asli ege | Marmarala Universite (original) (raw)

Papers by asli ege

Research paper thumbnail of Women and Development in the Third World

The Geographical Journal, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Diş Poli̇ti̇kasinda 1990'LI Yillar: Soğuk Savaş Sonrasi Dönüşüm Ve İsti̇krar

Dogu Bati ideolojik kutuplasmasinin cozulmesinden sonra uluslararasi dinamiklerdeki gelismelerin ... more Dogu Bati ideolojik kutuplasmasinin cozulmesinden sonra uluslararasi dinamiklerdeki gelismelerin yol actigi yeni duzen Turk dis politikasinin bu duzene adaptasyonunu gerektirmistir. Bu adaptasyon Turk dis politikasinda donusumu oldugu kadar Bati yonelisi oldugunda istikrari da vurgulamaktadir. Buradan yola cikarak bu calismada ilk olarak 1990'li yillarda Turk dis politikasinin icine girdigi donusum sureci Turkiye'yi jeostratejik konum itibariyla on plana cikaran uluslararasi ortamin degisen verileri dogrulrusunda incelenmistir. Fakat donusumun asil yansimalari Turkiye'nin icine girdigi aktif dis politika davranislarinda gozlemlenmekte, buraya kadarki inceleme alani calismanin ilk bolumunu olsturmaktadir. Ikinci bolumde ise baslikta adi gecen Turk dis politikasindaki istikrar boyutu, baska bir deyisle Turkiye'nin Batiya yonelisinin butun bunlara ragmen neden ve ne sekilde sabit kaldigi fikri uzerinde durulmaktadir. Turk dis politikasinin bati hedefi dogrultusundaki te...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimlerde Akademik Çalışmalar


Doğu Batı ideolojik kutuplaşmasının çözülmesinden sonra uluslararası dinamiklerdeki gelişmelerin ... more Doğu Batı ideolojik kutuplaşmasının çözülmesinden sonra uluslararası dinamiklerdeki gelişmelerin yol açtığı yeni düzen Türk dış politikasının bu düzene adaptasyonunu gerektirmiştir. Bu adaptasyon Türk dış politikasında dönüşümü olduğu kadar Batı yönelişi olduğunda istikrarı da vurgulamaktadır. Buradan yola çıkarak bu çalışmada ilk olarak 1990\\u27lı yıllarda Türk dış politikasının içine girdiği dönüşüm süreci Türkiye\\u27yi jeostratejik konum itibarıyla ön plana çıkaran uluslararası ortamın değişen verileri doğrulrusunda incelenmiştir. Fakat dönüşümün asıl yansımaları Türkiye\\u27nin içine girdiği aktif dış politika davranışlarında gözlemlenmekte, buraya kadarki inceleme alanı çalışmanın ilk bölümünü olşturmaktadır. İkinci bölümde ise başlıkta adı geçen Türk diş politikasındaki istikrar boyutu, başka bir deyişle Türkiye\\u27nin Batıya yönelişinin bütün bunlara rağmen neden ve ne şekilde sabit kaldığı fikri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Türk dış politikasının batı hedefi doğrultusundaki temel ...

Research paper thumbnail of Du Passé Ottoman A La République Turque: Le Role De La Religion Dans La Vie Politique Turque

Research paper thumbnail of Current debates in international relations and law

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign policy as a means of the AKP’s struggle with Kemalism in relation to domestic variables

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities and Limits of Incorporating Gender in Economic Adjustment Policies: The Case of the World Bank

This article treats the question of women in one of the most important development agencies, the ... more This article treats the question of women in one of the most important development agencies, the World Bank, especially concerning the effect of its Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) towards the developing world. The major idea behind the article is that women are those who suffer the most from the adverse effects of the neo-liberal agenda that is supported by these programs. It is thus discussed that The World Bank, as long as it does not question its own goals remaining in neoliberal thinking, there is not a chance that this institution would indeed play a positive role beyond the rhetoric regarding women. While analyzing this problematic, throughout the article, the theoretical evolution regarding women and development from the “Women in Development” (WID) to arrive to a sense of “Gender and Development” (GAD) and finally to the “Gender Efficiency” approaches are as well to be examined

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining the Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East: From an Identity- Centred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an incon-si... more This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an incon-sistent process. It postulates that the inconsistent character of current globalization has exacer-bated the conditions of the occurrence of the Arab spring, while explaining why the Middle East in general has not been able to successfully integrate into it, within a core-periphery paradigm. The methodology referred to involves the projection on the level of real politics, of both macro and micro levels analysis of such a paradigm. In this sense, on the level of macro economics, US power politics, in its privileged relationship with the Arab authoritarian states, implies a geopolitical and geo-economic dominance supporting the status quo resulting from its global core situation. From the level of micro economic analysis, on the other hand, the core-periphery paradigm has also re-mained within the domestic scale of those Arab states, given their unequal distribution of resources and leaving...

Research paper thumbnail of The Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East : From an Identity-Centred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an inconsis... more This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an inconsistent process. It postulates that the inconsistent character of current globalization has exacerbated the conditions of the occurrence of the Arab spring, while explaining why the Middle East in general has not been able to successfully integrate into it, within a core-periphery paradigm. The methodology referred to involves the projection on the level of real politics, of both macro and micro levels analysis of such a paradigm. In this sense, on the level of macro economics, US power politics, in its privileged relationship with the Arab authoritarian states, implies a geopolitical and geo-economic dominance supporting the status quo resulting from its global core situation. From the level of micro economic analysis, on the other hand, the core-periphery paradigm has also remained within the domestic scale of those Arab states, given their unequal distribution of resources and leaving be...

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlılardan Cumhuriyetçilere: Manevi ve Dünyevi Arasında Kemalist İçeriğin Uzlaşımı

Kemalist iceriktekidunyevilik, ozellikle, tek parti suresinde uygulanan kemalist laiklik ilkesine... more Kemalist iceriktekidunyevilik, ozellikle, tek parti suresinde uygulanan kemalist laiklik ilkesine olan alakasi soz konusu oldugunda, pozitivist ideolojiyle baglantilidir.Sonuc olarak Osmanli “teokratik” yapisi ozel bir durum icerse de, Osmanli devletine karsit niteligiyle Kemalist icerik kamu alaninda maneviyatin ifadesine de karsit olmustur. Diger yandan, liberal Islam’in kamu alaninatekrar dâhil olmasi, bizzat kemalizmin ugradigi degisimle ilgilidir. Bu makale, dolayisiyla, kemalizmin bir surec olarak, farkli tarihsel cerceveler geregince donusebilir niteligini savunmaktadir. Bunun karsiliginda dunyevi ve manevi arasinda kemalizmin uzlasimi, kemalizmin yeniden yorumuna dayanmistir. Bu ise, bir yandan Turkiye’ye uluslararasi sahada yeni bir rol model yuklerken, diger yandan Osmanli Imparatorlugu’ndan bu yana suregelen dinin devlete bagli statusune de dayanmistir. Sonuc olarak makale, kemalizmin maneviyatla olan uzlasiminin, acik uclu bir surec olarak,kemalizmin yeniden yoruma izin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Research and Development in Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Entre États-Unis et Europe : le dilemme stratégique de "l'occidentalité turque

C'est l'orientation occidentale de la Turquie qui conditionne les ouvertures de ce pays a... more C'est l'orientation occidentale de la Turquie qui conditionne les ouvertures de ce pays aux opportunites regionales depuis la fin de la guerre froide, que ce soit dans le monde turcophone, dans la region de la Mer Noire ou au Moyen-Orient. Mais Ankara est confronte a de serieux defis dans la realisation de ce but en raison de la tradition ottomane d'un Etat centralise, fort et identifie a la nation depuis la proclamation de la Republique, ce qui garantit ainsi aux militaires une puissance excessive au nom de la preservation de l'unite et de l'integrite nationales. La nation en tant qu'entite homogene, telle qu'elle est concue par l'ideologie officielle, ne correspond cependant ni aux realites sociologiques de ce pays, caracterise par un questionnement ethnique et religieux, ni aux standards pluralistes des democraties occidentales. Dans un contexte qui voit l'UE encore hesiter sur la place de la Turquie dans sa definition identitaire, l'allian...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity as a methodology and multiculturalism as an attitude in social sciences teaching and learning

International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2013

This paper studies the implications of positivism in social sciences and proposes a relativist, p... more This paper studies the implications of positivism in social sciences and proposes a relativist, postmodern epistemology of the particularistic stand in acquiring and building knowledge as it regards the treatment of cultures. The analysis of civilizations in relation to their creative potentials supports on the other hand the emphasis on a plural notion of civilizations and/or cultures within their singular historical interpretations. The paper proceeds from there to the basic traits of creativity, taken rather as a methodology and demonstrates how creative thinking in teaching and learning of social sciences, become two interwoven processes, which necessitates by implication the acknowledgement of minor cultures and therefore multiculturalism, designating an attitude, in the sense of "education" in general.

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities and Limits of Incorporating Gender in Economic Adjustment Policies: The Case of the World Bank

Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining the Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East: From an Identitycentred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Academic Review, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Özgürlük Hareketleri, Maneviyattaki Yaratıcılık ve Ötesi İçin Öneriler: Türkiye Örneği ve AB Söylemi

Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Women and Development in the Third World

The Geographical Journal, 1992

Research paper thumbnail of Türk Diş Poli̇ti̇kasinda 1990'LI Yillar: Soğuk Savaş Sonrasi Dönüşüm Ve İsti̇krar

Dogu Bati ideolojik kutuplasmasinin cozulmesinden sonra uluslararasi dinamiklerdeki gelismelerin ... more Dogu Bati ideolojik kutuplasmasinin cozulmesinden sonra uluslararasi dinamiklerdeki gelismelerin yol actigi yeni duzen Turk dis politikasinin bu duzene adaptasyonunu gerektirmistir. Bu adaptasyon Turk dis politikasinda donusumu oldugu kadar Bati yonelisi oldugunda istikrari da vurgulamaktadir. Buradan yola cikarak bu calismada ilk olarak 1990'li yillarda Turk dis politikasinin icine girdigi donusum sureci Turkiye'yi jeostratejik konum itibariyla on plana cikaran uluslararasi ortamin degisen verileri dogrulrusunda incelenmistir. Fakat donusumun asil yansimalari Turkiye'nin icine girdigi aktif dis politika davranislarinda gozlemlenmekte, buraya kadarki inceleme alani calismanin ilk bolumunu olsturmaktadir. Ikinci bolumde ise baslikta adi gecen Turk dis politikasindaki istikrar boyutu, baska bir deyisle Turkiye'nin Batiya yonelisinin butun bunlara ragmen neden ve ne sekilde sabit kaldigi fikri uzerinde durulmaktadir. Turk dis politikasinin bati hedefi dogrultusundaki te...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimlerde Akademik Çalışmalar


Doğu Batı ideolojik kutuplaşmasının çözülmesinden sonra uluslararası dinamiklerdeki gelişmelerin ... more Doğu Batı ideolojik kutuplaşmasının çözülmesinden sonra uluslararası dinamiklerdeki gelişmelerin yol açtığı yeni düzen Türk dış politikasının bu düzene adaptasyonunu gerektirmiştir. Bu adaptasyon Türk dış politikasında dönüşümü olduğu kadar Batı yönelişi olduğunda istikrarı da vurgulamaktadır. Buradan yola çıkarak bu çalışmada ilk olarak 1990\\u27lı yıllarda Türk dış politikasının içine girdiği dönüşüm süreci Türkiye\\u27yi jeostratejik konum itibarıyla ön plana çıkaran uluslararası ortamın değişen verileri doğrulrusunda incelenmiştir. Fakat dönüşümün asıl yansımaları Türkiye\\u27nin içine girdiği aktif dış politika davranışlarında gözlemlenmekte, buraya kadarki inceleme alanı çalışmanın ilk bölümünü olşturmaktadır. İkinci bölümde ise başlıkta adı geçen Türk diş politikasındaki istikrar boyutu, başka bir deyişle Türkiye\\u27nin Batıya yönelişinin bütün bunlara rağmen neden ve ne şekilde sabit kaldığı fikri üzerinde durulmaktadır. Türk dış politikasının batı hedefi doğrultusundaki temel ...

Research paper thumbnail of Du Passé Ottoman A La République Turque: Le Role De La Religion Dans La Vie Politique Turque

Research paper thumbnail of Current debates in international relations and law

Research paper thumbnail of Foreign policy as a means of the AKP’s struggle with Kemalism in relation to domestic variables

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities and Limits of Incorporating Gender in Economic Adjustment Policies: The Case of the World Bank

This article treats the question of women in one of the most important development agencies, the ... more This article treats the question of women in one of the most important development agencies, the World Bank, especially concerning the effect of its Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) towards the developing world. The major idea behind the article is that women are those who suffer the most from the adverse effects of the neo-liberal agenda that is supported by these programs. It is thus discussed that The World Bank, as long as it does not question its own goals remaining in neoliberal thinking, there is not a chance that this institution would indeed play a positive role beyond the rhetoric regarding women. While analyzing this problematic, throughout the article, the theoretical evolution regarding women and development from the “Women in Development” (WID) to arrive to a sense of “Gender and Development” (GAD) and finally to the “Gender Efficiency” approaches are as well to be examined

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining the Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East: From an Identity- Centred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an incon-si... more This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an incon-sistent process. It postulates that the inconsistent character of current globalization has exacer-bated the conditions of the occurrence of the Arab spring, while explaining why the Middle East in general has not been able to successfully integrate into it, within a core-periphery paradigm. The methodology referred to involves the projection on the level of real politics, of both macro and micro levels analysis of such a paradigm. In this sense, on the level of macro economics, US power politics, in its privileged relationship with the Arab authoritarian states, implies a geopolitical and geo-economic dominance supporting the status quo resulting from its global core situation. From the level of micro economic analysis, on the other hand, the core-periphery paradigm has also re-mained within the domestic scale of those Arab states, given their unequal distribution of resources and leaving...

Research paper thumbnail of The Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East : From an Identity-Centred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an inconsis... more This article is a treatise on the Arab revolution from the aspect of globalization as an inconsistent process. It postulates that the inconsistent character of current globalization has exacerbated the conditions of the occurrence of the Arab spring, while explaining why the Middle East in general has not been able to successfully integrate into it, within a core-periphery paradigm. The methodology referred to involves the projection on the level of real politics, of both macro and micro levels analysis of such a paradigm. In this sense, on the level of macro economics, US power politics, in its privileged relationship with the Arab authoritarian states, implies a geopolitical and geo-economic dominance supporting the status quo resulting from its global core situation. From the level of micro economic analysis, on the other hand, the core-periphery paradigm has also remained within the domestic scale of those Arab states, given their unequal distribution of resources and leaving be...

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlılardan Cumhuriyetçilere: Manevi ve Dünyevi Arasında Kemalist İçeriğin Uzlaşımı

Kemalist iceriktekidunyevilik, ozellikle, tek parti suresinde uygulanan kemalist laiklik ilkesine... more Kemalist iceriktekidunyevilik, ozellikle, tek parti suresinde uygulanan kemalist laiklik ilkesine olan alakasi soz konusu oldugunda, pozitivist ideolojiyle baglantilidir.Sonuc olarak Osmanli “teokratik” yapisi ozel bir durum icerse de, Osmanli devletine karsit niteligiyle Kemalist icerik kamu alaninda maneviyatin ifadesine de karsit olmustur. Diger yandan, liberal Islam’in kamu alaninatekrar dâhil olmasi, bizzat kemalizmin ugradigi degisimle ilgilidir. Bu makale, dolayisiyla, kemalizmin bir surec olarak, farkli tarihsel cerceveler geregince donusebilir niteligini savunmaktadir. Bunun karsiliginda dunyevi ve manevi arasinda kemalizmin uzlasimi, kemalizmin yeniden yorumuna dayanmistir. Bu ise, bir yandan Turkiye’ye uluslararasi sahada yeni bir rol model yuklerken, diger yandan Osmanli Imparatorlugu’ndan bu yana suregelen dinin devlete bagli statusune de dayanmistir. Sonuc olarak makale, kemalizmin maneviyatla olan uzlasiminin, acik uclu bir surec olarak,kemalizmin yeniden yoruma izin ...

Research paper thumbnail of Research and Development in Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Entre États-Unis et Europe : le dilemme stratégique de "l'occidentalité turque

C'est l'orientation occidentale de la Turquie qui conditionne les ouvertures de ce pays a... more C'est l'orientation occidentale de la Turquie qui conditionne les ouvertures de ce pays aux opportunites regionales depuis la fin de la guerre froide, que ce soit dans le monde turcophone, dans la region de la Mer Noire ou au Moyen-Orient. Mais Ankara est confronte a de serieux defis dans la realisation de ce but en raison de la tradition ottomane d'un Etat centralise, fort et identifie a la nation depuis la proclamation de la Republique, ce qui garantit ainsi aux militaires une puissance excessive au nom de la preservation de l'unite et de l'integrite nationales. La nation en tant qu'entite homogene, telle qu'elle est concue par l'ideologie officielle, ne correspond cependant ni aux realites sociologiques de ce pays, caracterise par un questionnement ethnique et religieux, ni aux standards pluralistes des democraties occidentales. Dans un contexte qui voit l'UE encore hesiter sur la place de la Turquie dans sa definition identitaire, l'allian...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity as a methodology and multiculturalism as an attitude in social sciences teaching and learning

International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2013

This paper studies the implications of positivism in social sciences and proposes a relativist, p... more This paper studies the implications of positivism in social sciences and proposes a relativist, postmodern epistemology of the particularistic stand in acquiring and building knowledge as it regards the treatment of cultures. The analysis of civilizations in relation to their creative potentials supports on the other hand the emphasis on a plural notion of civilizations and/or cultures within their singular historical interpretations. The paper proceeds from there to the basic traits of creativity, taken rather as a methodology and demonstrates how creative thinking in teaching and learning of social sciences, become two interwoven processes, which necessitates by implication the acknowledgement of minor cultures and therefore multiculturalism, designating an attitude, in the sense of "education" in general.

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Possibilities and Limits of Incorporating Gender in Economic Adjustment Policies: The Case of the World Bank

Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Explaining the Arab Revolution Within the Context of Globalization in the Middle East: From an Identitycentred Reaction to a Positive Involvement

Iktisadi Ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of From the Ottomans to the Republicans: Accommodation of the Kemalist Content in Between the Spiritual and the Temporal

Ege Academic Review, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Özgürlük Hareketleri, Maneviyattaki Yaratıcılık ve Ötesi İçin Öneriler: Türkiye Örneği ve AB Söylemi

Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2014