {}); // via: BindingPattern :: void (([void]) => {}); // via: BindingPattern :: void (({x:void}) => {}); // via: BindingPattern :: void

using void = x; // via: LexicalBinding : void Initializer await using void = x; // via: LexicalBinding : void Initializer

[void] = x; // via: DestructuringAssignmentTarget : void ({x:void} = x); // via: DestructuringAssignmentTarget : void

Note that

is disallowed because void is not part of the refinement of LeftHandSideExpression to AssignmentPattern in13.15.5 Destructuring Assignment.

Also note that

is disallowed because void is not part of the refinement of CoverVoidExpressionAndVoidDiscard.

NOTE: The LexicalBinding grammar is a diff from the proposed grammar for Explicit Resource Management, as found in the proposal diff here:


Q. Wouldn't {} be sufficient? For example, using {} = x instead of using void = x?

No, {} is not sufficient for multiple reasons. First, using declarations do not permit the use of binding patterns, so {} is not legal in that context. Second, {} requires that the right-hand side be neither null nor undefined. Not only do using declarations expressly allow the use of null and undefined as resources, but any value you might want to discard from a binding could potentially be either null or undefined.

Q. Why use the void keyword? Why not use another keyword or a new token?

The syntax space within ECMAScript is fairly limited. Many operator-like tokens already have a well defined semantic meaning that do not align with the concept of a "discard". We cannot introduce a new keyword as it could potentially conflict with existing identifiers, and there is well-established guidance that proposals should not introduce such conflicts. That leaves us with a limited set of established keywords that we could repurpose for this use without conflicting with their other use. Since it is a good practice for a keyword to maintain a consistent semantic meaning in all contexts, we chose void as it remains consistent with how void is already used in the language. A void expression evaluates its operand and discards the result. A void binding would evaluate its Initializer, read from its associated property, or read an element from an iterator, and then also discards the result.

That said, we welcome additional suggestions that align with these principles.

Q. Why does pattern matching need discards?

One of the main benefits of pattern matching is to be able to execute conditional logic based on the shape of your input. For example:

match (p) {
  when { x: number, y: Number }: print("p is a point");

In this example, the pattern matches against p when it has both x and y properties and when the values for both properties are are Number values. But how would you test for property existance without caring about its type? Without a "discard" pattern, you're left with a number of poor options.

You could match a property using both a condition and its complement:

match (p) { when { x: null or not null, y: null or not null }: ...; }

However, this is very wordy and not very discoverable.

You could match a property and introduce a temporary variable:

match (p) { when { x: let _, y: let _ }: ...; }

However, this introduces another unnecessary temporary variable and is again not very discoverable.

Finally, you could introduce a custom matcher:

const Discard = { Symbol.matcher { return true; } };

match (p) { when { x: Discard, y: Discard }: ...; }

However, this introduces additional overhead as you must evaluate user code.

Instead, void patterns are both discoverable, due to their consistent semantic menaing, and do not have runtime overhead from evaluating user code:

match (p) { when { x: void, y: void }: ...; }

As pattern matching is still at Stage 1, its possible it could choose to implement void discards purely as bindings using let patterns:

match (p) { when { x: let void, y: let void }: ...; }

In either case, the semantic meaning would remain consistent.


using Declarations

{ using void = new UniqueLock(mutex); // binding would otherwise be unused ... } // lock is disposed

Explicit Replacement for Elision in Array Destructuring

const [, a, , b] = ar; // skip using elision const [void, a, void, b] = ar; // skip using void

const [a, b, , ] = iter; // exaust three elements from iterable const [a, b, void] = iter; // same, but with void

Elide Properties from Rest (...) Patterns in Object Destructuring

const { z: void, ...obj } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }; obj; // { x: y, y: 2 }

Explicit Elision in Extractors

const Color(void, void, g) = c; // skip r and b components

Discard Pattern for Pattern Matching

match (obj) { when { x: void, y: void }: usePoint(obj); }


The following is a high-level list of tasks to progress through each stage of the TC39 proposal process:

Stage 1 Entrance Criteria

Stage 2 Entrance Criteria

Stage 2.7 Entrance Criteria

Stage 3 Entrance Criteria

Stage 4 Entrance Criteria