goodaustenicons - Profile (original) (raw)
on 23 May 2006 (#10295385)
Welcome to
goodaustenicons. This is a closed icon community for the cream of the crop in Austen iconmaking. (Your Jane Austen equivalent of communities like
good_losticons.) In other words, you must apply (and get accepted!) if you would like to post in this community. If you are accepted, you will receive an invite to the community. However, you are more than welcome to simply watch this community if you just want to see the nice icons. :)
You can also take a look at the tags or memories if you want to find icons of any specific adaptation.
- Credit the iconmaker for any icons you take. If you need help learning how to do so, no problem: try this on for size.
- Commenting is not a requirement, but it is the courteous thing to do.
- Do not request to join the community. Simply friend this community if you want to see the icons.
- Please offer a teaser of 2-3 Austen-themed icons so others can get a sample of what they'll be seeing.
- Any more than 3 icons, however, must be posted under an LJ-cut.
- Include at least 3 Austen icons per post. (Imagine coming to goodaustenicons only to see 23402934 Disney icons and 1 Austen icon per post! Not a good thing.)
- Other Austen graphics (layouts, friends-only banners, wallpapers, etc.) are allowed and welcome, but you must still have the minimum of 3 Austen icons, and the full-size graphics should always be behind an LJ-cut.
- Please tag your posts appropriately with "icons" (or, for example, "wallpapers") and the adaptation you iconed. If there is no existing tag for the adaptation you iconed, leave it and the mods will get to it. :)
Rules for applicants can be found on the application post.
The founders of this community (and, oh me, your mods, too!) are ingenu0us,
modernelegance, and
peaceinyou. :) We couldn't find one, so we made one.
austen_stills (Austen Stills Icon Challenge)
costume_awards (Costume/Period Awards Community)
costume_stills (Costume/Period Stills Icon Challenge)
costumelims (Costume/Period Last Icon Maker Standing Challenge)
fellowshipicons (Clean Lord of the Rings Icons)
je_stillness (Jack and Elizabeth [_Pirates of the Caribbean_] Stills Icon Challenge)
mollygibson (Elizabeth Gaskell Icons)
pandp_stamp (Pride and Prejudice Rating/Stamping Community)
period_stills (Period Film Icon Contest for Non-Animated Icons)
pp_challenge (Pride & Prejudice [2005] Icon Challenge)
prideprej05 (Pride & Prejudice [2005] Fan Community)
regency_stills (Regency Era Stills Icon Challenge)
victorianstills (Victorian Era Stills Icon Challenge)
vintage20in20 (20 Vintage Icons in 20 Days)
Main Layout by ingenu0us. Codes by
Userinfo Layout by modernelegance.
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