Egli Bogdani | University of Tirana, Albania (original) (raw)


Drafts by Egli Bogdani


Fakulteti i Historisë dhe Filologjisë, 2021

Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre letrare është ... more Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre
letrare është i “dënuar” me një rol interpretues ... 1 Kështu, ne si lexues kritikë jemi “të
dënuar” për të bërë një interpretim tekstual të tregimit “Rip Van Winkle”, shkruar nga autori
amerikan Washington Irving. Punimi ynë synon analizën simbolike të tekstit, si dhe analizën e
vetë protagonistit Rip Van Winkle, si një personazh arketip i Odiseut homerian. Këto janë dy
sferat bazë mbi të cilat ndërtohet eseja jonë, prej të cilave do të zbulojmë dhe analizojmë tema
të tjera si përzierja apo miksimi i kulturave euro-amerikane, si dhe nevojën për krijimin e një
Miti Amerikan. Në këtë pikë ne do ta trajtojmë mitin si një shenjues të lindjes së një kulture
autoktone. Sipas analizës tonë, miti i Odiseut amerikan do të jetë një shënues i lindjes së Mitit
Amerikan e për pasojë dhe Kulturës Amerikane. Kështu, Washington Irving krijon
personazhin e Rip Van Winkle nga nevoja poetike për të formuluar/krijuar një kulturë
amerikane të llojit unik e përfaqësues.

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Research paper thumbnail of Përmasa e autorit/njeriut kozmopolitan në romanin “Afrikani” të shkrimtarit Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio.

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Papers by Egli Bogdani

Research paper thumbnail of Politics and family relations in Cristina García’s novel “Dreaming in Cuban”.

Cristina Garcia’s novel Dreaming in Cuban, describes Cuba under Fidel Castro’s regime, how Commun... more Cristina Garcia’s novel Dreaming in Cuban, describes Cuba under Fidel Castro’s regime, how Communist Ideology influenced the relationships of members of the Del Pino family. Another important theme in the novel is the Cuban exile, which can be considered as a kind of “escape” from Cuba. We also must consider the fact that “Garcia’s novels suggest that women’s dreams, memories, and personal relationships can begin to heal the wounds of the divided nation. Garcia gives voice to three generations of women that lived and suffered the Cuban revolution, and she does so by using unusual discourses that challenge traditional narratives of war.” In this essay, we will show how the Revolution is conceived and how political beliefs divide the members of the Del Pino family into several threads. We will see the impact of the Revolution on the third generation, a generation that in some way determines the future of Cuba. We will also look at how the Revolution is conceived in three generations, and try to make a Revolution/identity comparison in Pilar Puente’s case.

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Joseph Brodsky in his work “Dall’esilio” mentions that the reader of a literary work is doomed t... more Joseph Brodsky in his work “Dall’esilio” mentions that the reader of a literary
work is doomed to an interpretative role… 1 Thus, we as critical readers are “convicted” to make
a textual interpretation of the short story “Rip Van Winkle”, written by American author
Washington Irving. The present essay investigates the symbolic analysis of the text, as well as
the analysis of the protagonist Rip Van Winkle as an archetypal character of the Homer’s
Odyssey. These are the two outlines on which our essay is constructed, from which we will
discover and analyze other topics such as the mixture of cultures or the need of creating an
American myth. At this point we will treat the myth as a sign of the birth of a culture.
According to our interpretation, the myth of the American Odyssey will be a signifier of the
birth of the American Myth. Thus, Washington Irving creates the character of Rip Van
Winkle out of the need to formulate/create an American Culture of its kind.

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Fakulteti i Historisë dhe Filologjisë, 2021

Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre letrare është ... more Iosif Brodskij në veprën e tij “Dall’esilio” na vë në dukje se lexuesi i një vepre
letrare është i “dënuar” me një rol interpretues ... 1 Kështu, ne si lexues kritikë jemi “të
dënuar” për të bërë një interpretim tekstual të tregimit “Rip Van Winkle”, shkruar nga autori
amerikan Washington Irving. Punimi ynë synon analizën simbolike të tekstit, si dhe analizën e
vetë protagonistit Rip Van Winkle, si një personazh arketip i Odiseut homerian. Këto janë dy
sferat bazë mbi të cilat ndërtohet eseja jonë, prej të cilave do të zbulojmë dhe analizojmë tema
të tjera si përzierja apo miksimi i kulturave euro-amerikane, si dhe nevojën për krijimin e një
Miti Amerikan. Në këtë pikë ne do ta trajtojmë mitin si një shenjues të lindjes së një kulture
autoktone. Sipas analizës tonë, miti i Odiseut amerikan do të jetë një shënues i lindjes së Mitit
Amerikan e për pasojë dhe Kulturës Amerikane. Kështu, Washington Irving krijon
personazhin e Rip Van Winkle nga nevoja poetike për të formuluar/krijuar një kulturë
amerikane të llojit unik e përfaqësues.

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Research paper thumbnail of Përmasa e autorit/njeriut kozmopolitan në romanin “Afrikani” të shkrimtarit Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Politics and family relations in Cristina García’s novel “Dreaming in Cuban”.

Cristina Garcia’s novel Dreaming in Cuban, describes Cuba under Fidel Castro’s regime, how Commun... more Cristina Garcia’s novel Dreaming in Cuban, describes Cuba under Fidel Castro’s regime, how Communist Ideology influenced the relationships of members of the Del Pino family. Another important theme in the novel is the Cuban exile, which can be considered as a kind of “escape” from Cuba. We also must consider the fact that “Garcia’s novels suggest that women’s dreams, memories, and personal relationships can begin to heal the wounds of the divided nation. Garcia gives voice to three generations of women that lived and suffered the Cuban revolution, and she does so by using unusual discourses that challenge traditional narratives of war.” In this essay, we will show how the Revolution is conceived and how political beliefs divide the members of the Del Pino family into several threads. We will see the impact of the Revolution on the third generation, a generation that in some way determines the future of Cuba. We will also look at how the Revolution is conceived in three generations, and try to make a Revolution/identity comparison in Pilar Puente’s case.

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Joseph Brodsky in his work “Dall’esilio” mentions that the reader of a literary work is doomed t... more Joseph Brodsky in his work “Dall’esilio” mentions that the reader of a literary
work is doomed to an interpretative role… 1 Thus, we as critical readers are “convicted” to make
a textual interpretation of the short story “Rip Van Winkle”, written by American author
Washington Irving. The present essay investigates the symbolic analysis of the text, as well as
the analysis of the protagonist Rip Van Winkle as an archetypal character of the Homer’s
Odyssey. These are the two outlines on which our essay is constructed, from which we will
discover and analyze other topics such as the mixture of cultures or the need of creating an
American myth. At this point we will treat the myth as a sign of the birth of a culture.
According to our interpretation, the myth of the American Odyssey will be a signifier of the
birth of the American Myth. Thus, Washington Irving creates the character of Rip Van
Winkle out of the need to formulate/create an American Culture of its kind.

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