[css-grid] How to distribute space using flex ratios when the sum is 0? · Issue #3694 · w3c/csswg-drafts (original) (raw)

From https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#algo-spanning-flex-items,

Increase sizes to accommodate spanning items crossing flexible tracks: Next, repeat the previous step instead considering [...] all items that do span a track with a flexible sizing function while [...]

This "according to the ratios" seems slightly ambiguous to me.

What if the sum of ratios is 0? Then each track should get a 0/0 fraction of the distributed space, doesn't make sense. I guess in this case space is distributed equally, like for non-flexible tracks.

I think it would be more clear if the algorithm said:

This should be in the real algorithm, https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#extra-space, not as some kind of vague amendment in https://drafts.csswg.org/css-grid/#algo-spanning-flex-items

Alternatively, not sure if something special should happen when the sum of weights is less than 1, akin to

<flex> values between 0fr and 1fr have a somewhat special behavior: when the sum of the flex factors is less than 1, they will take up less than 100% of the leftover space.