Fuck Milk! (original) (raw)

Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inGot Poetry's LiveJournal:

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

7:46 pm


Fly away,

Silently singing

Freedom searching

Take flight on wings

Made of stardust and cloud

Escape the dirty, taunting man

Let your aspirations be your guide into the unknown

Let your sorrow keep you adrift

Oh, sweet sparrow, whose voice haunts my soul

Why do you touch the ground

When you could live amongst clouds instead?

Are humans more fun to watch

Are they more fun to tease?

With their heads in the clouds

And meager thoughts flying about

Like deformed children

They grow into monsters

And they take

Never giving

Are you disgusted by our useless


The fire or touching the sun

The lips pressed to windows

Eyes searching for answers

Where there are no questions

Yes, we must seem so silly to you

And cruel as well

Is it wrong to you that we blind you

Ad make you sing?

I’m sure you must not mind much,

For it takes a willing subject to be caught

By unskilled men’s hands

But sparrow

If I could

I’d leave with you

And leave this disserted no mans land

To forever be in your grace


Goodbye until we meet again

I will always look to you as a friend

Monday, April 12th, 2010

4:44 pm

Going Public

So foreign an expression of which I have no experience
When your eyes give no hint to your feelings.
Why are you so guarded?
You've got ADT around your heart and I don't have the code
Nor a way to gauge the moon's despondent gaze.
This room with its curtained windows and silent walls is your only security.
You paint your dreams on the empty canvas in secret.
You'll be lucky if the stars' representation of them is validating enough to warrant your satisfaction, and is in accordance with the story you were trying to portray.
Consistency is a hard thing to illustrate in the sky.
Even for celestial perfection.
Do not be discouraged if the depiction does not conform to the exhibition of your aspirations.
Heaven can't get everything right.
If you come to find that your trust was too hastily and without proper consideration put into the accurate portrayal of your dreams by the stars
And they render themselves free of their burden and the storm that ensues hardens the earth with an exaggerated truth
Remember that I will always be here to catch them.
When going public means you lose all security, I will be the curtained windows and walls that help give it back.

4:43 pm

No Title

The leaves are on fire, falling from the trees like angels from an uninhabitable expanse of darkness
they cover my feet as ashes in mourning showing a picture of you from the forlorn apparatus above
the image is not drawn to scale
and It makes you seem closer than you truly are
Is it selfish of me to wish desperately that this portrayal of you was adequately proportional to real life?
that what i see in the representation is what is absolute
Is it ignorant of me also to convince myself that the depiction is possible?
that you may be as close as you seem?
a personage of beauty stands on the threshold of my heart, just out of reach
reason condemns my perceptual desire for its benightedness
is what i see in the ashen leaves not reasonable?
my eagerness for the truth has concealed me from it
leaves fall in flame to incite change
and bring to my eyes a purposed false reality for them to fall victim to
your image fades amidst a landscape of empty trees and broken memories
a last leaf falls
no flame

4:41 pm


Turn your reluctant gaze on the blinding sun and you won't see your dreams fall and fragment into the sand.
On this deserted shore, amidst the unrelenting clamor of incessant waves protesting the inevitable existence of broken aspirations against the rocks, the wind calls your name.
Ears do not hear what the imagination does not wish to analyze.
Eyes do not see what the heart cannot morph into favorable advantage.
You stand alone, abandoned on a landscape of judgment
separated from reality by your own thoughts which sabotage themselves with realized vulnerability.
Far beyond the clouds is the escape you've been looking for.
A collective silence of stifled accusations echoes from the choir of elements
slowly turning your tunnel vision away from biases that hold you captive.

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

10:47 am

whistling sexy (july 2, 2008)

so whistling is sexy
dire ocean, dire sea
calmly careening
island by island
beach by beach
so whistling is sexy ...
when you do

so words unspoken are true
like the wind, like the sand
underneath our almost bound feet
struggling for thoughts
that the body give away
so easily, so enchantingly
words almost uttered
but then again they were never heard
yet so true, its so true

so the tree, so the rock
he climbed, he trudged
funny, clumsily, and uncanny
like me lying half naked
and you whistling sexy ...
at me
under the scorching march sun
friends, rocks and the boat men
all gone, all done
just you and i
left behind ...


Thursday, January 3rd, 2008

1:06 am

the interior clock
the exterior clock
the mother maid
knows it's
six o'clock
the wide eyed beggar
while the young alter boy
and the madness
of time
shows and climbs the
bones of the
and besieges
the alter boy's
swims away
into the dark sea
while he prays to
someone he'll never
the mother maid
sleeps and slaves
until time
and carves unmarked
the beggar knows
that time exists
he hasn't felt it
or cared to embrace it
he carries himself
down the road
knowing he will
but knowing not
the meaning of
the trees continue
to howl
in the misty fields
dancing together
a tune
no one must ever
they know life
too well
and would inflict us all
with a rotting truth
that lingers
in the hot damp air
we can't grasp it
with our aging
we are all dragging
on the stiff hands
of a clock
like a dog on a
leather leash
we continue to walk

Monday, December 31st, 2007

8:31 pm

why so serious
such a cold goodbye
why so emotionless
to someone you once held
so close so far
out of reach

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

6:32 am

chronicles of a demigod (december 21, 2007)

i speak
in tongues
of stoned origin
the narcotics playing with every word
the phrases stoked to surreal proportions
can you hear the music
banging in my heart
splitting in my ear
the ecstatic voices
just in my head
confiding in my head

i lay
with astral emotions
scattered around me
freely flowing
overly escalating
this pleasure
this lush multitude of emotions
from the peak of my shin to my nape
so inconceivable
so unbelievable
in my head
they conspire only in head

no motion so subtle
no greatness so insurmountable
the glee
that pleas to be free
from beyond the control of sensitivity
i am passing
the transformation to another being
fully taking over me ...

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

6:05 pm

true bliss sick true bliss sick
no excuses.

what is the creative, sedative, native of your love powder

the things we trade, the jiggles gone wild like apple chills

ills of my mind, that's it, egoistic laundry machine

way too gone, i found a crap of shit on your tunnel vision

no romance, anti-natural. And it was all good, oh golly, my son is a polluted man.

My thesis is just that, I can't stay on the right course, I get confused, all these negative entities and their remorse, remove I want to but the light shades quick

please help I told lies so little but crucial to the soul
leave? nope we are cold in the city because there is too much to look for
cheese, I seed wonder vision two times but plead guilty to your tears

my bitching is of biblical proportion, not to mention my secret lotion, commotion for the furriers, it's piano sheet music for all mall zombies

aahaggg, that's too much. he uses words like a drunken punch

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

5:27 pm

Updating the Myth P.S. I'm new to LiveJournal, and I always love friends. So please add me and tell me, so I can add you. =]

I'm lost in the chemicals I created
Pouring my heart inside your delectable case
I wondered if I could merge with the tears you cry
Immortal water dripping from the aquamarines inside your eyes
And deep inside, I know I'm wreck
But the stitches you placed inside me heal the burns
Don't ask me how;
I don't know
But at least I have someone to hug while it rains

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

3:13 pm

midnight sun (august 9, 2000)

midnight sun
im here but now im gone
read my palm
now i can run

the clouds are clear now
my way is decided somehow
when can i grab such opportunity
just when will i stop quitting you and me

midnight sun
faraway and gone
im troubled and totally uncomfortable
'cause youre like reading my palm

the skies are storming
and the east is coasting
i gave up "just cruising"
'cause im petrified and fallen

midnight sun
dont go and run
youre like soothing and calm
youre like reading my palm

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

7:31 am

the coming of age (february 20, 2007)

the will to be forcible
for you to see me against tide
of unwanted imagery
against unexplained comedy
of you here lying motionless
touching the skin at my back

the risks already undertaken
from the moment you smelled my hair
till your arms playfully linger on my bare hip
then in unison
looking thru the frosty window
listening to the rain pouring madly at the roof
whispering carelessly to remember
long forgotten memories taken in innocence together

the bliss left under the sheets
with you holding me closely
against your bare chest
overpowering me with your able shoulders
trapped endlessly
wanting blissfully
to be here forever
without turning back
to our lives lived in secrecy

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

11:27 am

are you (January 13, 2002)

so are you just gonna stand there
like yesterday
just lingering there feeling today
yielding the night as endlessly as before
without even trying to knock on my door

are you finally aware of me
behind these incessant façade of queries
are you finally gonna stay here
or are you gonna runaway
like everyone …
and their misconception of fairy tales
that ends happily ever after
that starts perfectly forever and ever

are you just gonna fit in there
behind the shadow of the night
beneath the stars of the coming twilight
dreaming of her instead of me tonight

are you just gonna let this be
another escaping melody
another time to say a swift good bye
another moment to take away the realms of the sky
without ever standing beside me in your arms tonight

are you?
will you?

Monday, February 19th, 2007

2:43 pm

back then (fucking son of a gun) (october 13, 2001)

back then
back then
when the world was fine
you came, you conquered
you fucking son of a gun
and my world crumbled, dissolved, and rumbled
with this feeling of love, lore and misinformation

back then
back then
i was alone and i was fine
the sky was all mine
and there was never any shades of blue
but then you came, you conquered
you fucking son of a gun
and the sky faltered, stammered, and trembled
with this feeling so remarkable, so cruel, and so beautiful
you are so beautiful

back then
back then
i never thought of this till then
i never felt like this till then
back then
back then
like im falling in love with you again
back then

Friday, February 16th, 2007

1:58 pm

for everything (January 21, 2002)

oh thank you so much
for being so uninspiring
for bridging life and ending
so close to my threshold
like your heart is my falling scaffold

oh thank you so much
for being so uninviting
like you never did anything
but an endless time of luring…
to bait me
so slowly
to need you
when im not supposed to

oh thank you so much
for love and its wonders
for life and its marvels
to long for you
when im not meant to
and to be meant for you
when im not supposed to

thank you so much
for love above anything
for time in the end of endings
for life in the moment of everything
for everything, for everything, for everything…

Thursday, February 15th, 2007

10:29 am

i know a place (october 14, 2001)

i know a place
where the sun is a mess
and the skies are delightfully gray
and sirens paint the day
i know this place
where the world is fine
where the seas are impossibly blue
where ive always belonged to you…

but you don’t, but you don’t

i know a scene
from a long forgotten dream
when you smiled so enchantingly
and i laughed non-cynically
i know this scene
long before ive stopped to dream
long before ive stopped to believe
that youll never ever leave…

and you did, and you did

i know that place long before today
when your memory starts to fade
and the tears started to dissipate
for i have entirely forgotten you…

but i don’t, but i don’t
and you did, and you did

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

9:29 am

of love and not love (january 21, 2002)

swooning under the carpet
of love and not love
of emotions and none emotions
crashing under the rug of desire
or faltering under the feet of denial

fumbling all over
your heart so full of carelessness
of stepping out or being stepped at
of being conscious or being ridiculous
of love and the so-called love
of you yesterday and of you now
i wonder whom did i loved the most somehow

between love and hatred
of being impassioned or angered
i wonder how i ever made it
in times and in places
between right and wrong
i swoon underneath the mat
of love and not love
of being in love and being in love with you

Monday, February 12th, 2007

10:10 am

interlude IX

wondering ... wondering
if you are
as sincere as cheating
as gallant as whining
as kind as lying
as valiant as hiding

wondering ... wondering
if love is
as furious as hatred
as scarlet as death
as fervent as bluntness
as plain as everyday


Friday, February 2nd, 2007

1:55 pm

i said goodbye

moving forth
secretly hurting
deep inside
youve let me down
"have the ships been long gone?"

no looking back
just breathing ahead
have you let my hands go?
i cant feel your heart anymore

i am lost
this world is too big without you
ill drown
my heart will succumb
stay for a while
i cant say goodbye

facing ahead
tears against the wind
tomorrows too blinding
all things sinking
away from me
can you stay for a while
until i can say goodbye?

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

2:55 pm


jadie i called your name
you were the light and you were sane
you were courageous yet so naive
and so i left you as you leave

jadie who told you not to say good-bye
i know i was there but at least i tried
and i know back then you used to try
but now jadie please try to justify

jadie you were the witness
you were cursed but so damn blessed
i'm insane, i'm numb and deceitful
oh why did you ever find me so beautiful

jadie save yourself cause i will miss you
as heaven and earth feeds upon the truth
i'll be here waiting till you change your mind
jadie, if you ever change your mind