grandlarseny - Profile (original) (raw)

If there were ten things you had to know about me from clicking on an online profile, it would be these selections right hurr-

1. My name is Lauren. If you wanna mix that shit up, feel free to call me Lars.

2. I'm

56 16

24. Now that I've planted the seed of doubt, I can start my twisted mind games!

3. I'm friendly possibly to the point of awkwardness. When I see that comment button, the little voice in my head does not speak words of caution, but rather cheers me on in a fashion similiar to frat boys at a beer bong social.

4. I work, I go to school, and I talk about these things occassionally. School = fine arts and Work = customer service. Both have some good stories attached to the experiences.

5. I seriously just went to Ihop and had this freaking awesome omlette. Jesus. I want to remember that omlette forever.

6. Things I will do sober: talking to strangers, taking stupid dares, dancing in public, singing kareoke, embarrassing anyone who associates with me due to my conduct purposefully, calling at inappropriate times in the evening, having unprovoked heart to heart's, hugging your parents, making grandiose and ridiculous plans that only have a 50% success rate (but if they happen, they're so worth it), hanging out until 6 in the morn, thwarting the po', talking at a disproportinate rate to your responses

7. Things I will do while intoxicated- all of the above, with a little more slurring, and a lot more crazy.

8. I ran out of cool things to tell you guys. Once I broke a man's nose? Here- have a picture instead-

Remember- you heard it here first.