GitHub - yihui/highr: Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code (original) (raw)


R-CMD-check CRAN release

This is an infrastructure R package for syntax highlighting. It supports LaTeX and HTML output. Not surprisingly, it works best with R code. It attaches markups onto source code, e.g., it turns

into LaTeX code

\hldef{a} \hlkwb{<-} \hlnum{1} \hlcom{# something}

or HTML code

a <- 1 # something


library(highr) hi_latex("a <- 1 # something") hi_html("a <- 1 # something")

or hilight(code, format = "latex"/"html")

This package also has a wrapper function, hi_andre(), for Andre Simon'sHighlight package.

There are a few package Markdown vignettes in this package:

browseVignettes(package = "highr")

To install the development version here, use

install.packages('highr', repos = '')

This package is licensed under GPL, and was originally designed for serving other packages such as knitr.