This book is an exposé of information and communication activities developed both by the EU institutions at the European, national and local levels and by public organizations and civil society actors. Specifically this volume is a collection of papers that analyses and discusses EU information and communication policies and activities from different theoretical perspectives. It examines the EU and its different communication actions towards, with, by different publics from political and intercultural communication, journalism, public relations and public diplomacy, political science, international relations, anthropology, sociology, information technology and cultural studies. The core theme of the book is “Communicating the EU”. Throughout six thematic parts, the authors examine from different angles and reflect on what it means for the European Union to communicate in multi-national and multi-cultural settings. This volume seeks to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the areas of Communication and the European Union. Our aim is, therefore, to adopt a fresh approach to analyse EU information and communication policies and actions. The special focus on empirical studies that assess tools and modes employed by the European institutions to interact with citizens, civil society, populations, and professionals is considerably significant for practitioners and students in the field to understand better EU communication framework.

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