GitHub - cookpad/roadworker: Roadworker is a tool to manage Route53. It defines the state of Route53 using DSL, and updates Route53 according to DSL. (original) (raw)


Note: This software is just transferred from (maintained by @winebarrel which was archived. Cookpad and @sorah asked @winebarrel for inheriting this project and took its ownership as a new maintainer.

Roadworker is a tool to manage Route53.

It defines the state of Route53 using DSL, and updates Route53 according to DSL.

Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status


Roadworker cannot update TTL of two or more same weighted A records (with different SetIdentifier) after creation.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

And then execute:

Or install it yourself as:


export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' roadwork -e -o Routefile vi Routefile roadwork -a --dry-run roadwork -a


Usage: roadwork [options]
    -p, --profile PROFILE_NAME
        --credentials-path PATH
    -k, --access-key ACCESS_KEY
    -s, --secret-key SECRET_KEY
    -a, --apply
    -f, --file FILE
    -e, --export
    -o, --output FILE
    -t, --test
        --nameservers SERVERS
        --port PORT
        --target-zone REGEXP
        --exclude-zone REGEXP

Routefile example

require 'other/routefile'

hosted_zone "" do rrset "", "A" do ttl 300 resource_records( "", "" ) end

rrset "", "MX" do ttl 300 resource_records( "10", "10" ) end end

hosted_zone "" do rrset "", "A" do dns_name "" end

rrset "", "A" do dns_name "", :evaluate_target_health => true end

rrset "", "A" do set_identifier "Primary" failover "PRIMARY" health_check "", :search_string => "ANY_RESPONSE_STRING", :request_interval => 30, :failure_threshold => 3 # If you want to specify the IP address: #health_check "", :host => "",... ttl 456 resource_records( "", "" ) end

rrset "", "A" do set_identifier "Secondary" failover "SECONDARY" health_check "tcp://", :request_interval => 30, :failure_threshold => 3 ttl 456 resource_records( "", "" ) end end

Private HostedZone

hosted_zone "winebarrel.local." do vpc "us-east-1", "vpc-xxxxxxxx" vpc "us-east-2", "vpc-xxxxxxxx"

rrset "winebarrel.local.", "A" do ttl 300 resource_records( "", "" ) end end

Calculated Health Checks

rrset "", "A" do set_identifier "Secondary" failover "SECONDARY" health_check :calculated => ["07c03a45-5b69-4044-9ec3-016cd8e5f74b", "bba4d1ea-27c2-4d0c-a249-c857a3e46d88"], :health_threshold => 1, :inverted => false ttl 456 resource_records( "", "" ) end

Cloudwatch Metric Health Checks

rrset "", "A" do set_identifier "Secondary" failover "SECONDARY" health_check :cloudwatch_metric => {:region=>"ap-northeast-1", :name=>"MyCheck"}, :inverted => false, :insufficient_data_health_status => "LastKnownStatus" ttl 456 resource_records( "", "" ) end

Dynamic private DNS example

require 'aws-sdk'

hosted_zone "" do vpc "us-east-1", "vpc-xxxxxxxx"

resp = "us-east-1").describe_instances(filters:[{ name: 'vpc-id', values: ["vpc-xxxxxxxx"] }]) instances = resp.reservations.each_with_object({}) do |reservation, reservations| reservations.merge!(reservation.instances.each_with_object({}) do |instance, instances| tag_name = instance.tags.find {|tag| tag['key'] == 'Name' } instances[instance.private_ip_address] = tag_name['value'] if tag_name and tag_name['value'] != '' end) end

instances.each {|private_ip_address, tag_name| rrset "#{tag_name}", "A" do ttl 300 resource_records private_ip_address end } end

Use template

template "default_rrset" do rrset + "." + context.hosted_zone_name, "A" do ttl context.ttl resource_records( "" ) end end

hosted_zone "" do context.ttl = 100 include_template "default_rrset", :name => "www" include_template "default_rrset", :name => "www2" end

Exclude specific records from management under Roadworker

Use this if your zone contains rrsets managed by other tools, and you want to ignore them in Roadworker.

hosted_zone "" do ignore "" ignore /^regexp-ignore/

* and

ignore_under "" end


Routefile compares the results of a query to the DNS and DSL in the test mode.

shell> roadwork -t
..F.. A:
5 examples, 1 failure

(Please note test of A(Alias) is not possible to perfection...)


Roadworker Demo

DNS management using GitHub/Bitbucket

DNS management using Git

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