Gournalism At It's Best (original) (raw)

[16 Nov 2005|06:32pm]
Hey im working for this band Running for Famous and the music will be up on the myspace soon. If you want to check them out their website is crazymorning.com..Add them on myspace: www.myspace.com/runningforfamous.they're really good!
be cool.
[26 Oct 2005|06:42pm]
well... it was a wild ride guys. but im pretty sure this community can be officially declard dead. fun times but i bid you all adieu.
be cool.
More promotion stuff [04 Oct 2005|08:17pm]
Well, since nothing is happening here, I might as well promote an upcoming show. There's going to be a benefit concert at the Teen Center on Friday night, upon where Yesterday's Dream, the musical lovechild of Ben Eells, Evan Lawrence, Risheesh Singh, and Chris Goodrich, will be playing. There will be other bands from the area there too, and all are bound to be good.Why am I promoting this? Because I'm bored, but it's also for a good cause (to help a cancer victim in the area). So come, enjoy yourself, and as always, stay swinging...Samma
be cool.
[17 Sep 2005|10:03pm]
[ mood | dorky ] ALright, ye ilde community, feeling restless, stagnant, bored, while ye neglect your community? Ye don't post or reliably play the playlist game, but still I will save thee. I am thy savior and therefore hereby challenge ye ol' music elitests to a rousing tournament of LYRICS WARS!created by ye kinsmen Catherine Bijur and Abigail Ferla during Latin IThe rules are simple and yet the game is challenging.1. The game must be begun by a lyric which is the first line to a song.2. The next person must reply with a lyric, which is a full line of a song that begins with the last word of the last lyric. For this, they recieve a full three points.3. If this word is used in the first 3 words of the next lyic, they recieve 2 points.2. If the challenged part can do something clever with the word, like use a homophonic word (i.e. wood for would) then 1 point is sent there way.4. The game ends when one person cannot retalliate with a lyric. The other player gets 10 bonus points for this and then all the other points are tallied.For the purposes of this game, I declare that one of ye shall post and challenge another to a duel. There shall be only two challengers in lyrics wars.NO CHEATING! I realize that there's no way to tell if you are cheating, but honestly, who googles in lyrics wars? That's sacraligious, not to mention under the belt.Let the games begin.-the abster
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And in that moment, I swear we were infinite [01 Sep 2005|09:53pm]
[ **mood** | bored ] I'm writing the playlist down here, because I'm bored & I want to start the next one. Question, are people actually going out, getting these songs, and listening to them in a playlist? Cause I know I have, just wondering what others are doing. Anyway, here it is:1) Holiday Surprise One, Two, and Three by Olivia Tremor Control2) Easy Ride by The Doors3) Everything In Its Place by Radiohead4) Exodus by Bob Marley5) Shame by Depeche Mode6) Everything Sucks by Reel Big Fish7) Stella Was A Diver and She Was Always Down by Interpol 8) Notes in His Pockets by The Goodlife. 9) Stand by Me by Ben E. KingHooray! Okay, since I finished The Perks of Being A Wallflower again the other day and realized why I love that book so much, I'm taking a song off of Charlie's list to start off our next playlist. If you want to know what's on his mixtape, I made it a playlist on my iTunes so I can send it to you. :)Song No. 1: Asleep by The SmithsNext person has a 'P'
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I'm going to plug a friend (and I don't mean sex, jerks) [29 Aug 2005|11:02pm]
[ mood | plug-esque ] So, I played in a combo at Litchfield Jazz Camp with this kid from Mass who was a very skillfull trumpet player. I came back and found out that this guy has a pretty sweet and somewhat all-encompassing indie band, and since this is a music community, I feel it my responsibility to promote them, since I think they'll be going places and, if they get bigger, we all can share in being pretentious jerks and saying "I liked their first EP better". Since I don't know how to do links, I'll say to all of you to look up "Ace and Artemis" on Myspace or (preferably) Purevolume to get a listen to some of their stuff. I'll probably be ordering an EP in the coming months, I'll get you the hookup if you pay me (or you can get it yourself, they tell you how).I'm gone like Nagasaki after the atom bomb (it's mean, I know, but I don't mean anything by it).
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Right on! [29 Aug 2005|02:02pm]
Alright, so we have a playlist for this week, we might as well start a new one for next week.Plus it's fun so screw you. - Sigur Ros.Haha. I'm kidding, I'm not that mean. I just wanted to point out that ( ) by Sigur Ros has no track names. It kinda freaked me out the first time I put it in iTunes.What to start off with...Olivia Tremor Control - Holiday Surprise One, Two, and ThreeSo the next commenter has E.
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We need a damn good conversation starter [28 Aug 2005|09:09am]
[ **mood** | thoughtful ] Ok. I'm not sure how much of this is gonna be, but I'm gonna string off a list of cultural war questions and see what fires get started.... Get burnin babyRush Limbaugh or however you spell his last name vs. Michael MooreThe classic: Ninjas vs. Pirates (P.S.-there's a new G.I. Joe show on Fox, and now there are 3 ninjas instead of one!)Strom Thurman- Pact with devil or devil incarnate himself?ug.... this is harder than it looks..... wow.... uhhh.... never had to say THAT one before.... hehehehe.... jokingEast Side vs. West sideok, i'm done
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[25 Aug 2005|12:42am]
[ **mood** | nostalgic ] SO, this is the story of an album that I got completely not by my own free will. I asked for Bob Dylan albums for my birthay, and Renee, who couldn't mesh with folk music if she tried, decided that "Is it Rolling Bob- A reggae tribute ro Bob Dylan" would be a good gift idea.The thing is, it's really starting to grow on me. Bob Dylan and the genre actually seem to compliment each other on some songs, and i get to have people with names like "sizzla" and "luciano" on my playlist. -The AbsterP.S. it was Gaby's idea to post this story.
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actually doing some 'community' things. [24 Aug 2005|11:04pm]
[ **mood** | calm ] Well, once again...I prove to be the one who actually does work for the community. Well, Matas made it, so I guess that counts for something. Anyway, I made some accepted & rejected stamps to put at the end of applications, so I guess since I have the codes & I know how what to do with them to make the pictures appear (ok, i'm sure you do too matas...carey, well, you suck with computers.) From now on I'll be "stamping" the applications, cause I think we're going to have to do some promoting if we want this to be people other than....well, people we know. Yeah. Ok I have no idea what I'm talking about now, but basically I'll stamp applications once we've all voted on them. If they suck ass, they'll be removed from the members list. If they're awesome, score. They're Thundercats-themed too. Speaking of Thundercats, I got to see an illegal copy of the not-yet-released Family Guy Movie and there's a scene involving the Thundercats. Thought I'd share that with you all.
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[23 Aug 2005|09:33pm]
[ mood | nerdy ] I just got the new white stripes album. Is anyone else out there a fan?Oh, and incidentally i had a slight breakdown today and my mother took pity on my by buying a lot of stuff to make pizza. any of you Avonites want to discuss music over grilled pizza and mini-eclairs tomorrow at my house? (we don't really have to discuss music, but i'm too lazy to actually ask you each one by one, and i feel like if i post it here, is should relate to music in some matter)
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