gj_rq2 (original) (raw)

if you don't know, look it up [Oct. 9th, 2008|09:00 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|crazy, sick, victor_szasz] [Current Location** tracing the bumps] [Current Mood crazycrazy]Do you happen to know anyone that was born with neurofibromatosis?
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that was very one sided [Sep. 27th, 2008|10:55 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|2008, a short history of the end of the world, bare, blow up the outside world, cnn, cocaine, elections, lard, liar, lies, lj, money, obama, one, pessimistic, politics, taiwan, tv shows, united states, victor_szasz, voting] [Current Location** glued to CNN] [Current Mood pessimisticpessimistic] [Current Music CNN]My 2ยข: Personally, I think McCain barely held his own. He was all over the place and misquoting himself and outright lying about his past decisions.What did you get from the McCain/Obama debate?
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and people wonder why I don't sleep [Sep. 20th, 2008|10:12 am]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|communities, curiosity, lj, victor_szasz, weird, working, wtf] [Current Location** off the deep end] [Current Mood weirdweird]In my musings and wanderings around livejournal I found wtf_omgz. It's not what you'd call work safe. Probably not safe for the home either. Can't really think of anywhere it would be safe really but that's not the point. My curiosity being what it is promoted this thought and I only listed the community for comparative purposes.Do you know of, or can you find, a more offensive and/or disgusting community than that?
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a little embarrassed here [Sep. 6th, 2008|06:17 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|embarrassment, kicking, penis, the colbert report, tv shows, victor_szasz] [Current Location** sitting uncomfortably] [Current Mood embarrassedembarrassed] [Current Music The Colbert Report]Quite often I'll kick back on my bed, stretched out on the mattress, and watch television. As the little box fills my head with lies I'll stretch my legs out and sometimes rest a foot up on the wall nearby. Occasionally I'll let my foot swing back and forth from there and this most recent time brings us to the following question.Have you ever managed to kick yourself in the nuts?
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his dementedness texted me earlier [Aug. 27th, 2008|01:08 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|2008, blank, denver, elections, gj, hope, hopeful, obama, politics, victor_szasz, voting] [Current Location** Denver] [Current Mood blankblank]Consider this an open voting request with an attitude.Are you currently leaning towards Obama, his youthful hopefulness, or McCain, his most likely to die in officeness?
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can't see the forest for the trees [Aug. 9th, 2008|06:22 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|cake, hot, intimacy with strangers, kat15lee, kathy l., primeval, research, sex, united states, victor_szasz, weird, whip it] [Current Location** in a hot tub doing research] [Current Mood weirdweird] [Current Music Primeval]It had to be pointed out to me before I accepted it myself but apparently the United States falls behind a bit in the sexual arena. Outside of our borders, what is and what isn't considered to be sex is not so limited. Whereas within, Americans largely view physical pleasure not involving intercourse as not being sex.1) Do you think sex absolutely must have intercourse as a necessary component?2) If you don't, then if lesbians aren't having sex what exactly are they doing?3) Why do you suppose people don't view cunnilingus & fellatio as being sex?
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Santa Claus needs to move [Jul. 27th, 2008|09:55 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|hot, santa, victor_szasz, walker: texas ranger, yay] [Current Location** at the Arctic with a snow maker] [Current Mood hothot] [Current Music Walker, Texas Ranger]So, as it goes, there will be no ice at the North Pole come this next year. There are some people that believe they know the why of it and some that don't agree with them.Do you believe in global warming? Why or why not?
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do not attempt to adjust your sets... [Jul. 20th, 2008|10:38 am]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|aliens, bad old days, contemplative, doctor who, geeky, kat15lee, kathy l., names, paint it black, sam and max, tv shows, victor_szasz] [Current Location** getting probed] [Current Mood contemplativecontemplative] [Current Music Doctor Who]...and do not consult any databases. This is to go from your memory alone, to test the extent of your inherent geekiness:You can list the number if you like but I'd prefer you include the names as well. How many alien species, from whatever fandoms you're familiar with, can you list off the top of your head?
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Marijuana questions [Jul. 19th, 2008|01:50 am]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|bad old days, calgary, candy b., children, drew, drugs, i know i'm weird, i want drugs, jane, marijuana, smoking, stress, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Location** Calgary, AB] [Current Mood stressedstressed]I know that I am going to probably get a lot of flack for this but keep in mind that you don't know me and therefore do not know my reasons for starting and secondly, I am trying to quit so I am trying to do better. Don't critize please.1. Has anyone here quit before? What did you do to help yourself?2. Is there anyone here who smoked pot for a while before having a child? Did you have any problems conceiving?I have been smoking for about a year now and I want to quit so that I can have a baby and finally grow up. It's not easy when my husband smokes it, too.
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potentially disgusting [Jul. 7th, 2008|03:30 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|accidents, candy b., die hard, dirty, hands, victor_szasz, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Location** looking at gloves] [Current Mood dirtydirty] [Current Music Die Hard]Have you ever placed/shoved your hand or hands anywhere that it or they was or were never meant to go?
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battle of the sexes [Jul. 5th, 2008|04:00 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|dating, flirty, friends, hallmark cards, morbid, the sopranos, victor_szasz, weird] [Current Location** Hallmark Cards] [Current Mood flirtydating] [Current Music The Sopranos]I've a friend that asks every woman he gets involved with, before anything starts, if she's an axe murderer. This may strike some as odd but he's recently taken on a new twisted aspect. At some point or other, usually after things have developed, he makes sure that the woman he's seeing never gets it into her head it's never okay to lay eggs in his skull.Fairly sure he's not being serious with either of these but you never can tell these days.Have you ever asked any bizarre or ridiculous questions of who you're involved with or about to be? Something you may've wanted a serious answer to but phrased it a bit uniquely?
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by "other gender" I refer to the one that is not yours [Jun. 20th, 2008|06:28 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|busy, clothing, confused, confusion, sad dog, victor_szasz] [Current Location** you really don't want to know] [Current Mood busy]What clothing item primarily worn by the other gender confuses you the most?
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(no subject) [Jun. 20th, 2008|12:31 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|annoyed, books, calgary, candy b., stories, victor_szasz, wrong, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Mood** annoyedannoyed]I have to settle an argument, right now I am reading a book and the author is constantly saying that the Vampire in the book can breathe...I'm pretty sure they can't breathe...am I wrong?
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You are going to die [Jun. 5th, 2008|07:13 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|bodies, death, indescribable, life, victor_szasz, water] [Current Location** standing by with a chainsaw] [Current Mood indescribable] [Current Music Unbearable Lightness of Being]That you will die is a given. You know this, as do I. However, what if you were given the choice. What if you were told that you would not have to die so long as you were willing to give up something important to yourself. If you gave up a part of yourself in exhange for a longer life would it be worth it?Or, to put it another way, if you absolutely had to have a part of your body amputated (we're talking meat and bone people) what would you choose to lop off?
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Writing laws [May. 23rd, 2008|11:36 am]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|abuse, books, calgary, candy b., exes, jerk, lj, matt, names, obama, relationships, stories, stress, truth hurts, writing, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Location** Calgary, AB] [Current Mood stressedstressed] [Current Music Nothing]I don't know if anyone knows anything about legal in this community but I thought I would give this a shot...I am writing a book right now about my ex boyfriend and I's relationship. He was an abusive jerk who not only sodomized me but treated me like the dirt stuck inside the souls of his sneakers. I thought that writing about our abusive relationship would help other girls in that situation get through their abusive relationships...I have changed everyone's names and also added some parts that I wasn't there for because it applies to the story, so a bunch of it is fictious, but there are a lot of things in the book that anyone who was there during the time would know is true.I know that if he says that the book is about him, he won't ever get laid again or have anyone's respect, but he is stupid enough to boast that the book is about him...I'm worried he can sue me even though his name is not in the book.Does anyone know if I am crossing any lines or can get sued for any of this? I don't feel like writing the whole thing just to find out that I have to change EVERYTHING. I am only on Chapter 2 but it has taken me 5 months to get that far!
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(no subject) [Apr. 17th, 2008|04:28 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[**Tags**|billie, candy b., sianparis, surveys, xxcandypantsxx]If Online Surveys really do work and pay you money, would you take one?
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(no subject) [Mar. 2nd, 2008|09:00 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|cake, candy b., death, friends, gj, glowing_dragon, icons, kat15lee, kathy l., leslie, nick h., nick_scorpio, surprised, ugh, wtf, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Mood** surprisedWTF]I visit Greatest Journal once a month, and today was my once a month visit. I saw NO icons on my journal or my friend's page. I guess GJ is officially dead?
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(no subject) [Jan. 29th, 2008|07:12 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[**Tags**|brittany, kat15lee, kathy l., life, music, nineteeen, songs]lately i've been glaring into mirrorspicking myself apartyou'd think at my age i'd've thoughtof something better to do thanmaking insecurity into a full-time jobmaking insecurity into artand i fear my life will be overand i will have never lived unfetteredalways glaring into mirrorsmad that i don't look better.song title and artist?tried googling it no luck :(
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(no subject) [Jan. 23rd, 2008|09:16 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|bonny, calm, candy b., communities, food, friends, gj, glowing_dragon, help, kat15lee, kathy l., leslie, lj, sex, the beatles, xxcandypantsxx] [Current Mood** calmcalm]My irl friend dark_paravane just joined LJ and she would like to know what are the best LJ comms to join?Can you help me gj_rq2?Here were my answers:wtf_incall_macroscat_macrosgj_rq2 ^_^food_porntrashy_eats
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(no subject) [Jan. 23rd, 2008|07:59 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[**Tags**|brittany, cold, glowing_dragon, hot, leslie, nineteeen, sick, tired]i've already went to my doctor and got checked for anemia and such and i dont have it. does anyone know what can be related to :always being either way too cold or way too hot, like flunctuating body temperatures,losing hair, feeling tired, purple knees hands and feet?
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