Irma Berdufi | University of Tirana, Albania (original) (raw)

Papers by Irma Berdufi

Research paper thumbnail of Natural radioactivity in cigarette tobacco and radiation dose induced from smoking

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced... more This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced from smoking. Different brands of tobacco cigarettes, commonly marketed in Albania, were collected in 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each. A broad energy High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) system, with relative efficiency 40%,has been used in order to determine the radionuclides present in cigarette tobacco. The LabSOCS (Laboratory SOurceless Object Calibration Software) was used to simulate the absolute efficiency curve for organic matrix in the energy range from 20 keV to 2000 keV. The average values of the activity concentrations were 13.4 ± 3.7, 5.3 ± 2.3, 839.1 ± 29 Bq/kg for 226Ra (214Bi, 214Pb), 232Th (228Ra, 228Th) and 40K, respectively. The artificial radionuclide of 137Cs was found to be under the detection limit for the measured cigarette tobaccos. These results were compared with available data in the literature. The annual effective dose, the annual gonadal dose equivalent and the excess life cancer risk was calculated to evaluate the radiological hazard for smokers in Albania.This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced from smoking. Different brands of tobacco cigarettes, commonly marketed in Albania, were collected in 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each. A broad energy High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) system, with relative efficiency 40%,has been used in order to determine the radionuclides present in cigarette tobacco. The LabSOCS (Laboratory SOurceless Object Calibration Software) was used to simulate the absolute efficiency curve for organic matrix in the energy range from 20 keV to 2000 keV. The average values of the activity concentrations were 13.4 ± 3.7, 5.3 ± 2.3, 839.1 ± 29 Bq/kg for 226Ra (214Bi, 214Pb), 232Th (228Ra, 228Th) and 40K, respectively. The artificial radionuclide of 137Cs was found to be under the detection limit for the measured cigarette tobaccos. These results were compared with available data in the literature. The annual effective dose, the annual gonadal dose equivalent and the excess life cancer risk wa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational radiation exposure for dental radiation workers and diagnostic radiology workers in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Investigation of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Some Spices Used in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of occupational exposure among medical staff of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana during 2012 – 2017

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therap... more Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures) has increased sharply in recent years. The aim of the study was to determine the status of occupational exposure among medical radiation workers of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” (UHC) in Tirana during 2012 - 2017. In this study the average annual effective dose of workers in medicine departments of UHC in Albania during the period 2012-2017 were measured and analyzed. Annually about 60 workers of medicine departments were monitored using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The TLDs were readout using Harshaw TLD Reader (Model-4500) for bimonthly basis. The assessment and analysis procedures of this study were carried out at the Dosimetry Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics. Three study groups were established according to occupational categories (radiotherapy, neurology and nuclear medicine). The results of the measured annual dose were well below the international recommended dose limit of 20 mSv. The status and trends in occupational doses show that radiation protection at the majority of the workplace is satisfactory.Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures) has increased sharply in recent years. The aim of the study was to determine the status of occupational exposure among medical radiation workers of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” (UHC) in Tirana during 2012 - 2017. In this study the average annual effective dose of workers in medicine departments of UHC in Albania during the period 2012-2017 were measured and analyzed. Annually about 60 workers of medicine departments were monitored using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The TLDs were readout using Harshaw TLD Reader (Model-4500) for bimonthly basis. The assessment and analysis procedures of this study were carried out at the Dosimetry Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics. Three study groups were established according to occupational categories (radiotherapy, neurology and nuclear medicine). The results of the measured annual dose were well below the international...

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Research paper thumbnail of Radioactivity of Po-210 in drinking water samples of Albania

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210... more 210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210Pb decay within the 238U decay chain. Radioactivity in drinking-water is principally derived from two sources: the leaching of radionuclides from rocks and soils and the deposition of radionuclides from the atmosphere. In the paper, a study of the 210Po radioactive content of drinking water in Albania was carried out. According to Albanian legislation the total alpha/beta screening was first carried out since it is a simple radioanalytical procedure, without regard to the identity of specific radionuclides. For total alpha and total beta radioactivity concentration exceeding the screening levels of 0.1 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L respectively, the determination of 210Po activity concentrations were determined by alpha-spectrometry with low-level-activity silicon detectors. The radiochemical separation procedure on large volume of water samples (10 L) was applied. The chemical yield (efficiency) of this procedure was controlled using a standard source of 209Po. The screening of total alpha and beta showed the activity concentrations ranging from 60 ± 6 mBq/L to 210 ± 24mBq/L and from 250 ± 23 mBq/L to 9400 ± 95 mBq/L respectively. The results obtained for 210Po activity concentration range from 3.2 ± 0.25 mBq/L to 9.6 ± 0.8 mBq/L.210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210Pb decay within the 238U decay chain. Radioactivity in drinking-water is principally derived from two sources: the leaching of radionuclides from rocks and soils and the deposition of radionuclides from the atmosphere. In the paper, a study of the 210Po radioactive content of drinking water in Albania was carried out. According to Albanian legislation the total alpha/beta screening was first carried out since it is a simple radioanalytical procedure, without regard to the identity of specific radionuclides. For total alpha and total beta radioactivity concentration exceeding the screening levels of 0.1 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L respectively, the determination of 210Po activity concentrations were determined by alpha-spectrometry with low-level-activity silicon detectors. The radiochemical separation procedure on large volume of water samples (10 L) was applied. The chemical yield (efficiency) of this procedure was contr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of gross alpha beta surface contamination by handheld equipment

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2019

Contamination of surfaces by solid material may occur by spillage of powders, by contact between ... more Contamination of surfaces by solid material may occur by spillage of powders, by contact between the surface and radioactive material, by the drying of radioactive liquids and solutions on the surface of the material, or by deposition from airborne radioactive material. Surface contamination may also occur by sorption of radioactive gas such as tritium, or vapor such as tritiated water. A potential radiological hazard arises from the presence of radioactive surface contamination. It can become airborne and subsequently may be inhaled, or it may be transferred by contact to the hands and subsequently to food and ingested, or it may penetrate the intact skin or enter an open wound giving rise to an internal radiological hazard. The presence of radioactive contamination at levels, which may not be a health hazard, may interfere with experimental work, leading to erroneous low-level counting results, or cross-contamination of radiochemical experiments. In this study we present the results of international comparison organized by IAEA Vienna, Austria for the tree samples spiked with unknown Alpha and Beta Activity. The source used as alpha emitter was Cm-244 and the beta emitter was Sr-90. The measurements of surface contaminated samples after calibration of the system are done with SAB-100 probe for measurement of surface contamination designed to be used with any CSP survey meter. Its phoswich scintillation detector with 100 cm2 detection area makes it an ideal tool for direct measurement of alpha and beta emitters. The high sensitivity of the system for the determination of the Gross Alpha and Beta activity makes sure detection of low values activity of samples. Our laboratory results are: for sample 01 (beta) Aβ=(1.09±0.12) Bq/ cm2 and Aβ (IAEA)=(1.21±0.01) Bq/cm2: for sample 02 (alpha) Aα=(0.69±0.07) Bq/ cm2 and Aα (IAEA)=(0.71±0.09) Bq/cm2; for sample 03 (mix alpha and beta) Aα=(0.35±0.04) Bq/cm2 and Aα (IAEA)=(0.37±0.04) Bq/cm2; Aβ = (0.76±0.08) Bq/ cm2 and Aβ (IAEA)=(0.6±0.07) Bq/cm2. As it seems our results are in good agreement with reference values given by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational radiation dose for medical workers at the University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Apr 27, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring Cosmogenic and Terrestrial Radionuclides in Ground Level Air Samples by Gamma Spectrometry in Albania

RAP Conference Proceedings, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Clear Day Solar Radiation for Estimation of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Atmosphere of Tirana

Change of irradiative properties of the atmosphere during clear days is an indicator, among other... more Change of irradiative properties of the atmosphere during clear days is an indicator, among others, of existence of atmospheric aerosols and can be used as a method for assessment both air pollution and solar energy potentials, and their variation in time and space. The main objective of this study is to estimating the optical depth (AOD) of atmosphere in Tirana in a clear sky and its time evolution using measurement of solar energy falling in an horizontal surface. Radiance measurements were carried by a meteorological station situated at the height of 20 m over the ground. We estimated AOD by measurement of solar energy falling on a horizontal surface globally on a daily time scale, during first two hours after the sunrise, during the last two hours before the sunset, also globally before and after noon time. We estimated change on solar insolation from one day to the other and within a day from morning hours to evening hours. Measurements were carried during long periods with cle...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Yearly Distribution of Solar Energy on the Feasibility of Solar Collectors in the City of Tirana

Solar energy is one of the main future sources of renewable energies in Albania Actually one of i... more Solar energy is one of the main future sources of renewable energies in Albania Actually one of important and wide use is production of hot water for sani-tary needs in apartment houses. However, even the overall solar energy potential is greater than yearly needs, because of an uneven daily, monthly or yearly distribution of, solar energy yield can result in certain periods insufficient to cover daily needs. In these cases it is necessary to use an alternative source of energy to compensate the insufficiency of solar energy, generally electrical energy from the grid. The object of this study is to estimate the rate of fulfillment of annual needs through solar energy, needs for compensated energy from the grid of electricity and their the influence on the cost and feasibility of solar collectors. Our study is focused in the city of Tirana, capital city of Albania. Three different types of solar collectors were estimated. The average monthly electrical energy compensation varies from...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Average Annual Committed Effective Dose Due to Ingestion for Some Medicinal and Herbal Plants Used in Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Lond Term Study of Radioactivity in Superficial Water in Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Long-Life Radiocesium 137CS in Soil by Gamma Spectrometry in the Western Lowland of Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility study of impact of wind energy potential in Karaburun’s area in Albania

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun&... more In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun's Peninsula, a touristic zone in Albania. Calculations are made using long term data, consisting of thirty four years (1981 to 2014), for a typical meteorological year, for different wind turbines installed capacity in accordance with the initial project in this area. We calculated the annual energy output, capacity factor. Also, based on simulation results, a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis for a wind power generation system located in Karaburun Peninsula will be performed. Wind energy can change the decentralized energy production from hydro power. Analysis in costs of wind turbine it is made by comparing different types of wind turbines. The process of calculation includes all stages of life cycle of wind turbine, such installation and maintenance. This study proposes that for this area wind power is the best solution for providing energy in the grid based on the wind potential of the site.In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun's Peninsula, a touristic zone in Albania. Calculations are made using long term data, consisting of thirty four years (1981 to 2014), for a typical meteorological year, for different wind turbines installed capacity in accordance with the initial project in this area. We calculated the annual energy output, capacity factor. Also, based on simulation results, a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis for a wind power generation system located in Karaburun Peninsula will be performed. Wind energy can change the decentralized energy production from hydro power. Analysis in costs of wind turbine it is made by comparing different types of wind turbines. The process of calculation includes all stages of life cycle of wind turbine, such installation and maintenance. This study proposes that for this area wind power is the best solution for providing energy in the grid based on the wind potential of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of inclination angle on the efficiency of a flat plate solar collector

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Indoor Radon Concentration Related to Geological Areas at Different Workplaces of Albania

RAD Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Activity Concentration of Natural Radionuclides in the Soil of the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics in Albania and the Assessment of Annual Effective Dose

RAD Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of satellite solar data for assessment of performance of photovoltaic systems installed in different regions of Albania

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016

In our study we evaluated the performance of four main photovoltaic technologies in different reg... more In our study we evaluated the performance of four main photovoltaic technologies in different regions in Albania using long term data records from Solar GIS. Parameters, such as AC energy generated from the PV system, the performance ratio, and capacity factor are been calculated for some regions. Economic parameters such as the payback periods for the installed systems and levelized costs of electricity (LCOE) generated from the system are also analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparative study of satellite estimation for solar insolation in Albania with ground measurements

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016

The main objective of this study is to compare data provided by Database of NASA with available g... more The main objective of this study is to compare data provided by Database of NASA with available ground data for regions covered by national meteorological net NASA estimates that their measurements of average daily solar radiation have a root-mean-square deviation RMSD error of 35 W/m2 (roughly 20% inaccuracy). Unfortunately valid data from meteorological stations for regions of interest are quite rare in Albania. In these cases, use of Solar Radiation Database of NASA would be a satisfactory solution for different case studies. Using a statistical method allows to determine most probable margins between to sources of data. Comparison of mean insulation data provided by NASA with ground data of mean insulation provided by meteorological stations show that ground data for mean insolation results, in all cases, to be underestimated compared with data provided by Database of NASA. Converting factor is 1.149.

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility of a small on grid PV System in Albania

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

The efficiency of the PV systems connected to the network depends not only on the efficiencyof th... more The efficiency of the PV systems connected to the network depends not only on the efficiencyof the PV module and the natural potential of solar radiation at the place of installation but also on severalother factors related to the installation, temperature of the modules, nature and quality of the national orregional electrical network, inverter sizing, load, etc. The system in this study is installed on the roof ofthe Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water, and Environment building. The system comprises two groupsof 12 polycrystalline silicon panels connected in parallel. The designed power of the PV system is 4.56kW. The PV panels are oriented towards the south, with an azimuth angle of 0° and an inclination to thehorizon of 41°. The system is monitored for one year, from 2012 to 2013. Even though the PV systemstudied is of small size for the PV systems connected to the network, the results obtained and theirinterpretations enable us to determine an appropriate methodology for as...

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Research paper thumbnail of Natural radioactivity in cigarette tobacco and radiation dose induced from smoking

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced... more This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced from smoking. Different brands of tobacco cigarettes, commonly marketed in Albania, were collected in 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each. A broad energy High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) system, with relative efficiency 40%,has been used in order to determine the radionuclides present in cigarette tobacco. The LabSOCS (Laboratory SOurceless Object Calibration Software) was used to simulate the absolute efficiency curve for organic matrix in the energy range from 20 keV to 2000 keV. The average values of the activity concentrations were 13.4 ± 3.7, 5.3 ± 2.3, 839.1 ± 29 Bq/kg for 226Ra (214Bi, 214Pb), 232Th (228Ra, 228Th) and 40K, respectively. The artificial radionuclide of 137Cs was found to be under the detection limit for the measured cigarette tobaccos. These results were compared with available data in the literature. The annual effective dose, the annual gonadal dose equivalent and the excess life cancer risk was calculated to evaluate the radiological hazard for smokers in Albania.This study aims to assess for the first time the natural radioactivity and radiation dose induced from smoking. Different brands of tobacco cigarettes, commonly marketed in Albania, were collected in 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each. A broad energy High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) system, with relative efficiency 40%,has been used in order to determine the radionuclides present in cigarette tobacco. The LabSOCS (Laboratory SOurceless Object Calibration Software) was used to simulate the absolute efficiency curve for organic matrix in the energy range from 20 keV to 2000 keV. The average values of the activity concentrations were 13.4 ± 3.7, 5.3 ± 2.3, 839.1 ± 29 Bq/kg for 226Ra (214Bi, 214Pb), 232Th (228Ra, 228Th) and 40K, respectively. The artificial radionuclide of 137Cs was found to be under the detection limit for the measured cigarette tobaccos. These results were compared with available data in the literature. The annual effective dose, the annual gonadal dose equivalent and the excess life cancer risk wa...

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational radiation exposure for dental radiation workers and diagnostic radiology workers in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Investigation of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Some Spices Used in Albania

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of occupational exposure among medical staff of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana during 2012 – 2017

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therap... more Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures) has increased sharply in recent years. The aim of the study was to determine the status of occupational exposure among medical radiation workers of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” (UHC) in Tirana during 2012 - 2017. In this study the average annual effective dose of workers in medicine departments of UHC in Albania during the period 2012-2017 were measured and analyzed. Annually about 60 workers of medicine departments were monitored using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The TLDs were readout using Harshaw TLD Reader (Model-4500) for bimonthly basis. The assessment and analysis procedures of this study were carried out at the Dosimetry Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics. Three study groups were established according to occupational categories (radiotherapy, neurology and nuclear medicine). The results of the measured annual dose were well below the international recommended dose limit of 20 mSv. The status and trends in occupational doses show that radiation protection at the majority of the workplace is satisfactory.Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation due to medical activities (both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures) has increased sharply in recent years. The aim of the study was to determine the status of occupational exposure among medical radiation workers of University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” (UHC) in Tirana during 2012 - 2017. In this study the average annual effective dose of workers in medicine departments of UHC in Albania during the period 2012-2017 were measured and analyzed. Annually about 60 workers of medicine departments were monitored using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The TLDs were readout using Harshaw TLD Reader (Model-4500) for bimonthly basis. The assessment and analysis procedures of this study were carried out at the Dosimetry Laboratory, Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics. Three study groups were established according to occupational categories (radiotherapy, neurology and nuclear medicine). The results of the measured annual dose were well below the international...

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Research paper thumbnail of Radioactivity of Po-210 in drinking water samples of Albania

10th Jubilee International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, 2019

210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210... more 210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210Pb decay within the 238U decay chain. Radioactivity in drinking-water is principally derived from two sources: the leaching of radionuclides from rocks and soils and the deposition of radionuclides from the atmosphere. In the paper, a study of the 210Po radioactive content of drinking water in Albania was carried out. According to Albanian legislation the total alpha/beta screening was first carried out since it is a simple radioanalytical procedure, without regard to the identity of specific radionuclides. For total alpha and total beta radioactivity concentration exceeding the screening levels of 0.1 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L respectively, the determination of 210Po activity concentrations were determined by alpha-spectrometry with low-level-activity silicon detectors. The radiochemical separation procedure on large volume of water samples (10 L) was applied. The chemical yield (efficiency) of this procedure was controlled using a standard source of 209Po. The screening of total alpha and beta showed the activity concentrations ranging from 60 ± 6 mBq/L to 210 ± 24mBq/L and from 250 ± 23 mBq/L to 9400 ± 95 mBq/L respectively. The results obtained for 210Po activity concentration range from 3.2 ± 0.25 mBq/L to 9.6 ± 0.8 mBq/L.210Po is naturally occurring alpha emitter and exists in the environmental as a result of the 210Pb decay within the 238U decay chain. Radioactivity in drinking-water is principally derived from two sources: the leaching of radionuclides from rocks and soils and the deposition of radionuclides from the atmosphere. In the paper, a study of the 210Po radioactive content of drinking water in Albania was carried out. According to Albanian legislation the total alpha/beta screening was first carried out since it is a simple radioanalytical procedure, without regard to the identity of specific radionuclides. For total alpha and total beta radioactivity concentration exceeding the screening levels of 0.1 Bq/L and 1 Bq/L respectively, the determination of 210Po activity concentrations were determined by alpha-spectrometry with low-level-activity silicon detectors. The radiochemical separation procedure on large volume of water samples (10 L) was applied. The chemical yield (efficiency) of this procedure was contr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of gross alpha beta surface contamination by handheld equipment

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2019

Contamination of surfaces by solid material may occur by spillage of powders, by contact between ... more Contamination of surfaces by solid material may occur by spillage of powders, by contact between the surface and radioactive material, by the drying of radioactive liquids and solutions on the surface of the material, or by deposition from airborne radioactive material. Surface contamination may also occur by sorption of radioactive gas such as tritium, or vapor such as tritiated water. A potential radiological hazard arises from the presence of radioactive surface contamination. It can become airborne and subsequently may be inhaled, or it may be transferred by contact to the hands and subsequently to food and ingested, or it may penetrate the intact skin or enter an open wound giving rise to an internal radiological hazard. The presence of radioactive contamination at levels, which may not be a health hazard, may interfere with experimental work, leading to erroneous low-level counting results, or cross-contamination of radiochemical experiments. In this study we present the results of international comparison organized by IAEA Vienna, Austria for the tree samples spiked with unknown Alpha and Beta Activity. The source used as alpha emitter was Cm-244 and the beta emitter was Sr-90. The measurements of surface contaminated samples after calibration of the system are done with SAB-100 probe for measurement of surface contamination designed to be used with any CSP survey meter. Its phoswich scintillation detector with 100 cm2 detection area makes it an ideal tool for direct measurement of alpha and beta emitters. The high sensitivity of the system for the determination of the Gross Alpha and Beta activity makes sure detection of low values activity of samples. Our laboratory results are: for sample 01 (beta) Aβ=(1.09±0.12) Bq/ cm2 and Aβ (IAEA)=(1.21±0.01) Bq/cm2: for sample 02 (alpha) Aα=(0.69±0.07) Bq/ cm2 and Aα (IAEA)=(0.71±0.09) Bq/cm2; for sample 03 (mix alpha and beta) Aα=(0.35±0.04) Bq/cm2 and Aα (IAEA)=(0.37±0.04) Bq/cm2; Aβ = (0.76±0.08) Bq/ cm2 and Aβ (IAEA)=(0.6±0.07) Bq/cm2. As it seems our results are in good agreement with reference values given by IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

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Research paper thumbnail of Occupational radiation dose for medical workers at the University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa” in Tirana

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Apr 27, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring Cosmogenic and Terrestrial Radionuclides in Ground Level Air Samples by Gamma Spectrometry in Albania

RAP Conference Proceedings, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of Clear Day Solar Radiation for Estimation of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Atmosphere of Tirana

Change of irradiative properties of the atmosphere during clear days is an indicator, among other... more Change of irradiative properties of the atmosphere during clear days is an indicator, among others, of existence of atmospheric aerosols and can be used as a method for assessment both air pollution and solar energy potentials, and their variation in time and space. The main objective of this study is to estimating the optical depth (AOD) of atmosphere in Tirana in a clear sky and its time evolution using measurement of solar energy falling in an horizontal surface. Radiance measurements were carried by a meteorological station situated at the height of 20 m over the ground. We estimated AOD by measurement of solar energy falling on a horizontal surface globally on a daily time scale, during first two hours after the sunrise, during the last two hours before the sunset, also globally before and after noon time. We estimated change on solar insolation from one day to the other and within a day from morning hours to evening hours. Measurements were carried during long periods with cle...

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Yearly Distribution of Solar Energy on the Feasibility of Solar Collectors in the City of Tirana

Solar energy is one of the main future sources of renewable energies in Albania Actually one of i... more Solar energy is one of the main future sources of renewable energies in Albania Actually one of important and wide use is production of hot water for sani-tary needs in apartment houses. However, even the overall solar energy potential is greater than yearly needs, because of an uneven daily, monthly or yearly distribution of, solar energy yield can result in certain periods insufficient to cover daily needs. In these cases it is necessary to use an alternative source of energy to compensate the insufficiency of solar energy, generally electrical energy from the grid. The object of this study is to estimate the rate of fulfillment of annual needs through solar energy, needs for compensated energy from the grid of electricity and their the influence on the cost and feasibility of solar collectors. Our study is focused in the city of Tirana, capital city of Albania. Three different types of solar collectors were estimated. The average monthly electrical energy compensation varies from...

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimation of Average Annual Committed Effective Dose Due to Ingestion for Some Medicinal and Herbal Plants Used in Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Lond Term Study of Radioactivity in Superficial Water in Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Long-Life Radiocesium 137CS in Soil by Gamma Spectrometry in the Western Lowland of Albania

International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility study of impact of wind energy potential in Karaburun’s area in Albania

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun&... more In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun's Peninsula, a touristic zone in Albania. Calculations are made using long term data, consisting of thirty four years (1981 to 2014), for a typical meteorological year, for different wind turbines installed capacity in accordance with the initial project in this area. We calculated the annual energy output, capacity factor. Also, based on simulation results, a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis for a wind power generation system located in Karaburun Peninsula will be performed. Wind energy can change the decentralized energy production from hydro power. Analysis in costs of wind turbine it is made by comparing different types of wind turbines. The process of calculation includes all stages of life cycle of wind turbine, such installation and maintenance. This study proposes that for this area wind power is the best solution for providing energy in the grid based on the wind potential of the site.In this paper we introduce a feasibility study for wind energy impact and potential in Karaburun's Peninsula, a touristic zone in Albania. Calculations are made using long term data, consisting of thirty four years (1981 to 2014), for a typical meteorological year, for different wind turbines installed capacity in accordance with the initial project in this area. We calculated the annual energy output, capacity factor. Also, based on simulation results, a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis for a wind power generation system located in Karaburun Peninsula will be performed. Wind energy can change the decentralized energy production from hydro power. Analysis in costs of wind turbine it is made by comparing different types of wind turbines. The process of calculation includes all stages of life cycle of wind turbine, such installation and maintenance. This study proposes that for this area wind power is the best solution for providing energy in the grid based on the wind potential of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Influence of inclination angle on the efficiency of a flat plate solar collector

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Indoor Radon Concentration Related to Geological Areas at Different Workplaces of Albania

RAD Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Activity Concentration of Natural Radionuclides in the Soil of the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics in Albania and the Assessment of Annual Effective Dose

RAD Conference Proceedings, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of satellite solar data for assessment of performance of photovoltaic systems installed in different regions of Albania

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016

In our study we evaluated the performance of four main photovoltaic technologies in different reg... more In our study we evaluated the performance of four main photovoltaic technologies in different regions in Albania using long term data records from Solar GIS. Parameters, such as AC energy generated from the PV system, the performance ratio, and capacity factor are been calculated for some regions. Economic parameters such as the payback periods for the installed systems and levelized costs of electricity (LCOE) generated from the system are also analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparative study of satellite estimation for solar insolation in Albania with ground measurements

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016

The main objective of this study is to compare data provided by Database of NASA with available g... more The main objective of this study is to compare data provided by Database of NASA with available ground data for regions covered by national meteorological net NASA estimates that their measurements of average daily solar radiation have a root-mean-square deviation RMSD error of 35 W/m2 (roughly 20% inaccuracy). Unfortunately valid data from meteorological stations for regions of interest are quite rare in Albania. In these cases, use of Solar Radiation Database of NASA would be a satisfactory solution for different case studies. Using a statistical method allows to determine most probable margins between to sources of data. Comparison of mean insulation data provided by NASA with ground data of mean insulation provided by meteorological stations show that ground data for mean insolation results, in all cases, to be underestimated compared with data provided by Database of NASA. Converting factor is 1.149.

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Research paper thumbnail of Feasibility of a small on grid PV System in Albania

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

The efficiency of the PV systems connected to the network depends not only on the efficiencyof th... more The efficiency of the PV systems connected to the network depends not only on the efficiencyof the PV module and the natural potential of solar radiation at the place of installation but also on severalother factors related to the installation, temperature of the modules, nature and quality of the national orregional electrical network, inverter sizing, load, etc. The system in this study is installed on the roof ofthe Institute of Geosciences, Energy, Water, and Environment building. The system comprises two groupsof 12 polycrystalline silicon panels connected in parallel. The designed power of the PV system is 4.56kW. The PV panels are oriented towards the south, with an azimuth angle of 0° and an inclination to thehorizon of 41°. The system is monitored for one year, from 2012 to 2013. Even though the PV systemstudied is of small size for the PV systems connected to the network, the results obtained and theirinterpretations enable us to determine an appropriate methodology for as...

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