GitHub - tidymodels/censored: Parsnip wrappers for survival models (original) (raw)

censored a pixelated version of the parsnip logo with a black censoring bar

R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check-hard

censored is a parsnip extension package which provides engines for various models for censored regression and survival analysis.


You can install the released version of censored fromCRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:



Available models, engines, and prediction types

censored provides engines for the models in the following table. For examples, please see Fitting and Predicting with censored.

The time to event can be predicted with type = "time", the survival probability with type = "survival", the linear predictor withtype = "linear_pred", the quantiles of the event time distribution with type = "quantile", and the hazard with type = "hazard".

model engine time survival linear_pred raw quantile hazard
bag_tree rpart
boost_tree mboost
decision_tree rpart
decision_tree partykit
proportional_hazards survival
proportional_hazards glmnet
rand_forest partykit
rand_forest aorsf
survival_reg survival
survival_reg flexsurv
survival_reg flexsurvspline


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