glamourpuss' Journal (original) (raw)

Looking for a witness! [16 May 2014|12:07am]
In search of a witness:On the morning of Tuesday May 6th, I was in a bike accident at Webster and Fulton in San Francisco. I have mentioned this on Facebook before, but now I am mentioning it as I was told there was another cyclist there who took photos, but he did not give anyone his information. At this point, I believe I am going to need to hire a lawyer, so I need as many witnesses as possible.Please pass on this post along to any SF cyclist you know and copy my text when you share this. Thanks!Below is my bike.hi-c
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[15 Jul 2010|03:51pm]
For the past couple of weeks I have been taking the same bus in the morning. There is this guy that gets on the bus a stop or 2 after me that I have been trying to sort out his story. He is in his late 20s or early 30s. Is very presentable-kind of. Suit, tie, short hair, and the like. The oddity: both ears have 2 dime size piercings without jewelry in them.I have been making up stories in my head about how he was a punk rock kid who decided he needed to "grow-up." Or that after work he goes home and puts on skinny jeans and jewelry and jams to some whiney boy band. Or he got the job so he can pay for his full back piece which is going to be a gnarly tree. Yesterday on the way home I saw him - still in his work wear - walking down the street doing tricks with a wooden yo-yo. I need to know this guy's story.
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I should have stated that this is my year of excuses. That will stop today. [13 Jul 2010|05:20pm]
1) Body: Nothing. No really. I have not lifted a single weight. Though I did start running (and then stopped). If there is time after I have vacuumed my rug I will do some pilates tonight, if not tomorrow morning. Tomorrow evening I will put together a game plan for actually working out at the gym.2) Mind: I mentioned above I need to vacuum. And that is not all. I have not made my bed since the AIDS Lifecycle (middle of June). Another something I will start again tonight. Due to {insert many excuses here} my place is so dirty it should be condemned. Tonight I am going home to clean, clean and clean some more. And even after that I will probably need to do some more cleaning either tomorrow night or the next.3) Finance: I am slowly making progress here. 401K: maxed. Employee Stock Purchase Plan: maxed. E-trade account: opened. Automatic payments: set-up. Finances are not sexy. At the same time, a high credit score is cool! And I have been talking to a real estate agent. She agrees that my plan to buy next February seems sound and has connected me with a mortgage broker to be pre-approved, but I am not emotionally ready for this step yet. Still reading through the book that Smart sent me and I have plenty of homework from that.
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[25 Feb 2010|10:35am]
Day 4 coffee-free (though not caffeine-free) and I did not even think to drink my green tea until 10 today. I am finding that even with the tea I tend to have a head ache around noon each day. I am sure that will subside. It has to.
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Caffeine and high frutctose corn syrup, oh my! [22 Feb 2010|11:25am]
/whingeThis week I am cutting out coffee and high fructose corn syrup. I have been drinking way way too much coffee since working at a place that has baristas that server whatever I want when I want for free, and it is making me feel blech.And to make matters worse, I have been on a 2-month sugar binge. I need to end it today. My head hurts and I cannot concentrate. Green tea is not enough caffeine. I know it will be OK by the end of the week, and then I might even be able to ween myself off of the tea, but today is hard./end whinge
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Update. [19 Feb 2010|11:59am]
1) Body: Shoot. I have done nothing and feel kind of blah. Food has not been agreeing with me (yes that is food in general) to the point where I am reading about food intolerances and might soon be eliminating most things from my diet and slowly add them back in. I am not looking forward to this, and I hate being that picky friend that most people do not believe there is an issue, but I cannot continue to accept my yucky stomach problems as the norm. 2) Mind: My bed is made! I have hung things on my walls! I have ordered the internet! (oh yeah I have have not had my own internet in 4 years) And my kitchen is clean! Also, a friend of mine sent me the book "How not to be a Messie" and I have started reading that. Next: the closets.3) Finance: Enrolled in my 401K. And most other things are waiting for internet at home. Internet at home!
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Asking for your opinion... [08 Jan 2010|08:38am]
I have not tracked my spending or created a budget since college. I know I live under what I make (As I can see my bank account grow). Now I want to take a more proactive stance, as I am sure I spend too much on food and drink.The month of February I will be tracking every penny I spend, so I have a baseline.My engineering brain would love other people's baselines as well...Here is my question to you:1) What do you think is a reasonable budget for food/drink/entertainment each week or month per person?2) Do you know what you spend on this?
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[07 Jan 2010|05:35pm]
1) Body: Funny the one that I thought I would really get a jump on has been my slackiest goal. (Yes, I wrote slackiest - deal.) I have gotten my gym orientation but have not done anything about it yet.2) Mind: No new update.3) Finance: I asked a friend who is really good with money for book advice and he responded with "it is in the mail" Once I have the book I will provide more updates. Also, this weekend I have a friend coming over to help wire my house for internet. This will allow me private access to the internet instead of a coffee shop or shuttle bus that I am currently using. (Oh, and to point out how great I am with procrastination he is also going to hang my roman blinds that I have had for 3 years. Finally, I will have something other than a sheet over my bedroom windows)
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In the beginning... [06 Jan 2010|07:57am]
1) Get stronger: I have not jumped into this yet. I will swing by the company gym today to get the orientation.2) Organize: Bed has been made all week, and my dishes have been done within 12 hours. Small steps.3) Financial Shit: I bought a full credit report from all 3 major agencies. To get this cheap I had to get a monthly membership, I have already set an appointment to cancel this membership before the month's end. I have a very good Fico Score - this surprised me. And the only "negative accounts" were from 2 late payments (one credit report and one PG&E bill) from 2007. Next step: gather and consolidate. Note: My new job did a basic credit report and there was something in it that did not look right, since I got my free ones last March and I do not qualify for the free ones again until March. So, I bit the bullet and bought them.
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Twenty-Ten Goals [05 Jan 2010|06:44pm]
Since I have started a new job this net year, I decided that this is a good time to set some goals for the year. I usually do this mid-year as I do not like the perceived pressure if New Years Resolutions. These are goals and not resolutions.1. Body: Get Stronger.How: 2 or 3 days of resistance training a week. At this time, I think this will be my easiest goal.2. Mind: Get Organized.How: Start simple. Make my bed every day. I am starting here as I have a friend who insists that she is organized because she makes her bed each day. I figure it cannot hurt to try something that sounds so simple. 3. Financial: Get my shit together.How: Many small steps. a. Get a credit report. b. Buy a money management book and read it thoroughly. c. Consolidate my money. d. Bring money from Oz back to the US. e. Roll old 401ks into a Roth IRA. f. Eat out less = save more.And finally I plan on documenting my progress publicly to hold myself more accountable.Fine print with the legal speak: These goals are subject to revision or refinement at any time.
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[05 Mar 2009|11:24pm]
Who knew that mice liked dried lentils so much?I am thinking of borrowing a friend's cat for a week or 2. I would rather have a cat kill a mouse than me, seems more like the proper order of things.
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Places you slept this year... [07 Jan 2009|04:28pm]
I have not left the State of California in over a year. How the heck did that happen? I just read through my journal for the past year, and this time last year I was whinging about the fact that I had a serious case of wanderlust. It is not like me to let that slide.Oh well. Italy in less than a month. Finally...some motion...
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[01 Jan 2009|02:07am]
So, I went home after a lovely gathering at dailybinx and huckie's place.Then...I decided since one of my neighbors was still having a party, I was going to crash it.1)I do not know these neighbors2) They are loud enough to keep me awake, so join them instead of beat them seemed like a good option.Like a good party crasher, I grabbed a bottle of champers and walked on over. It is clearly a big enough party that walking in without knocking is the best option. I took a walk through. Then went home.I was in the middle of a high school party while the parents are away.Dude, I am, puss.
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I had to: this makes me giggle. [02 Dec 2008|10:42am]
On the twelfth day of Christmas, glamourpuss74 sent to me...Twelve peaches drummingEleven expats pipingTen concerts a-leapingNine co-ops cookingEight politics a-people-watchingSeven bicycles a-volunteeringSix obsessions a-gardening_Five chri-i-i-is uphues_Four varga girlsThree gender politicsTwo mixed cds...and a vegetarianism in a ray bradbury.
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[16 Oct 2008|11:02am]
Wow, LJ is saving drafts now. Cool.Anyhow: I have signed up for the AIDS/Lifecycle again. Hopefully, work will chill out enough for me to train.
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[27 Aug 2008|08:10am]
At 3 in the morning I woke up with a start. I heard someone in my buildings hallway (which is unusual). My first thought: there has been an Earthquake.I try to go back to sleep.Then I hear the sirens--what seems like a lot of them. Earthquake theory seems likely. So I walk into my kitchen (as it is clear sleep is not happening) and all my cupboards are shut, which means no Earthquake.I try to go back to sleep.Then I notice a large engine running, and water. Street cleaning at this time? Then the banging starts. So I go onto my courtyard deck to see if I can see anything, and the smell. Burning. Chemical. Horrible. I go down my stairs, my heart beating fast and hard as I can see the firetruck is in front of my house. I walk outside to find a car engulfed in flames.No one is hurt. All our homes are fine. What we beleive happened: Today is garbage day. Some idiot through a cigarette butt into the garbage bin next to the car and voila, instant chaos.
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[07 Aug 2008|02:22pm]
Hurumph. I am not 21 anymore. I cannot go to bed at 3AM and be functional for work at 8AM or 9AM or even 10AM. Hurumph.
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[18 Jul 2008|07:17pm]
I love how even the dirtiest and oldest airports always smell like new carpet. They must pipe it in. New carpet smell=should be on the way to somewhere exciting. This is not the case, though I have happiness of picking up the tannymonster which is just as exciting. (though I do ache a little to be on a plane to somewhere).
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[27 Jan 2008|03:47pm]
I got caught in fairly intense rain about 15 miles from home. Since moving to San Francisco, I have avoided all rides in the rain. Once the rain started, I booked it. Once home, I was cold and wet and it was worth it.I no longer feel the need to avoid the rain...
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