GitHub - theicenet/theicenet-cryptography: TheIceNet cryptography library (original) (raw)
TheIceNet Cryptography library
TheIceNet Cryptography is a library which makes easy to develop cryptography-based, production-grade Spring Boot applications.
The library homogenises how to use and invoke the similar families of cryptography primitives. TheIceNet Cryptography makes the consumer code agnostic from the underlying cryptography algorithm used, so it makes easy to switch the cryptography configuration or even the cryptography algorithm without affecting the consuming code.
TheIceNet Cryptography fully integrates with Spring Boot, making it easy and seamless to use cryptography in any Spring Boot based applications.
Though TheIceNet Cryptography stands out in Spring Boot based applications, it can also be used in vanilla Java applications. The main cryptographic modules theicenet-cryptography-module
is 100% Spring agnostic, and so, this module can be easily be used in any non Spring based application.
Table of contents
- TheIceNet Cryptography structure
- TheIceNet Cryptography supported algorithms
- Getting Started
- How to use TheIceNet Cryptography library
- Key generation
* Symmetric cryptography
* Generate random AES secret key
* Asymmetric cryptography
* Generate random RSA key pair
* Generate random DSA key pair
* Generate random ECDSA key pair
* Generate random ECDH key pair - Key agreement over an insecure channel
* Key agreement with ECDH - Password Based Key Derivation (PBKD)
* Password based key derivation with PBKDF2 from string/byte array
* Password based key derivation with Scrypt from string/byte array
* Password based key derivation with Argon2 from string/byte array - Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE)
* Password authenticated key exchange with SRP6 version 6a - Encrypt / Decrypt
* Symmetric cryptography
* Encrypt/Decrypt byte array/stream with AES and ECB block mode of operation
* Encrypt/Decrypt byte array/stream with AES and IV based block mode of operation
* Encrypt/Decrypt byte array/stream with AES and AEAD based block mode of operation
* Encrypt/Decrypt byte array/stream with the 'easy to use' AES cipher
* Asymmetric cryptography
* Encrypt/Decrypt with RSA - Signature generation
* Generate/Verify signature for a byte array/stream with RSA
* Generate/Verify signature for a byte array/stream with DSA
* Generate/Verify signature for a byte array/stream with ECDSA - Hash generation
* Generate hash of byte array/stream - Message authentication code generation
* MAC generation - Secure random data generation
* Generate secure random data
- Key generation
There are four modules in TheIceNet Cryptography library, here is a quick overview of them:
- theicenet-cryptography-spring-boot-starter -> Spring Boot starter module which provides TheIceNet Cryptography library with full and seamless integration in any Spring Boot application.
- theicenet-cryptography-module -> Main cryptography module which provides with the foundations and cryptography components. TheIceNet Cryptography library can be enabled as well in vanilla Java application by just adding this module to your package manager. (The use of TheIceNet Cryptography library in vanilla Java applications is not included in this documentation)
- theicenet-cryptography-acceptance-tests -> TheIceNet Cryptography library acceptance tests.
- theicenet-cryptography-test-support -> Utilities to help and support on different levels of the library automatic testing.
Symmetric cryptography supported algorithms
TheIceNet Cryptography library can work with the next symmetric cryptography algorithms,
- Key Generation
- Encrypt / Decrypt
* Non IV based block Modes of Operation: ECB
* IV based block Modes of Operation: CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, GCM
* AEAD based block Modes of Operation: GCM
- MAC generation
* HmacSHA1
* HmacSHA224
* HmacSHA256
* HmacSHA384
* HmacSHA512
Asymmetric cryptography supported algorithms
TheIceNet Cryptography library can work with the next asymmetric cryptography algorithms,
- Key Generation
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv1 -> 192 bits, 239 bits and 256 bits
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv2 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv3 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve secpXXXk1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits and 256 bits
* Elliptic curve secpXXXr1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
* Elliptic curve P_XXX -> 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv1 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv2 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv3 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXw1 -> 176 bits, 208 bits, 272 bits, 304 bits and 368 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv1 -> 191 bits, 239 bits and 359 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv2 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv3 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXr1 -> 431 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXk1 -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 239 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXr1 -> 163 bits, 193 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXr2 -> 163 bits and 193 bits
* Elliptic curve B_XXX -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve brainpoolpXXXr1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
* Elliptic curve brainpoolpXXXt1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits - ECDH
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv1 -> 192 bits, 239 bits and 256 bits
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv2 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve primeXXXv3 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve secpXXXk1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits and 256 bits
* Elliptic curve secpXXXr1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
* Elliptic curve P_XXX -> 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv1 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv2 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXv3 -> 163 bits
* Elliptic curve c2pnbXXXw1 -> 176 bits, 208 bits, 272 bits, 304 bits and 368 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv1 -> 191 bits, 239 bits and 359 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv2 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXv3 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
* Elliptic curve c2tnbXXXr1 -> 431 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXk1 -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 239 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXr1 -> 163 bits, 193 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve sectXXXr2 -> 163 bits and 193 bits
* Elliptic curve B_XXX -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
* Elliptic curve brainpoolpXXXr1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
* Elliptic curve brainpoolpXXXt1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
- Key agreement
- Encrypt / Decrypt
* NoPadding
* PKCS1Padding
* OAEPWithMD5AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA224AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA384AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA512AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA3_224AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA3_256AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA3_384AndMGF1Padding
* OAEPWithSHA3_512AndMGF1Padding
* ISO9796_1Padding
- Signature generation/verification
* NonewithRSA
* RIPEMD128withRSA
* RIPEMD160withRSA
* RIPEMD256withRSA
* SHA1withRSA
* SHA224withRSA
* SHA256withRSA
* SHA384withRSA
* SHA512withRSA
* SHA3_224withRSA
* SHA3_256withRSA
* SHA3_384withRSA
* SHA3_512withRSA
* SHA1withRSAandMGF1
* SHA256withRSAandMGF1
* SHA384withRSAandMGF1
* SHA512withRSAandMGF1
* SHA224withRSA_PSS
* SHA256withRSA_PSS
* SHA384withRSA_PSS
* SHA512withRSA_PSS - DSA
* SHA1withDSA
* SHA224withDSA
* SHA256withDSA
* SHA384withDSA
* SHA512withDSA
* SHA3_224withDSA
* SHA3_256withDSA
* SHA3_384withDSA
* SHA3_512withDSA - ECDSA
* NoneWithECDSA
* SHA224withECDSA
* SHA256withECDSA
* SHA384withECDSA
* SHA512withECDSA
* SHA3_224withECDSA
* SHA3_256withECDSA
* SHA3_384withECDSA
* SHA3_512withECDSA
Hashing supported algorithms
TheIceNet Cryptography library can work with the next hashing algorithms,
- Hash generation
- MD5
- SHA_1
- SHA_224
- SHA_256
- SHA_384
- SHA_512
- SHA3_224
- SHA3_256
- SHA3_384
- SHA3_512
- KECCAK_224
- KECCAK_256
- KECCAK_288
- KECCAK_384
- KECCAK_512
- Whirlpool
- Tiger
- SM3
- Blake2b_160
- Blake2b_256
- Blake2b_384
- Blake2b_512
- Blake2s_128
- Blake2s_160
- Blake2s_224
- Blake2s_256
Password Based Key Derivation supported algorithms
TheIceNet Cryptography library can work with the next PBKD algorithms,
- Password based key derivation (PBKD)
* PBKDF2WithHmac
* SHA1
* SHA256
* SHA512
* SHA3_256
* SHA3_512 - Scrypt
- Argon2
* Type
* Version
Password Authenticated Key Exchange supported algorithms
TheIceNet Cryptography library can work with the next PAKE algorithms,
- Augmented PAKE
- Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP) version 6a (as described in the RFC 5054 specification)
Random data generation support
TheIceNet Cryptography library can generate the next type of random data,
- Random data generation
- Initialization Vector (IV) generation
- Salt generation
TheIceNet Cryptography library requirements
- Java 11 or later
- Spring Boot 2.0.0 or later
- Maven 3.2+ or Gradle 4+
Installing TheIceNet Cryptography library
To enable TheIceNet Cryptography library in a Spring Boot application, we'll just need to add the theicenet-cryptography-spring-boot-starter dependency to our package manager.
In Maven:
For Java 11+
For Java 17+
In Gradle
For Java 11+
compile group: 'com.theicenet', name: 'theicenet-cryptography-spring-boot-starter', version: '1.2.2'
For Java 17+
compile group: 'com.theicenet', name: 'theicenet-cryptography-spring-boot-starter', version: '1.3.2'
Building TheIceNet Cryptography library
TheIceNet Cryptography library uses Maven as building tool. To build the library follow the next steps,
- Clone the repository
- Change to the library root folder
cd theicenet-cryptography
- Build the library
Thread Safety
All components in the TheIceNet Cryptography library are unconditionally thread safe
. Any of the components described throughout this documentation can be safely injected in a @Singleton
scope, and invoked by any number of threads concurrently or consecutively.
TheIceNet Cryptography library does not make use of any shared mutable state
. Because of this, the thread safety provided by the library doesn't require to use any lock or synchronization mechanism at all. This means that TheIceNet Cryptography library does not introduce any penalization in terms of throughput in order to achieve the unconditionally thread safety
How to use TheIceNet Cryptography library
Generate random AES secret key
import com.theicenet.cryptography.key.symmetric.SymmetricKeyService; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SymmetricKeyService aesKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("AESKey") SymmetricKeyService aesKeyService) { this.aesKeyService = aesKeyService; }
public void generateSecretKey() { // Generate an AES key with 256 bits length SecretKey secretKey = aesKeyService.generateKey(256); // RAW format secretKey } }
Generate random RSA key pair
import com.theicenet.cryptography.key.asymmetric.AsymmetricKeyService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final AsymmetricKeyService asymmetricKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("RSAKey") AsymmetricKeyService asymmetricKeyService) { this.asymmetricKeyService = asymmetricKeyService; }
public void generateRandomKeyPair() { // Generate a key with 1024 bits length KeyPair keyPair = asymmetricKeyService.generateKey(1024);
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); // X.509 format publicKey
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); // PKCS#8 format privateKey
} }
Generate random DSA key pair
import com.theicenet.cryptography.key.asymmetric.AsymmetricKeyService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final AsymmetricKeyService asymmetricKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("DSAKey") AsymmetricKeyService asymmetricKeyService) { this.asymmetricKeyService = asymmetricKeyService; }
public void generateRandomKeyPair() { // Generate a key with 1024 bits length KeyPair keyPair = asymmetricKeyService.generateKey(1024);
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); // X.509 format publicKey
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); // PKCS#8 format privateKey
} }
Generate random ECDSA key pair
import com.theicenet.cryptography.key.asymmetric.AsymmetricKeyService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("ECDSAKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaKeyService) { this.ecdsaKeyService = ecdsaKeyService; }
public void generateRandomKeyPair() { // Generate key with 256 bits length KeyPair keyPair = ecdsaKeyService.generateKey(256);
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); // X.509 format publicKey
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); // PKCS#8 format privateKey
} }
The curve
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdsa: curve: secpXXXk1
Multiple ECDSA key generators for different curves
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the curves
you wish to create ciphers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdsa: curve: secpXXXk1, P_XXX, brainpoolpXXXr1
If only one single curve
is specified in the application.yml
, then the ECDSA key generator must be injected by,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdsa: curve: secpXXXk1
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSAKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaKeyService;
The @Qualifier is required even if one single curve
is specified.
If multiple curves
are specified in the application.yml
, then the key generator for each specific curve
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSAKey_${curve}") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaKeyService;
Where ${curve}
must be replaced by the curve
to inject,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdsa: curve: secpXXXk1, P_XXX, brainpoolpXXXr1
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSAKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaSecpXXXk1KeyService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSAKey_P_XXX") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaPXXXKeyService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSAKey_brainpoolpXXXr1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdsaBrainpoolpXXXr1KeyService;
The supported curves and their provided key lengths are,
- primeXXXv1 -> 192 bits, 239 bits and 256 bits
- primeXXXv2 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
- primeXXXv3 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
- secpXXXk1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits and 256 bits
- secpXXXr1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
- P_XXX -> 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
- c2pnbXXXv1 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXv2 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXv3 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXw1 -> 176 bits, 208 bits, 272 bits, 304 bits and 368 bits
- c2tnbXXXv1 -> 191 bits, 239 bits and 359 bits
- c2tnbXXXv2 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
- c2tnbXXXv3 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
- c2tnbXXXr1 -> 431 bits
- sectXXXk1 -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 239 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- sectXXXr1 -> 163 bits, 193 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- sectXXXr2 -> 163 bits and 193 bits
- B_XXX -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- brainpoolpXXXr1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
- brainpoolpXXXt1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
Generate random ECDH key pair
import com.theicenet.cryptography.key.asymmetric.AsymmetricKeyService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final AsymmetricKeyService ecdhKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("ECDHKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhKeyService) { this.ecdhKeyService = ecdhKeyService; }
public void generateRandomKeyPair() { // Generate a key with 256 bits length KeyPair keyPair = ecdhKeyService.generateKey(256);
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); // X.509 format publicKey
PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); // PKCS#8 format privateKey
} }
The curve
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdh: curve: secpXXXk1
Multiple ECDH key generators for different curves
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the curves
you wish to create ciphers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdh: curve: secpXXXk1, P_XXX, brainpoolpXXXr1
If only one single curve
is specified in the application.yml
, then the ECDH key generator must be injected by,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdh: curve: secpXXXk1
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDHKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhKeyService;
The @Qualifier is required even if one single curve
is specified.
If multiple curves
are specified in the application.yml
, then the key generator for each specific curve
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDHKey_${curve}") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhKeyService;
Where ${curve}
must be replaced by the curve
to inject,
cryptography: key: asymmetric: ecc: ecdh: curve: secpXXXk1, P_XXX, brainpoolpXXXr1
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDHKey_secpXXXk1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhSecpXXXk1KeyService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDHKey_P_XXX") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhPXXXKeyService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDHKey_brainpoolpXXXr1") AsymmetricKeyService ecdhBrainpoolpXXXr1KeyService;
The supported curves and their provided key lengths are,
- primeXXXv1 -> 192 bits, 239 bits and 256 bits
- primeXXXv2 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
- primeXXXv3 -> 192 bits and 239 bits
- secpXXXk1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits and 256 bits
- secpXXXr1 -> 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
- P_XXX -> 224 bits, 256 bits, 384 bits and 521 bits
- c2pnbXXXv1 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXv2 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXv3 -> 163 bits
- c2pnbXXXw1 -> 176 bits, 208 bits, 272 bits, 304 bits and 368 bits
- c2tnbXXXv1 -> 191 bits, 239 bits and 359 bits
- c2tnbXXXv2 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
- c2tnbXXXv3 -> 191 bits and 239 bits
- c2tnbXXXr1 -> 431 bits
- sectXXXk1 -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 239 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- sectXXXr1 -> 163 bits, 193 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- sectXXXr2 -> 163 bits and 193 bits
- B_XXX -> 163 bits, 233 bits, 283 bits, 409 bits and 571 bits
- brainpoolpXXXr1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
- brainpoolpXXXt1 -> 160 bits, 192 bits, 224 bits, 256 bits, 320 bits, 384 bits and 512 bits
Key agreement with ECDH
import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.KeyAgreementService; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final KeyAgreementService keyAgreementService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(KeyAgreementService keyAgreementService) { this.keyAgreementService = keyAgreementService; }
public void generateSharedSecret(KeyPair ecdhKeyPairAlice, KeyPair ecdhKeyPairBob) {
byte[] aliceSharedSecret =
byte[] bobSharedSecret =
// aliceSharedSecret == bobSharedSecret
} }
Password based key derivation with PBKDF2 from string or byte array
import com.theicenet.cryptography.pbkd.PBKDKeyService; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("PBKDF2") PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService) { this.pbkdKeyService = pbkdKeyService; }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromStringPassword(String password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a 256 bits length secret key SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromByteArrayPassword(byte[] password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a secret key from password SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); } }
The configuration to derive a PBKDF2 key, can be set in the application.yml
cryptography: keyDerivationFunction: pbkdF2WithHmacSHA: shaAlgorithm: SHA512 iterations: 65535
The supported shaAlgorithm
algorithms to derivate a PBKDF2 key are,
- SHA1
- SHA256
- SHA512
- SHA3_256
- SHA3_512
Password based key derivation with Scrypt from string or byte array
import com.theicenet.cryptography.pbkd.PBKDKeyService; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("PBKDSCrypt") PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService) { this.pbkdKeyService = pbkdKeyService; }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromStringPassword(String password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a 256 bits length secret key SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromByteArrayPassword(byte[] password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a secret key from password SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); } }
The configuration to derive a Scrypt key, can be set in the application.yml
cryptography: keyDerivationFunction: scrypt: cpuMemoryCost: 32768 blockSize: 8 parallelization: 2
Password based key derivation with Argon2 from string or byte array
import com.theicenet.cryptography.pbkd.PBKDKeyService; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("PBKDArgon2") PBKDKeyService pbkdKeyService) { this.pbkdKeyService = pbkdKeyService; }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromStringPassword(String password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a 256 bits length secret key SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); }
public void derivateSecretKeyFromByteArrayPassword(byte[] password, byte[] salt) { // Derivates a secret key from password SecretKey secretKey = pbkdKeyService.generateKey(password, salt, 256); } }
The configuration to derive a Argon2 key, can be set in the application.yml
cryptography: keyDerivationFunction: argon2: type: ARGON2_ID version: ARGON2_VERSION_13 iterations: 2 memoryPowOfTwo: 18 parallelism: 2
The supported argon2's types
The supported argon2's versions
Password Authenticated Key Exchange with SRP6 version 6a
import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.SRP6ClientService; import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.pake.srp.v6a.SRP6ClientValuesA; import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.SRP6ServerService; import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.pake.srp.v6a.SRP6ServerValuesB; import com.theicenet.cryptography.keyagreement.SRP6VerifierService; import com.theicenet.cryptography.random.SecureRandomDataService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SRP6VerifierService srp6VerifierService; private final SRP6ClientService srp6ClientService; private final SRP6ServerService srp6ServerService; private final SecureRandomDataService secureRandomDataService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("SRP6Verifier") SRP6VerifierService srp6VerifierService, @Qualifier("SRP6Client") SRP6ClientService srp6ClientService, @Qualifier("SRP6Server") SRP6ServerService srp6ServerService, @Qualifier("SecureRandomData") SecureRandomDataService secureRandomDataService) {
this.srp6VerifierService = srp6VerifierService;
this.srp6ClientService = srp6ClientService;
this.srp6ServerService = srp6ServerService;
this.secureRandomDataService = secureRandomDataService;
public void singsUpAndSignsInUsingSRP6(byte[] identity, byte[] password) { /********************* SIGN UP PROCESS ****************************/
// Clients generates a salt
final byte[] salt = secureRandomDataService.generateSecureRandomData(16);
// Client produces the verifier.
final byte[] signUpVerifier =
srp6VerifierService.generateVerifier(salt, identity, password);
// Client signs up into the server by sending (signUpVerifier, identity, salt) to the server
// which stores (signUpVerifier, salt) indexed by identity
/********************* SIGN IN PROCESS ****************************/
// The client sends to the server identity which is attempting to sign in
// The server fetches the verifier & salt (by identity) and generates the server's b and B values
final SRP6ServerValuesB serverValuesB = srp6ServerService.computeValuesB(signUpVerifier);
// The server sends to the client (serverValuesB#serverPublicValueB, salt)
// Client generates the client's a and A values
final SRP6ClientValuesA clientValuesA = srp6ClientService.computeValuesA();
// The client generates the client's pre-master secret S
final byte[] clientS =
// Client generates client's M1
final byte[] clientM1 =
// Client sends (clientValuesA#clientPublicValueA, M1) to the server
// Server generates the server's pre-master secret S
final byte[] serverS =
// Server validates the received client's M1
final boolean isClientM1Valid =
// If received client's M1 is invalid then the server will abort the singing in process at this point
// If received client's M1 is valid then the server generates the server's M2
final byte[] serverM2 =
// The server sends the server's M2 to the client
// Client validates the received server's M2
final boolean isServerM2Valid =
// If received server's M2 is invalid then client will abort the singing in process at this point
// If received client's M1 and server's M2 are both valid, then the SRP6 authentication has been
// successful and the client and server can generate the shared session key
final byte[] clientSessionKey = srp6ClientService.computeSessionKey(clientS);
final byte[] serverSessionKey = srp6ServerService.computeSessionKey(serverS);
} }
The standard group (N,g)
and hashing
algorithm to use for the SRP6 can be set in the application.yml
cryptography: pake: srp: v6a: standardGroup: SG_2048 digest: algorithm: SHA_256
For SRP6 injection can be simplified to just,
@Autowired SRP6VerifierService srp6VerifierService;
@Autowired SRP6ClientService srp6ClientService;
@Autowired SRP6ServerService srp6ServerService;
The SRP6's supported standard groups (N, g)
- SG_1024 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_1536 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_2048 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_3072 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_4096 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_6144 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
- SG_8192 //Origin RFC 5054, appendix A (
The SRP6's supported hashing
algorithms are any of the supported by the library
Encrypt and decrypt byte array or stream with AES and ECB block mode of operation
import com.theicenet.cryptography.cipher.symmetric.SymmetricNonIVCipherService; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SymmetricNonIVCipherService aesCipherService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("AESNonIVCipher_ECB") SymmetricNonIVCipherService aesCipherService) { this.aesCipherService = aesCipherService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void encryptByteArray(SecretKey secretKey, byte[] clearContent) { byte[] encryptedContent = aesCipherService.encrypt(secretKey, clearContent); }
public void decryptByteArray(SecretKey secretKey, byte[] encryptedContent) { byte[] clearContent = aesCipherService.decrypt(secretKey, encryptedContent); }
/** Stream **/
public void encryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, InputStream clearInputStream, OutputStream encryptedOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `encrypt` method returns
aesCipherService.encrypt(secretKey, clearInputStream, encryptedOutputStream);
public void decryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, InputStream encryptedInputStream, OutputStream clearOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `decrypt` method returns
aesCipherService.decrypt(secretKey, encryptedInputStream, clearOutputStream);
} }
The ECB blockMode
of operation must be set in the application.yml
for the cipher to be available.
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: ECB
For AES with ECB block mode of operation, injection can be simplified to just,
@Autowired SymmetricNonIVCipherService aesCipherService;
Encrypt and decrypt byte array or stream with AES and IV based block mode of operation
import com.theicenet.cryptography.cipher.symmetric.SymmetricIVCipherService; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SymmetricIVCipherService aesIVCipherService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_CBC") SymmetricIVCipherService aesIVCipherService) { this.aesIVCipherService = aesIVCipherService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void encryptByteArray( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, byte[] clearContent) {
byte[] encryptedContent =
aesIVCipherService.encrypt(secretKey, initializationVector, clearContent);
public void decryptByteArray( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, byte[] encryptedContent) {
byte[] clearContent =
aesIVCipherService.decrypt(secretKey, initializationVector, encryptedContent);
/** Stream **/
public void encryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, InputStream clearInputStream, OutputStream encryptedOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `encrypt` method returns
public void decryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, InputStream encryptedInputStream, OutputStream clearOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `decrypt` method returns
} }
The blockMode
of operation to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC
Multiple AES ciphers for different blockModes
of operation can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the different blockModes
of operation you wish to create ciphers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC, CRT, CFB
If only one single blockMode
of operation is specified in the application.yml
, then the AES cipher can be just injected by,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC
@Autowired SymmetricIVCipherService aesIVCipherService;
If multiple blockModes
of operation are specified in the application.yml
, then the cipher for each specific blockMode
of operation can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_${blockMode}") SymmetricIVCipherService aesIVCipherService;
Where ${blockMode}
must be replaced by the blockMode
of operation to inject,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC, CRT, CFB
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_CBC") SymmetricIVCipherService aesCBCIVCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_CRT") SymmetricIVCipherService aesCRTIVCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_CFB") SymmetricIVCipherService aesCFBIVCipherService;
Supported blockModes
of operation are,
Encrypt and decrypt byte array or stream with AES and AEAD based block mode of operation
import com.theicenet.cryptography.cipher.symmetric.SymmetricAEADCipherService; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SymmetricAEADCipherService aesCipherService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("AESAEADCipher_GCM") SymmetricAEADCipherService aesCipherService) { this.aesCipherService = aesCipherService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void encryptByteArray( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, byte[] clearContent, byte[]... associatedData) {
byte[] encryptedContent =
public void decryptByteArray( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, byte[] encryptedContent, byte[]... associatedData) {
byte[] clearContent =
/** Stream **/
public void encryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, InputStream clearInputStream, OutputStream encryptedOutputStream, byte[]... associatedData) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `encrypt` method returns
public void decryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, byte[] initializationVector, InputStream encryptedInputStream, OutputStream clearOutputStream, byte[]... associatedData) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `decrypt` method returns
} }
The GCM blockMode
of operation must be set in the application.yml
for the cipher to be available.
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: GCM
For AES with GCM block mode of operation, injection can be simplified to just,
@Autowired SymmetricAEADCipherService aesCipherService;
Encrypt and decrypt byte array or stream with the Easy to Use AES cipher
If you don't want to worry about the complexity, and the cumbersome of dealing with the different AES's block modes of operation and their specific particularities, and you just want an AES cipher which just receives the 'content to encrypt/decrypt' and the 'secret key', and, regardless of the block mode of operation, it works out the encrypted/decrypted, by managing transparently, any potentially required IV, for the chosen block mode of operation, then, you can just use the Easy to Use' AES cipher.
The 'Easy to Use' AES cipher can operate in all block modes of operation supported by the libraryand it only requires you provide with the 'content to encrypt/decrypt' and with the 'secret key' to use. Any other extra data/complexity required for the specific chosen block mode of operation, will be managed
transparently by the component.
When encrypting, if IV is required for the chosen block of operation, then, it will be generated on the fly and prefixed to the output, so the prefix of the output will be the IV, and the remaining will be the encrypted result.
When decrypting, if IV is required for the chosen block of operation, then, it must be prefixed in the input, so the prefix of the input will be the IV, and the remaining, will be the encrypted content to decrypt.
The 'encrypt' and 'decrypt' methods of the 'Easy to Use' AES cipher, ensure that the IV (when required) prefixed (to output)/read (from input) has identical size and structure, so the output of the 'encrypt' method can be passed with no alteration into the 'decrypt' method to produce back the clear content (as long as the 'secret key' used is the same).
import com.theicenet.cryptography.cipher.symmetric.SymmetricCipherService; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SymmetricCipherService aesCipherService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("AESCipher_CBC") SymmetricCipherService aesCipherService) { this.aesCipherService = aesCipherService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void encryptByteArray(SecretKey secretKey, byte[] clearContent) { byte[] encryptedContent = aesCipherService.encrypt(secretKey, clearContent); }
public void decryptByteArray(SecretKey secretKey, byte[] encryptedContent) { byte[] clearContent = aesCipherService.decrypt(secretKey, encryptedContent); }
/** Stream **/
public void encryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, InputStream clearInputStream, OutputStream encryptedOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `encrypt` method returns
public void decryptStream( SecretKey secretKey, InputStream encryptedInputStream, OutputStream clearOutputStream) {
// Input and output stream are flushed and closed before `decrypt` method returns
} }
The blockMode
of operation to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC
Multiple 'Easy to Use' AES ciphers for different blockModes
of operation can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the different blockModes
of operation you wish to create 'Easy to Use' AES ciphers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: ECB, CBC, GCM
If only one single blockMode
of operation is specified in the application.yml
, then the 'Easy to Use' AES cipher can be just injected by,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: CBC
@Autowired SymmetricCipherService aesCipherService;
If multiple blockModes
of operation are specified in the application.yml
, then the 'Easy to Use' AES cipher for each specific blockMode
of operation can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESCipher_${blockMode}") SymmetricCipherService aesCipherService;
Where ${blockMode}
must be replaced by the blockMode
of operation to inject,
cryptography: cipher: symmetric: aes: blockMode: ECB, CBC, GCM
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_ECB") SymmetricCipherService aesECBCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_CBC") SymmetricCipherService aesCBCCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("AESIVCipher_GCM") SymmetricCipherService aesGCMCipherService;
Supported blockModes
of operation for the 'Easy to Use' AES cipher are,
Encrypt and decrypt with RSA
import com.theicenet.cryptography.cipher.asymmetric.AsymmetricCipherService; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final AsymmetricCipherService asymmetricKeyService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("RSACipher_OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding") AsymmetricCipherService rsaCipherService) {
this.asymmetricKeyService = rsaCipherService;
public void encrypt(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] clearContent) { byte[] encryptedContent = asymmetricKeyService.encrypt(publicKey, clearContent); }
public void decrypt(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] encryptedContent) { byte[] clearContent = asymmetricKeyService.decrypt(privateKey, encryptedContent); } }
The padding
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: cipher: asymmetric: rsa: padding: OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding
Multiple RSA ciphers for different paddings
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the paddings
you wish to create ciphers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: cipher: asymmetric: rsa: padding: NoPadding, OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding, OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding
If only one single padding
is specified in the application.yml
, then the RSA cipher can be just injected by,
cryptography: cipher: asymmetric: rsa: padding: OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding
@Autowired AsymmetricCipherService rsaCipherService;
If multiple paddings
are specified in the application.yml
, then the cipher for each specific padding
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSACipher_${padding}") AsymmetricCipherService rsaCipherService;
Where ${padding}
must be replaced by the padding
to inject,
cryptography: cipher: asymmetric: rsa: padding: NoPadding, OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding, OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSACipher_NoPadding") AsymmetricCipherService rsaNoPaddingCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSACipher_OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding") AsymmetricCipherService rsaOAEPSHA1MGF1PaddingCipherService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSACipher_OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding") AsymmetricCipherService rsaOAEPSHA256MGF1PaddingaCipherService;
Supported padding
modes are,
- NoPadding
- PKCS1Padding
- OAEPWithMD5AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA1AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA224AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA384AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA512AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA3_224AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA3_256AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA3_384AndMGF1Padding
- OAEPWithSHA3_512AndMGF1Padding
- ISO9796_1Padding
Generate and verify signature for a byte array or stream with RSA
import com.theicenet.cryptography.signature.SignatureService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SignatureService rsaSignatureService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("RSASignature_SHA1withRSA") SignatureService rsaSignatureService) { this.rsaSignatureService = rsaSignatureService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void signByteArray(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] content) { byte[] signature = rsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, content); }
public void verifyByteArray(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] content, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = rsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, content, signature); }
/** Stream **/
public void signStream(PrivateKey privateKey, InputStream contentInputStream) { byte[] signature = rsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, contentInputStream); }
public void verifyStream(PublicKey publicKey, InputStream contentInputStream, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = rsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, contentInputStream, signature); } }
The algorithm
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: rsa: algorithm: SHA1withRSA
Multiple RSA signers for different algorithms
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the algorithms
you wish to create signers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: rsa: algorithm: SHA1withRSA, SHA256withRSA, RIPEMD256withRSA
If only one single algorithm
is specified in the application.yml
, then the RSA signer must injected by,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: rsa: algorithm: SHA1withRSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSASignature_SHA1withRSA") SignatureService rsaSignatureService;
The @Qualifier is required even if one single algorithm
is specified.
If multiple algorithms
are specified in the application.yml
, then the signer for each specific algorithm
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSASignature_${algorithm}") SignatureService rsaSignatureService;
Where ${algorithm}
must be replaced by the algorithm
to inject,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: rsa: algorithm: SHA1withRSA, SHA256withRSA, RIPEMD256withRSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSASignature_SHA1withRSA") SignatureService rsaSHA1SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSASignature_SHA256withRSA") SignatureService rsaSHA256SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("RSASignature_RIPEMD256withRSA") SignatureService rsaRIPEMD256SignatureService;
Supported algorithms
- NonewithRSA
- RIPEMD128withRSA
- RIPEMD160withRSA
- RIPEMD256withRSA
- SHA1withRSA
- SHA224withRSA
- SHA256withRSA
- SHA384withRSA
- SHA512withRSA
- SHA3_224withRSA
- SHA3_256withRSA
- SHA3_384withRSA
- SHA3_512withRSA
- SHA1withRSAandMGF1
- SHA256withRSAandMGF1
- SHA384withRSAandMGF1
- SHA512withRSAandMGF1
- SHA224withRSA_PSS
- SHA256withRSA_PSS
- SHA384withRSA_PSS
- SHA512withRSA_PSS
Generate and verify signature for a byte array or stream with DSA
import com.theicenet.cryptography.signature.SignatureService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SignatureService dsaSignatureService;
@Autowired public MyComponent(@Qualifier("DSASignature_SHA1withDSA") SignatureService dsaSignatureService) { this.dsaSignatureService = dsaSignatureService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void signByteArray(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] content) { byte[] signature = dsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, content); }
public void verifyByteArray(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] content, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = dsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, content, signature); }
/** Byte array **/
public void signStream(PrivateKey privateKey, InputStream contentInputStream) { byte[] signature = dsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, contentInputStream); }
public void verifyStream(PublicKey publicKey, InputStream contentInputStream, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = dsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, contentInputStream, signature); } }
The algorithm
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: dsa: algorithm: SHA1withDSA
Multiple DSA signers for different algorithms
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the algorithms
you wish to create signers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: dsa: algorithm: SHA1withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA512withDSA
If only one single algorithm
is specified in the application.yml
, then the DSA signer must be injected by,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: dsa: algorithm: SHA1withDSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("DSASignature_SHA1withDSA") SignatureService dsaSignatureService;
The @Qualifier is required even if one single algorithm
is specified.
If multiple algorithms
are specified in the application.yml
, then the signer for each specific algorithm
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("DSASignature_${algorithm}") SignatureService dsaSignatureService;
Where ${algorithm}
must be replaced by the algorithm
to inject,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: dsa: algorithm: SHA1withDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA512withDSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("DSASignature_SHA1withDSA") SignatureService dsaSHA1SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("DSASignature_SHA256withDSA") SignatureService dsaSHA256SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("DSASignature_SHA512withDSA") SignatureService dsaSHA512SignatureService;
Supported algorithm
- SHA1withDSA
- SHA224withDSA
- SHA256withDSA
- SHA384withDSA
- SHA512withDSA
- SHA3_224withDSA
- SHA3_256withDSA
- SHA3_384withDSA
- SHA3_512withDSA
Generate and verify signature for a byte array or stream with ECDSA
import com.theicenet.cryptography.signature.SignatureService; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SignatureService ecdsaSignatureService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_SHA1withECDSA") SignatureService ecdsaSignatureService) { this.ecdsaSignatureService = ecdsaSignatureService; }
/** Byte array **/
public void signByteArray(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] content) { byte[] signature = ecdsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, content); }
public void verifyByteArray(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] content, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = ecdsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, content, signature); }
/** Stream **/
public void signStream(PrivateKey privateKey, InputStream contentInputStream) { byte[] signature = ecdsaSignatureService.sign(privateKey, contentInputStream); }
public void verifyStream(PublicKey publicKey, InputStream contentInputStream, byte[] signature) { boolean isValidSignature = ecdsaSignatureService.verify(publicKey, contentInputStream, signature); } }
The algorithm
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: ecdsa: algorithm: SHA1withECDSA
Multiple ECDSA signers for different algorithms
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the algorithms
you wish to create signers for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: ecdsa: algorithm: SHA1withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA512withECDSA
If only one single algorithm
is specified in the application.yml
, then the ECDSA signer must be injected by,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: ecdsa: algorithm: SHA1withECDSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_SHA1withECDSA") SignatureService ecdsaSignatureService;
The @Qualifier is required even if one single algorithm
is specified.
If multiple algorithms
are specified in the application.yml
, then the signer for each specific algorithm
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_${algorithm}") SignatureService ecdsaSignatureService;
Where ${algorithm}
must be replaced by the algorithm
to inject,
cryptography: signature: asymmetric: ecdsa: algorithm: SHA1withECDSA, SHA256withECDSA, SHA512withECDSA
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_SHA1withDSA") SignatureService ecdsaSHA1SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_SHA256withDSA") SignatureService ecdsaSHA256SignatureService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("ECDSASignature_SHA512withDSA") SignatureService ecdsaSHA512SignatureService;
Supported algorithm
- NoneWithECDSA
- SHA224withECDSA
- SHA256withECDSA
- SHA384withECDSA
- SHA512withECDSA
- SHA3_224withECDSA
- SHA3_256withECDSA
- SHA3_384withECDSA
- SHA3_512withECDSA
Generate hash of byte array or stream
import com.theicenet.cryptography.digest.DigestService; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final DigestService digestService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("Digest_SHA_1") DigestService digestService) { this.digestService = digestService; }
public void digestByteArray(byte[] content) { byte[] hash = digestService.digest(content); }
public void digestStream(InputStream contentInputStream) {
// Input stream is flushed and closed before digest
method returns
byte[] hash = digestService.digest(contentInputStream);
The digest algorithm
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: digest: algorithm: SHA_1
Multiple digesters for different digest algorithms
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the digest algorithms
you wish to create a digester for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma,
cryptography: digest: algorithm: SHA_1, SHA_256, SHA_512
If only one single digest algorithm
is specified in the application.yml
, then the digester can be just injected by,
cryptography: digest: algorithm: SHA_1
@Autowired DigestService digestService;
If multiple digest algorithms
are specified in the application.yml
, then the digester for each specific digest algorithm
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("Digest_${algorithm}") DigestService digestService;
Where ${algorithm}
must be replaced by the digest algorithm
to inject,
cryptography: digest: algorithm: SHA_1, SHA_256, SHA_512
@Autowired @Qualifier("Digest_SHA_1") DigestService sha1DigestService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("Digest_SHA_256") DigestService sha256DigestService;
@Autowired @Qualifier("Digest_SHA_512") DigestService sha512DigestService;
Supported digest algorithms
- MD5
- SHA_1
- SHA_224
- SHA_256
- SHA_384
- SHA_512
- SHA3_224
- SHA3_256
- SHA3_384
- SHA3_512
- KECCAK_224
- KECCAK_256
- KECCAK_288
- KECCAK_384
- KECCAK_512
- Whirlpool
- Tiger
- SM3
- Blake2b_160
- Blake2b_256
- Blake2b_384
- Blake2b_512
- Blake2s_128
- Blake2s_160
- Blake2s_224
- Blake2s_256
MAC generation
import com.theicenet.cryptography.mac.MacService; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final MacService macService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("MAC_HmacSHA1") MacService macService) { this.macService = macService; }
public void generateMAC(SecretKey secretKey, byte[] content) { byte[] hmac = macService.calculateMac(secretKey, content); } }
The algorithm
to be used must be set in the application.yml
cryptography: mac: algorithm: HmacSHA1
Multiple MAC calculators for different algorithms
can be created in the same Spring Boot context. Just specify the algorithms
you wish to create a calculator for into the Spring Context, separated by a comma, RFC5054SRP6ServerService
cryptography: mac: algorithm: HmacSHA1, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA512
If only one single algorithm
is specified in the application.yml
, then the MAC calculator can be just injected by,
cryptography: mac: algorithm: HmacSHA1
@Autowired MacService macService;
If multiple algorithms
are specified in the application.yml
, then the calculator for each specific algorithm
can be injected by,
@Autowired @Qualifier("MAC_${algorithm}") MacService macService;
Where ${algorithm}
must be replaced by the MAC algorithm
to inject,
cryptography: mac: algorithm: HmacSHA1, HmacSHA256, HmacSHA512
@Autowired @Qualifier("MAC_HmacSHA1") MacService sha1Service;
@Autowired @Qualifier("MAC_HmacSHA256") MacService sha256Service;
@Autowired @Qualifier("MAC_HmacSHA512") MacService sha512Service;
Supported MAC algorithms
- HmacSHA1
- HmacSHA224
- HmacSHA256
- HmacSHA384
- HmacSHA512
Generate secure random data
import com.theicenet.cryptography.random.SecureRandomDataService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
@Component public class MyComponent {
private final SecureRandomDataService secureRandomDataService;
@Autowired public MyComponent( @Qualifier("SecureRandomData") SecureRandomDataService secureRandomDataService) { this.secureRandomDataService = secureRandomDataService; }
public void generateRandomData() { // Generate 32 bytes random data byte[] secureRandomData = secureRandomDataService.generateSecureRandomData(32); } }
The secure random data service can be injected by,
@Autowired SecureRandomDataService secureRandomDataService;
The algorithm
to be used for the SecureRandom
provider can be set in the application.yml
cryptography: random: algorithm: NATIVEPRNG
If no configuration for the algorithm
is specified, or DEFAULT
is set up, then, a defaultSecureRandom
provider will be created. The default SecureRandom
provider is platform dependant, and depends on different factors, like the operating system, specific configuration
file, etc.
Supported algorithms
for the SecureRandom
provider are,
Please note, that depending on the operating system, some above algorithms
might not be available.
For the DRBG
, specific configuration can be set up, in line with NIST SP 800-90A Rev. 1:Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators
cryptography: random: algorithm: DRBG drbg: strength: 256 capability: PR_AND_RESEED personalizationString: generate: true length: 16
If no specific drbg
configuration is specified, then, the default drbg
config will be used, which will be picked up from
Find next the meaning of the specific drbg
configuration and the supported values,
-> Select the security strength (in bits). Supported strengths are 112, 128, 192, 256
-> Specify if prediction resistance or reseeding is needed. Supported capabilities are,
- NONE (Neither prediction resistance nor reseed)
- RESEED_ONLY (Reseed but no prediction resistance)
- PR_AND_RESEED (Both prediction resistance and reseed)
-> Specified if a personalisation string
must be generatedcryptography.random.drbg.personalizationString.length
-> In case personalisation string
is set to be generated, then, this config property specify its length (in bytes)
Please note that some of the supported values for the specific drbg
configuration might not be available depending on the operating systems