glam_heart (original) (raw)

28 December 2010 @ 10:08 pm

Welcome to my new obsession. They've actually inspired to get on my butt and open PS and make some kind of graphic that isn't just suited for Tumblr. I'm currently obsessed with Misfits and Simon/Alisha. You can imagine how hard I'm taking it that I have to wait a whole fucking year for the next series.

I guess I could describe this fanmix as songs I think relate to Simon/Alisha ooorrrr songs I think they could fuck to, either way I think of them as I listen to these songs. Sooooo...on to the fanmix!

Comment....Credit(just in case you take the covers and post them somewhere else)......No HOT LINKING(if you post somewhere else)......JOIN/WATCH.....ENJOY!!

( Time Is The EnemyCollapse )

14 January 2010 @ 07:36 pm

I'm offering 25 icons or/and 2 LJ headers to whoever wins my auctions. The money will be going to those suffering from the Haiti earthquakes. Please go check it out. Love you guys!

Place a bid HERE

27 August 2009 @ 07:36 pm

My absolute favorite couple at the moment(and since forever) is Jason and Sam from General Hospital(don't judge me). This week has been pretty epic for them since they've reunited after a 2 year break-up. And it was hot. Like majorly HAWT. So I needed to make some graphics and while doing so I was listening to music and the songs only inspired me more and before you know I'm working on a fanmix.

Comment....Credit(just in case you take the covers and post them somewhere else)......No HOT LINKING(if you post somewhere else)......JOIN/WATCH.....ENJOY!!


( ......don't tell me to stopCollapse )

17 August 2009 @ 11:21 am

Heylo membahs!! WOW. I actually didn't wait another whole month to post a new batch. I'm trying to be more frequent with my icon making. After I post a batch I always feel like I'm just gotten something off of my shoulders and then deserve a vacation or something. But not anymore. I'm opening up photoshop more often.

Now, I honestly don't know how these icons will look to you all. I swear I'm all screwed up over here. This batch was made on my macbook. I usually make icons on my desktop but its a piece of shit at the moment and really needs to go out of the fucking window. Now the lighting on my laptop is a little different than desktop, so things on here don't look the same as when I'm using my desktop. So there is great chance that these icons may look either darker or lighter to you than they do to me. What makes it even more screwed up is with Safari they look darker, and in Firefox they look lighter. Like I said, screwed up over here. So just try to enjoy what you can.

+COMMENT if taking or because I'm such a dirty whore for them

{009} Ed Westwick
{005} Robert Pattinson
{005} Nikki Reed
{015} Kristen Stewart
{011} Ashley Greene
{006} Katie Cassidy
{005} Twilight Cast(at events)
{010} Jason and Sam {General Hospital)

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

( .........Collapse )

+COMMENT if taking or because I'm such a dirty whore for them

{009}Twilight Cast
{006}Ashley Greene
{005}Nikki Reed
{016}Kristen Stewart
{008}Robert Pattinson

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

( will i change, boy i doubt it. i've been alot of things. i aint never been a cowardCollapse )

Sorry it took forever to get another batch out. School got in the way big time. But its over with for at least a couple more days(stupid summer school). Anyway, enjoy!

+COMMENT if taking or because I because I'm such a dirty whore for them
+NO EDITING textless icons

{018}Kristen Stewart
{017}Nikki Reed
{006}Ashley Greene
{002}Sophia Bush
{012}Robert Pattinson
{005}Kellan Lutz
{011}Skins(cast + JJ episode)

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

( +++++++++++++++++++++Collapse )

27 February 2009 @ 11:40 am

GOSH! It's been awhile. More than a month. Sorry for taking so long with an update, I've just been so out of it with graphics. I hate to be just a dead wieght community on your friend's page. I'm not really crazy about this batch. There are some I like and some I can do without. the coloring is just everywhere and I hate that.

+COMMENT if taking or because I because I'm such a dirty whore for them
+NO EDITING textless icons

{022}Kristen Stewart
{013}Robert Pattinson
{007}Jason and Sam(Steve Burton/Kelly Monaco}

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

( ..............Collapse )

08 January 2009 @ 08:38 pm

FINALLY!! My graphics are back up and I'm life is okay again. I don't know how many times I can ask, PLEASE DO NOT HOTLINK. :(

First post of the new year. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and an awesome New Year.

+COMMENT if taking or because I because I'm such a dirty whore for them
+NO EDITING textless icons

{006} RBD(DyC)
{008} Lily Allen
{009} Nikki Reed
{009} Kristen Stewart
{012} Robert Pattinson
{008} Twilight (cast pics including Rob/Kristen)

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

( I love the way that we laugh until we cry, dance until we dieCollapse )

Current Music: The Almost -------- Drive There Now

04 December 2008 @ 11:54 am

Image Hosted by

Due to the eating of my bandwidth with the latest animations where I asked to hotlink, I don't really trust people anymore. I know, I hate make this community members only, because I know it gets so fucking irritating when you have to join community after community just to see a few icons. So its going to be partially opened. Posts will be unlocked for 2 days after it's posted. After those 2 days are up, the post will be locked up for members only. I think that's fair enough.