I started this blog with the intention of writing something at least once a week. However in order to write a blog in the style of my peers on their years abroad I feel that I have to write about something vaguely interesting or new or entertaining or imaginative to justify the fact that I have chosen to write it down and share it on the Internet.
The hiccup here is that recently I have not been doing anything vaguely interesting or new partly because I have been more depressed than usual, partly because I don’t know many people in Burton who aren’t at uni and also partly because Burton is a boring shithole that I try and avoid at all costs. So I haven’t really been having a fantastic time.

If I were to blog every day it would probably consist of “struggled to get out of bed” “marathon watched The Office/The Simpsons/Twin Peaks” “played Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town” and I’m quite sure that you, dear reader, do not care about this. There might be a couple of entries such as “washed my hair today and then went back to bed and watched some more Twin Peaks” or “went to the pub” or “Bargain Hunt was particularly good today” but that would be as exciting as it would get and reading this back I am finding it intensely boring so I can’t imagine how you must feel.
HOWEVER I am a humanities student who a) suffers with mental health problems so finds it hard to work a lot of the time and b) also likes to spend her time getting drunk or sleeping, but still ultimately has to write an essay a week during term time. If there is one thing my degree has taught me, it is the art of taking a relatively small amount of actual completed reading and spinning it out into an extended piece of coherent writing with some point to it like some sort of pretentious bullshitty spider. I am going to apply that acquired technique here but for ‘completed reading’ please read ‘doing something with one’s life’. Hopefully you won’t print it out and hand it back to me covered with pithy comments or criticisms as my tutors are wont to do.
Today I went into Burton town centre. This is an achievement for me because going out into Burton town centre means that

But I went, of my own volition, and I had a look round some charity shops and I bought some cheap books and a sketchbook and went to get a lighter from the newsagent and ended up with a red, yellow and green atrocity emblazoned with a marijuana leaf which I am going to have to throw away because it is incredibly embarrassing but I felt too awkward to say “I don’t want this lighter please can I have one that doesn’t make me look like a white middle class teenager who has just bought a Bob Marley CD and started smoking Windsor Blues in alleyways to look cool and piss off my parents”.
And whilst this may seem equally boring to you as what I said I have been doing I am quite proud of myself, which is why I have turned it into a blog post. I am now going to go and harvest my carrots and milk my cows. Goodbye.