The Murders in the Rue Morgue (C. Auguste Dupin, #1) (original) (raw)
1,341 reviews1,414 followers
In these first five stories about Edgar Allan Poe's detective Auguste Dupin, he establishes many of the traditions or motifs we know from classic detective fiction. The eccentric but brilliant detective who solves the mystery merely by analysing the facts from his armchair, the mystery of how a murder was committed in a closed room, laying a false trail with false clues or "red herrings" for the reader to follow are just three of his original tropes, which are now so familiar that they are almost cliches.
On its publication, the first story, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, written in 1841, was highly praised for its inventiveness and new style of storytelling. A murder was committed on the fourth floor, the windows were closed from the inside, the chimney was too narrow for even a cat to get through, so how did the murderer escape? Such a clever conundrum had never before been presented to readers, implicitly inviting them to solve the mystery. Interestingly, Poe also establishes the convention of the "bumbling policeman", who is outwitted by Dupin, in this story. However Poe is sometimes criticised for the "twist" ending, which nobody could reasonably be expected to imagine. The ending of this story is a metaphor for brains against brawn. Perhaps Poe preferred to sacrifice the burgeoning rationality and method of analysis by his character Dupin, in order to make this metaphor more explicit, to make the reader aware that the intellect will always win over violence.
The second story The Mystery of Marie Roget is a lesser story about Dupin. It is subtitled as its sequel, but is a bit of a disappointment after the brilliant conception of "The Murders in the Rue Morgue."
Poe described his third story, The Purloined Letter, written in 1844, as "perhaps the best of my tales of ratiocination". In other words he was deliberately inventing a detective who used his powers of reasoning, who made conscious deliberate inferences in order to arrive at valid and rational conclusions. Dupin also recognises the importance of reading and the written word as evidence. By such descriptions in the narrative, the reader can follow Dupin's thoughts and reasoning and reach the conclusion for themselves. The answers to the mysteries are all there, but only a clever person can see them.
The Gold Bug is yet another fascinating departure - an extremely readable story about the Secret Service involving the use of cyphers.
In the fifth story Thou Art the Man red herrings abound, and the guilty party is perhaps the most least likely suspect. This is yet another literary device which is well used and popular in contemporary mystery fiction.
It is worth remembering that the word "detective" did not exist at the time when Poe wrote The Murders in the Rue Morgue. He established the prototype of Dupin even before Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. It is easy to criticise a work in retrospect, but these early stories paved the way for a genre which is one of the most popular even today.
19th-century-ish classics ghost-horror-supernatural
666 reviews1,181 followers
“Even for those to whom life and death are equal jests. There are some things that are still held in respect.”
Known as the first modern detective story, Edgar Allan Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue is a quick but fascinating read. What makes it interesting is that it is as much about Poe's detective, Dupin, and the workings of his mind as it is about the murders. Dupin's attitude (solving the gruesome murders as a form of amusement) both draws us in and repels us. I haven't read much from Poe for some time, but his work is definitely worth revisiting!
1,118 reviews4,689 followers
A bit dry and moderately interesting. I definitely prefer Sherlock. Still, I gave it 3 stars for its historic value. It was probably the first detective story.
709 reviews6,280 followers
In The Beginning there was..في البدء كان Dupin دوبين الكثير يظن أن شيرلوك الذي ابتدعه ارثر كونان دويل هو أول مخبر، ربما متأثرا بشئ من سابقه المحقق في رواية دوستويفيسكي الأشهر"الجريمة والعقاب"..ولا يدري أن كلا المؤلفان اعترفا صراحة بالإلهام من شخصية بو السابقة لكل هذا سي أوجست دوبين ففي 1841 قبل شيرلوك هولمز وبوارو اجاثا كريستي، بل والمخبر السري ميكي والمحقق كونان بعقود، قدم إدجار ألان بو شخصية المخبر السري قبل حتي ان تظهر كلمة "مخبر" بمعناها الحالي ليرسي قواعد قصص التحري وشخصية المخبر لاول مرة بتاريخ الأدب والتي ستسير عليها الشخصية بشكل شبه نمطي فيما بعد
فقد قدمت شخصية المخبر لاحقا في قصص اكيد تفوق تلك القصة -او الثلاث قصص مجمعة لبو- اثارة ومتعة وذكاء باسلوب حكي أفضل ومفاجأت تقلب الاحداث بشكل اكثر اتقانا وتطور في اساليب الاستقراء والتحليل والاستنتاج
الا ان كلهم سيشتركون في نقطة أو أخري مع دوبين..أول مخبر في التاريخ.. فلتلق نظرة معي علي أحداث قصة ظهوره الأول ولنر هل تتفق معي أم لا
*** الاحداث ***
ففي قصة "جرائم في شارع المشرحة" ، نتعرف علي السيد دوبين والذي برغم ذكائه فهو مفلس تماما رغم اصوله العريقة، والراوي يقابله بالصدفة في مكتبة وينبهر بذكائه وسعة اطلاعه علي مختلف الكتب لذا يقرر أن يشاركه في اثناء اقامته في باريس في شقته المؤجرة بلا مقابل
ينبهر الراوي باسلوب دوبين في الملاحظة ، الاستقراء والاستنتاج بطريقة جهنمية كأنها خارقة للطبيعة في التخمين -وربما فعلا تأتي احيانا الاتسنتاجات معتمدة علي التخمين والتوقع بشكل ما- ولكن يقدم هذا الجزء بشكل مطول كمقدمة القصة التي كانت عن الشطرنج والداما والفرق بين مهارات اللعبتان
ثم تأتي جريمة ثنائية عجيبة لسيدة وابنتها في شارع مورج "المشرحة"، جريمة بشعة يقرأها دوبين وصديقه في الصحف لتقرأ معهما التفاصيل كلها وشهادات شهود عدة، كلها تدل علي غموض عجيب في الجريمة واستحالة خروج القاتل -ان وجد- بسهولة دون ان يلاحظة الحشد الذي تجمع لسماع الصرخات وبدافع الفضول ، والفراغ للسيدان دوبين ورفيقه الراوي ، يذهبان لمعاينة مسرح الجريمة
وبمجرد أن يعود السيد دوبين ورفيقه مسكنهما، يبلغه دوبين أنه منتظرا زيارة من مرتكب الجريمة ، او علي الاقل احد من حضروا جريمة القتل نفسها والذي يعرف من هو القاتل
وبالفعل يحضر لهم من حضر جريمة القتل...يعترف تماما بما حدث...ويحلل دوبين للرواي كيف فك غموض الحكاية بالتفصيل وكيف استدرج ذلك الشاهد المهم لمسكنه ثم يغيظ به محقق الشرطة المكلف بالجريمة والذي لم يتصور أبدا ان يحل هذا اللغز المعقد شخص عادي مثل دوبين
*** التأثير والتأثر ***
في يناير الماضي بينما أقرأ قرائتي الاولي للسيد أرثر كونان في روايته الاولي لشيرلوك هولمز مراجعة دراسة في اللون ال��رمزي ستجد أن السيد أرثر ذكر علي لسان واتسون الراوي أن شيرلوك يشبه دوبين ، الشخصية التي ابتكرها بو، ويشعر شيرلوك باللاطراء، ولو أن له ملاحظة علي اسلوب دوبين ولكنه لا ينكر انه عبقريا
السيد أرثر نفسه اعترف انه استلهم الكثير فعلا من دوبين ولكنه قام بتطوير الاسلوب بعد نصف قرن من الزمان، ولكنك ستلاحظ فعلا ان حتي هيكل القصة وبدء ظهور الشخصية يتشابه بشكل كبير جدا مع ما ذكرته من احداث قصة دوبين الاولي من طريقة معرفته بالراوي، ظروف سكنهم ، انسجامهما سويا، مساعدة الراوي للمخبر في التدوين، وحتي ملامح القصة الاولي نفسها لكليهما متشابهة نوعا ما كجزء استدراج القاتل للمسكن
الراوي الذي يتابع المحقق ويدون ملاحظته ايضا ظهر في اغلب قصص هيركول بوارو الاولي لاجاثا كريستي وحتي عندما اختفي هذا الراوي لجأت اجاثا كريستي لنفس الحيلة براوي مختلف لبوارو ليساعده كما في قصتها ذات المفاجأة الاقوي مراجعة من قتل السيد روجر أكرويد
العلاقة المعقدة ايضا بين المخبر السري او ذلك المحقق الخاص مع محقق الشرطة الرسمي هي علاقة معقدة ظريفة ، طورها ايضا بو في قصته الثالثة والاخيرة لدوبين، ثم لعب عليها كثيرا السيد أرثر في شيرلوك ، ومؤخرا قدمتها ايضا جي كي رولينج بشكل ذكي في سلسلة المحقق الخاص كورموران سترايك الحديثة مراجعة نداء الكوكو، اولي روايات سترايك
يقال ايضا ان بو نفسه تأثر نوعا ما برواية لفولتير من القرن السابق له، او رواية اخري لأي تي أيه هوفمان نشرت قبله ببضعة اعوام عن مجموعة جرائم غامضة في فرنسا
ولكن هذا هو الادب، أليس كذلك مجموعة من التأثيرات، تتطور وتتشكل وتنضج حتي الان ستجد ألهاما اذا ما قرأت الكلاسيكيات ، فقد ألهم الكثير من الكتاب قد لا تعجبك الحبكة هنا وتري فيها شيئا من البدائية او ضعف حبكة النهاية...فقد رأي قبلك الكثير تلك العيوب بل رفض البعض فكرة نهاية تلك القصة نفسها حيث رأي الكثيرين انها تخدع عقل القارى ولكن بسبب ذكاء الفكرة ككل وثراءها برغم من قصر الفكرة انتجت علي غرارها القصص الاكثر قوة وجمال وامتاع
أقرا القصص البوليسية ، فهي ثراء للعقل والتركيز وتقوية لمهارات الاستقراء والاستنتاج واقرا مراجعات القصص البوليسية ، فقد تلهمك للمزيد
فقط تذكر عندما تقرأ قصة مخبر سري جديدة ، حتي لو كانت قصة لباتمان مثلا او المحقق ميكي أنه قبل حتي صياغة هذا المصطلح...أنه في البدء كان
محمد العربي في 19 ابريل 2017
Author 20 books4,150 followers
Book Review
Edgar Allan Poe was a brilliant author, who died too early; I can only imagine what his macabre mind would have dreamed had he not perished. In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, a short story first published in 1841, Poe introduces a detective character, C. Auguste Dupin, who will show up in a few later stories. Many future writers, (Dame Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) were influenced by this work in particular. It's quite possible the father of the detective story. A gory, macabre story, it's not nearly as graphic as the things we read today, but it will still send the shivers up your spine. The most famous part of this work is how readers never suspect the culprit, given how well done the story is. It's a quick read, worth any mystery fan's attention... and a good sampling of the early genre for those interested in giving it a chance.
About Me
For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by. Note: All written content is my original creation and copyrighted to me, but the graphics and images were linked from other sites and belong to them. Many thanks to their original creators.
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1-fiction 3-multi-book-series 3-written-pre-20th-century
3,532 reviews674 followers
I think this is one of the most brilliant detective stories ever written. Two ladies (mother and daughter L' Espanaye) are murdered in a house in Rue Morgue (Paris). But who did it? French Police arrests a suspect but did he really commit those heinous crimes? An independent gentleman named Dupin starts his investigations and draws stunning clues. Observation, facts and the combination of everything is his strength (he reminds me on a leaner version of Sherlock Holmes). Can he solve the horrible mystery? What are his exact methods? The story is an absolute pageturner and intriguing from beginning to end. A perfect murder mystery. Absolutely recommended, a classic not to be missed!
9,563 reviews479 followers
May 18, 2021
The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Edgar Allan Poe
The Murders in the Rue Morgue is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841.
It has been described as the first modern detective story, Poe referred to it as one of his "tales of ratiocination".
The unnamed narrator of the story opens with a lengthy commentary on the nature and practice of analytical reasoning, then describes the circumstances under which he first met Dupin during an extended visit to Paris.
The two share rooms in a dilapidated old mansion and allow no visitors, having cut off all contact with past acquaintances and venturing outside only at night.
One evening, Dupin demonstrates his analytical prowess by deducing the narrator's thoughts about a particular stage actor, based on clues gathered from the narrator's previous words and actions. ...
تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز هفدهم ماه می سال 2016میلادی
عنوان ترکی آذری: مورق کوچه سینده قتل؛ یازار: ادقار آلئنپو؛ چئویرن: صفر ایسکندراوو (صفر اسکندروف)؛ حاضیرلایان: نسرین شیرمحمدزاده؛ ارومیه، بوتا، 1388؛ در 86ص؛ شابک 9786009109449؛ موضوع داستانهای کوتاه از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 19م
عنوان: قتل در کوچه مورج؛ نویسنده ادگار آلن پو؛ مترجم سپیده حبیبی؛ بازآرا: شیدا ذاکری؛ تهران: موسسه نگارش الکترونیک کتاب، 1394؛ در 52ص؛ چاپ دوم 1395؛ در 47ص؛ شابک 9786008299318؛ چاپ دیگر با عنوان سوسک طلا؛ در 44ص؛ شابک 9786008299301؛
عنوان: جنایت در ری مورگه؛ تهران، آفرینش، 1394؛ در 48ص؛ شابک 9786001350696؛
قتلهای خیابان «مورگ»، یا «جنایت در کوی غسالخانه»، داستان کوتاهی از «ادگار آلن پو» است، که نخستین بار در سال 1841میلادی، در مجله ی «گراهام» منتشر شد؛ «آدمکشیهای کوچه مورگ» نخستین نمونه ی مدرن؛ از داستانهای کارآگاهی به شمار میرود
در یکی از روزها، خبری از قتلی مشکوک، از یک مادر و دختر، که به طرز فجیعی کشته شده اند، در روزنامه منتشر میشود؛ حل این معمای پیچیده، که کوچکترین سرنخی از قاتل آن وجود ندارد، مسئله را بسیار دشوار میکند، در نتیجه «اوگوست دوپن» که فرمانده پلیس را میشناسد، تصمیم میگیرد، به یاری دوستش، راز مبهم قتل را کشف، قاتل را شناسایی، و از فرد بی گناهی که در زندان، به عنوان قاتل زندانی شده، رفع اتهام کند
نقل از متن «قتل در کوچه مورج»: (یک ذهن تحلیل گر، خودش را جای حریف خود میگذارد؛ به علاوه موقعیت خودش را نیز میسنجد، و به این طریق، به یکباره، متوجه راه و روشهایی گاهی بس ساده میشود، که به وسیله ی آنها، حریف خود را گمراه کرده، یا آنچنان شتابزده اش میکند، که باعث پیش بینی اشتباه او میگردد؛ اما مهارت در بازی، مستلزم داشتن توانایی، برای کسب پیروزی، در همه ی شرایطی است، که ذهن با ذهن، دست و پنجه نرم میکند)؛ پایان نقل
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 27/02/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
465 reviews289 followers
He disfrutado mucho de esta relectura de este clásico. Según dicen los expertos, es el primer relato detectivesco.
Un relato genial que tiene continuación en "El misterio de Marie Roget".
I really enjoyed this re-reading of this classic. According to the experts, it is the first detective story.
A great story that is continued in "The Mystery of Marie Roget".
709 reviews1,083 followers
Es a través de este cuento, "El Misterio de María Roget" y "La Carta Robada" (lean el ensayo de Deleuze al respecto), y a partir de Auguste C. Dupin, que Edgar Allan Poe inventó el género policial 46 años antes que el Sherlock de Conan Doyle.
No hace falta hacer spoiler, pero diganme: ¿no es uno de los asesinos más inverosímiles de la historia de la literatura? ¿Por qué creen que Poe era tan único?
Por genialidades como esta...
Author 2 books1,449 followers
This story has somewhat less emotional intensity than Poe's gothic horrors such as The Pit and the Pendulum and The Tell-Tale Heart. Yet that's perfectly appropriate, since this is a very different kind of story. In some ways it's the antithesis of the gothic, because here it is reason, not emotion, that's ascendant, that's the star of the show, so to speak. The trick for Poe is how to make it interesting nonetheless. He solves this conundrum by basically inventing the genre of detective fiction. Auguste Dupin is the progenitor of everyone from Sherlock Holmes to Hercule Poirot, using the same techniques of logic and deduction to solve a gruesome double murder. Dupin isn't as fully formed as Holmes or Poirot, and the story lacks some of the suspense-building elements of those later stories, but Poe continues to amaze me in this wonderful tale.
50 reviews31 followers
CALIFICACIÓN REAL: 3.5 estrellas
Una de las más famosas e importantes obras de Poe: el primer relato detectivesco en la historia de la literatura. ¿Estará a la altura de lo que nos ha ofrecido el autor hasta el momento en su recopilatorio Narraciones extraordinarias? ¿Qué tan interesante es este nuevo género literario? Son algunas de las interrogantes que responderé según mi criterio personal en esta reseña.
La trama comienza con una introducción comparativa entre el ajedrez, las damas y otros juegos, con la intención de dar a conocer cómo funciona el análisis para aplicarlo en diferentes aspectos, incluido la vida. Si bien esta parte introductoria es bastante larga y tediosa, me parece que es necesaria en cierto modo para comprender un poco mejor a Dupin, quien es uno de los protagonistas de esta historia y que es conocido por su gran y sorprendente capacidad analítica.
Como primer acercamiento a este nuevo género que nació aquí, debo decir que me entretuvo bastante su planteamiento. Provoca el no querer parar de leer para saber quiénes fueron los culpables, cómo escaparon y en qué desencadenará todo. Incluso llegué a sospechar de ; sin embargo, no estuve ni cerca del resultado final, el cual no mencionaré, para que así lo puedan descubrir por ustedes mismos. La gran imaginación de Poe hace totalmente impredecible este caso.
Y tras haber leído a este precursor fundacional de su género, no le cierro para nada las puertas a Sherlock Holmes de Arthur Conan Doyle ni a las novelas de Agatha Christie.
No obstante, Los asesinatos de la rue Morgue tiene varios puntos bajos. Como ya mencioné, está la extensa y tediosa introducción sobre lo que es el análisis, y a esto se le suma la explicación acerca de una ventana y un clavo que la sujeta. Ambas partes son bastante latosas, aburridas y más largas de lo que debiesen ser.
Igualmente, a pesar de ser un relato de 40 páginas, y que son 14 más de las que había en Los anteojos, se me hizo una lectura más amena que esta última, incluyendo todos sus puntos negativos que acabo de mencionar. Además, debo confesar que no simpaticé mucho con Dupin ni tampoco quiero profundizar en su resolución del caso, pese a que se me hizo algo redundante. No quiero enfocarme en esto último, ya que, al ser el primer relato de este tipo, no me parece muy justo hacerlo, a sabiendas de que probablemente Poe no haya tenido más referencias a la hora de desarrollar de mejor forma esta parte de la trama que con casos reales de periódicos por obvias razones: estamos ante el inicio de algo.
El final del relato quizás pueda ser algo anecdótico y haya sido concebido con la intención de provocar cierta gracia, pero que a mí no me la causó. Esto se debe a que, para haber logrado dicho efecto, se le debería de haber dado alguna importancia , para que tenga sentido que el mero final gire en torno a él; pero ni mención alguna o acto de presencia tiene este personaje fuera de las últimas estrofas.
Resumiendo todo, tengo bien presente que esta lectura provoca el no querer dejar de leer para saber su desenlace; pero también tiene sus ya sabidos puntos bajos. Sinceramente, no estoy seguro de dónde ubicar a este título para mi top 28 personal, que incluiré en la reseña de Narraciones extraordinarias. De momento, tengo pensado situarlo entre antes o después que El corazón delator, pero no es muy justo, ya que este otro cuento tiene menos defectos que el presente.
De lo que sí estoy seguro, es que no tengo ninguna duda de que mi calificación final es de 3.5 estrellas, aunque aún no tenga claro en donde posicionarle. Y lo otro que también tengo bien claro es, que, Los anteojos sigue siendo hasta el momento, la lectura que menos me ha gustado y/o motivado del recopilatorio en general.
Por último, si bien sabemos que esta es una historia detectivesca, creo que el mayor misterio de todo el relato es, de cómo dos hombres deciden irse a vivir juntos tras conocerse. ¿Será que 🏳️🌈?
- ‘’El mejor jugador de ajedrez puede llegar a ser, con el tiempo, poco más que el mejor jugador de ajedrez’’.
- ‘’Aquí fue hallado el cadáver de la anciana madame L’Espanaye, con la garganta rebanada de tal modo que, al intentar alzar el cuerpo, la cabeza se desprendió. El cuerpo se veía horriblemente mutilado y conserva apenas su apariencia humana’’
Para no perder el hilo con las demás reseñas de Narraciones extraordinarias:
• Precedida de El corazón delator:
• Seguida por Eleonora:
218 reviews257 followers
“It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic.”
I was pleasantly surprised with this short story. The writing style was engaging and plot was fast-paced. I was consumed by the story without forming any connection with the narrator nor other characters, which personalities were almost non-existent, truth be told. The main strength is the plot, of course, with it's suspense keeping the reader on his toes.
This was the story about a puzzling double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter in the Rue Morgue. Mr. Dupin solved the mystery merely by analyzing the facts from his armchair. The mystery contained inexplicable facts like how the murder was committed in a closed room. Mr. Dupin used his observation to solve a murder case that even the police considered a lost cause. A murder was committed on the fourth floor, with the windows closed from the inside and the chimney was too narrow for even a cat to get through. The murderer turned out to be someone who the reader would never have guessed. The question is how did the murderer escape?
„The sight of blood turned its anger into frenzy and it jumped on the body of the girl.“
Mr. Po was way ahead of his time. The descriptions of committed violence were graphic and detailed. He did an excellent job in building tension and leading the reader in different directions. The story kept me on my toes from the first to the last page. The writing style is dynamic and vivid, which kept me entertained.
The description of the story is stimulating and bloody. There's a lot of suspense due to the lack of motive for the murders as well as the strange evidence and witness reports. If you had high expectations like me, you're probably going to be disappointed by the ending. I would like it more if there was some bigger factor of the human interest story.
„In this kind of investigation we should not ask the question ’what has happened’ but ’what has happened that has never happened before?’“
I wish there were more inner thoughts of Mr. Dupin.
"Truth is not always in a well. In fact, as regards the more important knowledge, I do believe that she is invariably superficial. The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain-tops where she is found."
393 reviews225 followers
Since The Murders in the Rue Morgue was definitely a captivating and compelling short story, it has become my favorite Poe's tale thus far.
This tale is considered the first modern detective story, and even though it doesn't have a complex plot (it is not plain though), it is in fact a great introduction to the genre.
In this story, our first 'detective', Auguste Duplin, decides to solve the mystery of the cruel murder of a woman and her daughter, which was committed in the Rue Morgue, and where, according to an edition of the "Gazette des Tribunaux", there were some testimonies and witnesses to the crime.
Duplin, whose traits slightly reminded me of Hercule Poirot's ones, will be able to give a solution to this crime with the available evidence, of course, in a coherent and realistic way. In the end, I was really impressed with the resolution and satisfied with the ending.
Poe's narrative is impressive as always, for instance, he is one of my favorite American authors, and so I can't complain about his writing style. Besides, and despite the fact that there is no a gothic, ominous atmosphere in this story (at least not in the way it was in other tales I have read so far), you can't help but read this tale quickly from beginning to end in order to find out what exactly happened in the Rue Morgue, and mainly, who did it.
The only 'negative' aspect though —which is not really negative for me at all—, is that the author begins the tale with an introduction* to the story or an explanation of some topics which eventually will be relevant at some point. From my point of view, it is quite interesting to read this part because somehow it gives you a previous idea to the actual story.
In short, I highly recommend this tale, and I hope you all enjoy it.
"Between ingenuity and the analytic ability there exists a difference far greater, indeed, than that between the fancy and the imagination, but of a character very strictly analogous. It will be found, in fact, that the ingenious are always fanciful, and the truly imaginative never otherwise than analytic."
* Actually, this is a common characteristic of some Poe's tales.
5-star-books favorites february-2022
Author 2 books4,663 followers
- قبل آرثر دويل وآغاتا كريستي كان ادغار بو و "دوبين" وما تم اتباعه لاحقاً من تحليلات واستقراءات في الروايات البوليسية كانت بذرته الأولى هنا والتطور في مرحلة لاحقة كما هي طبيعة التطور بشكل عام.
- القصة بشكل عام جيدة، ترينا الوجه البوليسي من ادغار بو وقدرته على نسج الأحداث وحل اللغز من ضمن مواهبه المتعددة الاخرى من شعر وقصص قوطية.
1,009 reviews42.4k followers
“Books, indeed, were his sole luxuries”.
Ya llegaré a los relatos de Poe que sí me gustan, pero este vuelve a caer en una categoría demasiado detectivesca y rocambolesca para mi gusto. Ahora, si soy fans de los thrillers o de las historias de Sherlock Holmes, seguramente este relato es para ustedes.
Aquí nos encontramos con la narración de un asesinato violento y del que, según la policía y las declaraciones de los testigos, no se tiene ninguna pista del perpetrador. Sin embargo, el personaje de Poe aquí es un hombre con una gran capacidad analítica y llega pronto al fondo del asunto, que, por cierto, es increíblemente absurdo, pero, oye, ficción... xD.
Lo que me cansa de este tipo de relatos son las peroratas interminables sobre cómo deducen cierta cosa de acuerdo a cierta otra circunstancia y se tardan tres siglos en llegar al punto que quieren exponer.
784 reviews428 followers
Audiobook in Portuguese. During my life, I tried several times to read this short story, but I never ended it. This time, I could listen to the audiobook until the end and I loved it.
2,307 reviews358 followers
This is one of the original detective stories, eventually inspiring the likes of Sherlock Holmes.
It was not a bad story. I didn't see coming who would be the murderer at the end!
However the beginning, the prologue, was way too long. It was describing the way one might analyse a person but it took like 11 pages to do it!
Once it got into the actual story, it was quicker to get through. Although, the sentence structure and certain words are not like what we use today and that made it slightly hard to fully understand everything that was happening.
1,300 reviews224 followers
We can all thank Edgar Allen Poe for publishing the granddaddy of mysteries... Poe and Agatha Christie instilled a love for mysteries in this bookworm that continues to this day.
347 reviews621 followers
I love mysteries, I really do, so of course I had to read this one. I mean, written by no other author than Poe and it is said Dupin was part of the inspiration of this man here:
How could I resist, then?
Part of why I love mysteries so much is because I get to have a role in the story. Obviously I cannot interfere in what the characters are doing, but I can be invested in what they're doing - by trying to find the answers, I mean.
Unfortunately for this story, I never really could play that part. Why? Because we are never given clues or suspects. I want to think this is because it's a short story, but there are more than 50 Sherlock Holmes short stories, and even in the predictable ones you get the chance of solving the mystery before the answer is given.
The problem was that when Dupin appeared in the scene, he started saying all he thought happened, which in fact was what really happened, and so I never could wonder who was the murderer.
But of course, it was a delight to meet Dupin. You can certainly see the similarities between himself and Holmes. Again, I prefer the latter one. Dupin was still great, though.
Anyway, knowing Poe's stories, I can say this is not one of his best, yet it is nonetheless worth reading. Now, can we bless Conan Doyle for bringing life to Holmes even though he hated it? (Sorry for that)
2016 classics mystery-thriller
1,186 reviews316 followers
Second time reading. I add a star to my initial 1 star rating. That's it, Poe! Sorry. Can't concede more stars. 😑
Two bizarre murders in a locked room.
A frightful mystery.
And an endless, headache–inducing analytical explanation by the genius Dupin. 🙄
_Coincidences, in general, are great stumbling-blocks in the way of that class of thinkers who have been educated to know nothing of the theory of probabilities - that theory to which the most glorious objects of human research are indebted for the most glorious of illustration._Blah, blah, blah.
classics crime-mystery short-stories
Author 16 books306 followers
Historias de crimen y suspenso que tienen que ser leídas en definitiva.
Los detalles son tan especifícos que comprendo porqué llegaron a creer que el autor podría ser responsable de tales actos.
La pluma de Poe tiene esa particularidad, y sin dudas vuelve a todas sus obras unas joyas digas de ser leídas.
488 reviews719 followers
نحن مع موعد مع اول محقق خاص فى تاريخ الكتابة المحقق الذى ألهم بعد ذلك السير أرثر كونان و اجاثا كريستى و غيرهم فى بدا هذا النوع الشيق من التحقيقات فى الروايات
إدجار الان بو رسم الطريق ليس فى الرعب القوطى فقط و لكن فى اسلوب التحقيقات فى الجرائم الغير عادية , ابتكر لنا " أوجست دوبين " هذ المحقق الذكى الذى امتعنى بتحليله للجريمة و قوة ملاحظته .
> “الحقيقة تبدو سطحية، لكنها في الواقع تكمن في إعماق الوديان وليس على قمم الجبال”
فى المجمل نستطيع ان نقول انها جيدة نظرا لانه اول عمل فى هذا الجانب و خاصة البداية قوية و اللغة كعادة بو مشوقة للغاية و ترتيب الاحداث وصولاً للنهاية الغريبة كان جيد .
713 reviews106 followers
„Убийствата на улица „Морг“ е много хубава и интересна новела! Едгар Алън По е поставил основите на криминалния жанр, разказвайки историите за детектив Дюпен.
„Ти без съмнение ще кажеш, като си послужиш с езика на юристите, че „за да спечеля делото“, трябва по-скоро да омаловажа, отколкото да настоявам за пълната оценка на необходимата в този случай ловкост. Това може да е практика на закона, но не и практика на разума. Моята крайна цел е само истината...“
2,466 reviews512 followers
3 Stars
Apparently, Poe’s work here is the first “locked room mystery” created and also the inspiration for future great detectives a’la Sherlock Holmes and Hercules Poirot.
A far fetched scenario and an extremely dry read but nonetheless, interesting in the fact this being the OG.
2021 audio crime-mystery-suspense-x
1,440 reviews1,459 followers
Overrated but fine.
The ending was ridiculous.
I'm unsure about how I truly feel about this story and I'll probably reread it at some point.
2,342 reviews609 followers
2 Stars
Acknowledged by many as the original story in the detective-crime fiction, The Murders in the Rue Morgue: The Dupin Tales is staple reading by the renowned horror-mystery great Edgar Allan Poe.
A locked room mystery at its core, this story was disappointingly tedious in its telling. I consider myself a lover of murder-mysteries, but I found myself struggling to get through this one—which is saying something because it’s a mere 38 pages long.
Perhaps too pretentious in its style and execution for my own personal tastes, my first foray with Mr. Poe’s “classics” unfortunately wasn’t a great one. Here’s hoping any further experiences with this author are much more winsome.
buddy-read-with-r classics crime-mystery-suspense
1,011 reviews965 followers
Poe's story has one of the first "detective" in literature. M. Dupin looks at the situation, follows the clues, and comes up with the true murderer. Today, detectives supported their suppositions with fingerprints, DNA, and complicated lab procedures. It was interesting to see the murder solved by deduction.
66 reviews61 followers
Very good, and easily read.
A true classic, this little mystery is considered to be the first ever 'detective story', and you can definitely tell. It's very analytical, with the story element lacking a bit in substance, instead consisting mostly of a torrent of theories and guesses. It's the author trying something new and different, something that was later perfected by Arthur Conan Doyle, by Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, and others from the 20s - the 'Golden Age' of crime fiction -, all the way to the hardboiled detective stories, predominant between the 30s and the 50s, and to the contemporary crime/thriller/'whodunit' novels we have today.
If you enjoy mysteries, not only does this have more than enough merit by itself, it also is a great read since it's at the base of all crime stories that came since.