Advice vs. Advise - Meaning, Spelling & Examples (original) (raw)

You aren’t alone if you don’t know the difference between advice and advise. These words not only look alike, but they also sound similar and are related by a similar definition as well.

This confuses not only English language learners but also native speakers.

Despite their similarities, they function very differently in speech and writing, and it is important to use them correctly in order to avoid confusing your audience. Below, we define the differences, show you how to use each word, and provide examples of advise and advice to help you remember which one is which.

What’s the Difference Between Advice and Advise?

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The main differences between these two words are the grammatical form of use and the differences in spelling and pronunciation. Both words deal with information, counsel, or suggestions, but their parts of speech are different.

Advice is a noun that describes information, counsel, or suggestion. Advise is a verb to describe the action of providing information, counsel, or suggestion.

Advice Meaning and Use

Advice is a noun and represents information, counsel, or a recommendation about what could or should be done.

It is pronounced uhd-vise, and advice rhymes with “ice.”

For example:

Origin of Advice

Advice is a late 13th-century word from the Old French auys, meaning “opinion,” and avis, meaning “a judgment, view, idea, or opinion.” Both stem from the phrase ço m’est à vis, or “it seems to me.”

It was ultimately from the Latin word visum, meaning “to see.”

Advise Meaning and Use

Advise is a verb. It means to actively give counsel or offer recommendations about something.

It is pronounced uhd-vize, and advise rhymes with “wise.”

For example:

Origin of Advise

Advise is from the late 13th-century Old French word avisen, meaning “to view or to consider.” In the late 14th century, the word became aviser, meaning “to reflect, consider, or deliberate.”

Avisen and aviser also originate from the French avis, meaning “a judgment, view, idea, or opinion,” and have the same Latin visum influence as the word advice.

How to Remember the Difference

Keep in mind the following pattern of word endings to help clue you into the correct spelling and use of advice and advise.

Let’s Review

Advice is a noun and is what you provide to a person when they are seeking information, opinion, or suggestions. Advise is a verb and is the act of providing information, opinion, or suggestions.

They are not only spelled differently but also pronounced differently. Despite being easy to confuse with one another, they serve very different purposes. Remember the ending of advice, -ice, and apply it to the word ice to help you remember it works as a noun in speech and text.