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and people wonder why I don't sleep [Sep. 20th, 2008|10:12 am]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|communities, curiosity, lj, victor_szasz, weird, working, wtf] [Current Location** off the deep end] [Current Mood weirdweird]In my musings and wanderings around livejournal I found wtf_omgz. It's not what you'd call work safe. Probably not safe for the home either. Can't really think of anywhere it would be safe really but that's not the point. My curiosity being what it is promoted this thought and I only listed the community for comparative purposes.Do you know of, or can you find, a more offensive and/or disgusting community than that?
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can't see the forest for the trees [Aug. 9th, 2008|06:22 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|cake, hot, intimacy with strangers, kat15lee, kathy l., primeval, research, sex, united states, victor_szasz, weird, whip it] [Current Location** in a hot tub doing research] [Current Mood weirdweird] [Current Music Primeval]It had to be pointed out to me before I accepted it myself but apparently the United States falls behind a bit in the sexual arena. Outside of our borders, what is and what isn't considered to be sex is not so limited. Whereas within, Americans largely view physical pleasure not involving intercourse as not being sex.1) Do you think sex absolutely must have intercourse as a necessary component?2) If you don't, then if lesbians aren't having sex what exactly are they doing?3) Why do you suppose people don't view cunnilingus & fellatio as being sex?
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battle of the sexes [Jul. 5th, 2008|04:00 pm]Random Questions - An Exodus From GJ
[Tags**|dating, flirty, friends, hallmark cards, morbid, the sopranos, victor_szasz, weird] [Current Location** Hallmark Cards] [Current Mood flirtydating] [Current Music The Sopranos]I've a friend that asks every woman he gets involved with, before anything starts, if she's an axe murderer. This may strike some as odd but he's recently taken on a new twisted aspect. At some point or other, usually after things have developed, he makes sure that the woman he's seeing never gets it into her head it's never okay to lay eggs in his skull.Fairly sure he's not being serious with either of these but you never can tell these days.Have you ever asked any bizarre or ridiculous questions of who you're involved with or about to be? Something you may've wanted a serious answer to but phrased it a bit uniquely?
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