International Bank Account Opening [International Banks] (original) (raw)

Opening an international bank account is critical to the lives of many individuals and business owners.

This can be true whether you live in Southeast Asia or South Texas. And, if you have international commitments, being able to send and receive international transfers is important.

There are, however, several steps you must take to open international bank accounts and successfully overcome the non-resident bank account opening obstacles.

But more importantly, there are mistakes you need to avoid when you apply for bank accounts outside of your home country.

We’re going to cover this and more in the following comprehensive guide to opening an international bank account.


The information we’re about to share is based on our team’s 10+ years of experience opening international bank accounts for ourselves, and our members.

During this time we have opened accounts in top international banking hubs, offshore destinations, and mainstream jurisdictions.

This has included accounts for all client profiles imaginable, navigating the most difficult of account opening challenges, and helping thousands of people just like you.

So, no matter the type of international bank account you’re looking for or the challenges you’re facing, the following insights will help you apply to open an international bank account.

Feel free to use the table of contents to jump ahead to the sections most relevant to you.

Table of Contents

  1. Opening an International Bank Account
  2. Important Bank Account Opening Factors
  3. Why & Where Our Members Open Accounts
  4. Steps to Opening International Bank Accounts
  5. The Key To Opening International Accounts
  6. Can Technology Replace International Bank Accounts?
  7. Ready to Open an Offshore Bank Account?

To open an international bank account, there are several steps to navigate. Including, preparing the necessary documentation and presenting your client profile in a way that is acceptable to the bank. That said, how you navigate these steps and present yourself will depend on the country where you want to open.

Of course, it’s important to mention that finding and opening an international bank account that matches your profile has never been more difficult.

Yes, many banks are offering “international” bank accounts. However, these accounts often come with specific criteria, overwhelming deposit requirements, and very high fees. Making finding a suitable bank harder than ever.

But harder doesn’t mean impossible…

In fact, there are great bank accounts available for every client type imaginable. You just need to know what to prioritize, how to present yourself, and where to find them.

We’re going to guide you through the process to do all of this right now.

But, before diving in, if this is your first time visiting GlobalBanks, don’t forget to download your FREE Non-Resident Banking Starter Guide. It’s designed to help non-residents open an international bank account in top banking hubs around the world.

Important Bank Account Opening Factors

International bank account opening can be complex, but we’re going to make it easy for you.

However, simplifying doesn’t mean we’re removing the decisions you need to make. Instead, it just means that you are going to be in a position to actually make those decisions by understanding the various factors that influence them.

Let’s start by considering a few factors that can overwhelm unprepared applicants…

Don’t get caught off guard when opening an international bank account

All of the above should be taken into consideration when applying for accounts offshore with the best international bank for expats or non-residents. In fact, knowing how to address all of these issues will ensure you can open an international bank account.

GlobalBanks Insider members use this exact approach to inform their decisions. In doing so, they’re able to get access to great banks that understand their personal or business profiles. And in doing so, they find banks that actually want them as clients.

The following is a list of considerations that GlobalBanks members use when opening accounts. Contrast this list to the list above, which one would you rather be a part of?

Here’s how GlobalBanks members approach international bank account opening

Keeping this list in mind, let’s discuss how you can open an international bank account.

Why & Where Our Members Open Accounts

Where to Open International Bank Accounts

To help you start thinking through your options, we decided to share some recent statistics from our own members, showing the types of international bank accounts they want to open and where they want to open them.

We’ve also broken down their client profile (based on citizenship and country of registration), so you can get a better idea of the options that other people just like you are exploring.

Type of International Bank Account

The below table shares the type of international bank accounts our members are commonly looking to open. But, if you’re looking to open one of these account types, it’s entirely possible to do so.

Account Type % of Members
Business Account 28%
Private Bank Account 9%
Personal Account 63%

Note: “Private Banking” includes accounts for individuals and wealth management vehicles, such as holding companies, foundations, trusts, and similar entities.

Countries Where They Want to Bank

The below table shares the countries where our members are commonly looking to open an international bank account. And, if you are looking to open in any of these countries as a foreigner, non-resident, or foreign company, there are options available.

Country % of Members
United States 25%
United Kingdom 16%
European Union 10%
Switzerland 7%
Singapore 6%
Canada 4%
UAE 4%
Panama 3%
Other 25%

Important: If you are not looking to open in these countries, there are many other options available to you as well, including in the 42 other countries that we share with in the GlobalBanks Database.

International Banks to Consider

Yes, there are many international banking options available that you can easily find online. However, most of these banks have hard-to-meet account opening requirements, hard-to-navigate applications, and very high fees for maintaining (and sometimes opening) accounts.

That’s why our members choose to open with the banks listed in the GlobalBanks Database — which allows them to review the account opening requirements, preferred client profiles, and unique quirks that you won’t find anywhere else.

Of course, if you would like to try your hand at opening an international bank account on your own, you might want to consider one of these two options:

HSBC International Bank Account

Barclays International Bank Account

Both HSBC and Barclays cater to international clients. However, they have high minimum deposits, only accept very specific client profiles, and typically require you to be resident in a select number of countries.

Steps to Opening International Bank Accounts

How to Successfully Open International Bank Accounts

It’s no wonder account opening has become so difficult for the average person…

Over the past few years, compliance practices have become more stringent, document requirements are becoming more overwhelming, and finding banks that will accept your profile can be a total minefield.

Fortunately, it’s still entirely possible to open and keep open great bank accounts for you or your business.

But, for that to happen, you need to know how to go about opening an account. If you can figure this out, you’ll be able to increase your chance of opening (and keeping open) the bank accounts you need.

Here’s how…

1. Know Your Client Profile

When it comes to opening an international bank account, one of the most important considerations is your client profile. In fact, understanding your profile can make the difference in opening or being denied.

In our recent article on bank regulators, we cover high-risk client profiles. These are the client profiles that banks take a much closer look at.

If you (or your business) fall into a high-risk category you should take extra care when applying to open an account since your chances of opening can be much lower than the average person.

But high-risk profiles aren’t the only profiles that need to be careful…

Below is a list of the various client profiles that should take a more structured approach to account opening. But, if you would like to read more you can review our article Bank Regulators Are Killing Business.

Clients that should take a more structured approach to opening include:

As for high-risk industries, banks will take a much closer look at the following:

2. Knowing Your Requirements

Knowing your requirements before you go through the process of opening an international bank account is critical. It ensures you actually get the results that you’re looking for.

Everyone’s requirements will differ, but generally speaking, there are a few major factors you can count on. We’ve found that reviewing these in the form of a question list is a great way to start.

This approach will help clarify what you need and (as a result) help you pinpoint the best bank accounts for you or your business.

Questions to Ask Before Opening an International Bank Account

After going through the above questions, you will have a much better idea about your specific international banking requirements.

But, more importantly, your answers will help you target banks that actually match your account opening needs.

Of course, one major consideration when opening an account is the cost, both of opening and maintaining the account. This is an important consideration that should not be overlooked. Above all, it provides details on the specific costs that can be incurred and how to reduce them for various client profiles.

3. Choosing the Country Where You Should Open

Knowing which country to choose to open accounts in is critical.

With this in mind, if you’re in an emergency situation and need to find a bank immediately, you probably don’t care about where you end up opening. After all, that would mean you just need an account now…

But, when it comes to medium and long-term account maintenance, opening in the wrong country is a big mistake. So, if you have the time, make sure you find and open an account in the right country.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you’re starting out or sitting on a small fortune, the jurisdiction you choose to bank in is critical. Also, it’s important to note that the decision of where you open accounts should be fully based on your specific priorities.

When choosing jurisdictions, our members look at two sets of considerations: (1) Practical Considerations and (2) Country-Specific Considerations.

Here is a list of practical questions to consider when assessing banking jurisdictions.

Practical Considerations When Choosing Where to Open Bank Accounts

As mentioned, there is a second set of considerations that you need to look at when opening an account. Of course, these include the specific factors that can affect the country.

Country-Specific Considerations When Choosing Where to Open Bank Accounts

The Key To Opening International Accounts

Secret to Opening International Bank Accounts

When it comes to getting the best bank account open for you (or your business), your approach should be to try and understand and work with the system. In fact, you shouldn’t try and fight against it. Instead, this is how you open the best international bank accounts.

Again, understanding your client profile and properly approaching the bank is critical to opening. So, you must anticipate their questions and concerns about your client and risk profile before applying. Then address these questions clearly and transparently.

With this in mind, you should strive to make your banker’s life as easy as possible. And, one way to do this is to identify vulnerabilities in your client profile that might concern the bank before applying. Doing so, positions you to clearly explain any vulnerabilities and openly discuss them with the banker in a confident manner.

Below, we share information on how you can apply to open accounts in less than 24 hours. But first, we want to address two alternatives to international banking: Non-Banking Solutions & Crypto.

Can Technology Replace International Bank Accounts?

Digital Alternatives

There have been a number of attempts to reduce our dependence on banks over the years. Though, none of these replacements have truly hit the mark. In most cases, these tools are less effective, higher risk, and more difficult to open and maintain.

However, there have been certain instances where technology and traditional banking merge. In these instances, we see the best chance for technology-enabled banks.

But, there are still shortcomings that need to be overcome. And unfortunately, algorithmic compliance practices still make it difficult for everyday clients to rely on these accounts long-term.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at whether EMI and fintech solutions can replace traditional banks…

Can Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) Replace International Banking?

Even today, it seems like there is a new EMI coming on the market every quarter. Though in some cases they are just rebranding. However, these platforms continue to be a favorite for certain client groups. In fact, some of them even offer a viable solution.

But unfortunately, they don’t offer the same protections as traditional banks. And, due to the requirements placed on them, they often expose clients to much higher risk than banks as well.

This risk is due to EMIs not being subjected to the same regulations and safeguards as traditional banks. In other words, they aren’t the best place to keep your personal fortune for a rainy day.

But they can offer value. More specifically, these platforms can be great alternatives for sending and receiving money.

In fact, international transfers through these platforms are often more cost-effective and faster. But, once you receive the money, you should consider other options for holding deposits. Keeping money in these EMIs is just not safe.

Will Cryptocurrencies Replace International Banking?

Many gurus and banking critics have hailed cryptocurrency as the end to international banking. Some still do.

Don’t get us wrong… crypto is amazing.

And one day, the crypto ecosystem may end up replacing international banks entirely. But we’re not there yet.

In fact, many of our members are crypto entrepreneurs and investors… opting to use traditional banks to liquidate some portion of their crypto to fiat, unlock banks that support their higher risk profiles, and find suitable banks for their day-to-day expenses.

So, while crypto adoption is spreading, the rest of the world just hasn’t caught up yet. This means people leading international lives can’t completely opt out of fiat. Until opting out completely is an option, traditional banking still has a place.

If you fall into this category, you may be interested in our Advanced Banking Report: The Ultimate Guide to Banking for Crypto Entrepreneurs & Investors.

This advanced report shares specific banks, account opening strategies, and important considerations depending on the type of crypto client profile you have. This report is immediately available to you when you become a GlobalBanks Insider member.

Ready to Open an Offshore Bank Account?

If so, you can access GlobalBanks Insider and start the process of applying for an offshore account in a few clicks.

GlobalBanks Insider is a dedicated account opening solution that involves direct support from our team and direct introductions to the banks of your choosing. It gives you instant access to the…

+ Direct support from a team of banking experts

+ Direct introductions to your desired banks

+ Answers to your most pressing questions and challenges

+ Expert insights on which banks to choose & why

+ Plus, FULL access to our entire suite of account opening tools and intelligence!

And “yes!” GlobalBanks Insider is designed to help foreign and non-resident individuals and companies open bank accounts.

Use this link to see how GlobalBanks Insider can help you successfully open accounts.