grandparents raising grandchildren (original) (raw)
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded ingrandparents raising grandkids' LiveJournal:
Saturday, January 13th, 2007 | |
_7:59 am_[after40] | Raising grandsons without a good role model My grandson is going to be five next month.His dad is my youngest son. Now 23. Married. He has another 4 year old stepson whom he is in the process of adopting, and a new son with his wife, now 11 months old.My grandson has taken a back seat to this new family of two years now. It's heartbreaking for me to watch. He sees his dad, perhaps two times a week for two hours at a time. Perhaps this is just as well - it seems like when he does see he is under attack for one reason or another. I feel like they dwell on whatever bad things about him they can find, nit picking, and many times plain old making things up about him. This is a great little boy.. filled with enthusiam for life - who just wants his dad to love him.Sometimes, many times as of late if fact, I think it would be best if he didn't see his dad at all. He is being pushed out of the family by the new wife, and replaced with her son. I see problems down the road, that I am at a loss as to how to prevent.I suppose I'm just venting here, and thinking out loud.I think the most difficult thing about raising grandchildren, is raising them to be happy, healthy, and confident young adults - in spite of what ever parental influence they have in their lives. (7 Comments |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, August 16th, 2006 | |
_10:01 pm_[bdatex] | Looking to my friends with other grandparents Hi, I have 8 grandchildren, and take an active interest in there lives, They take turns coming to stay at our house. Both the house and the yard is set up for them. We enjoy sharing our time them. The two older ones don't come at often as the others, since they are in school. They are 10 years, and 5 years, They have a little brother that is going to be 2 in sept. We don't get him at all, due to family problems, we do see him when he is with his Daddy. The one we have the most is going to be 3 in Oct. He spents most of his time here with us. He has twin brothers, that are 3 weeks old. There is also another set of twins 4 years old, we have them about every 6 weeks, they come and stay for about a week. We have between us four children, three girls, and one boy. One of the girls does not live in our state, the rest live any where between 20 minutes and 1 1/2 hours from us. I have had a journal for about a year and a half, but have just resently start posting picture of the grandchildren. Most of the enteries are about them and what they do. (Comment on this) |
Saturday, April 9th, 2005 | |
_9:46 pm_[nickys] | Hello.I was brought up by my grandparents from the age of 10. They're both gone now but I have many happy memories of them. (4 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, December 26th, 2004 | |
_10:17 pm_[joholo221] | Golden Years Never expected my golden years to be so golden. Blessed with 3 grandsons since their birth. Their mother abandoned them and I have been given the treasures of memories in my old age. I will remember the tears and questions from beautiful eyes as to why mommy hates me and kissing their tears away. I will have the memories of their 'first' everything. their happiness from pleasures, their bright eyes of brown, hazel and green, the sound of their laughter and joys. They are so intelligent and gifted (5 years, 7 and 1/2, 9 and 1/2). I have exhausted my savings raising them but the treasures of my memories are beyond price. The mother will never know what she missed in life and I will have beautiful dreams and memories to carry me thru the final door of life. Current Mood: grateful (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Thursday, January 16th, 2003 | |
_12:52 am_[after40] | Welcome I've been a member of the livejournal community for a couple of years now. Recently I found myself in the position of raising a grandchild. While searching through the available communities for support, I was unable to come across one that dealt specifically with the area of grandparents who are in the position of raising their grandkids.So here we are. We will see if this will fly. I am going to keep anonymous posting available for the time being. (Comment on this) |