groupperil - Profile (original) (raw)

on 29 October 2007 (#14133577)

Help for mods, admins, administrators and helpful members

This is a comm for admins, maintainers, moderators, and active members, to talk about their comms and forums, and get help with them. I've noticed that there aren't really any comms like this.

Are you worried about something in your comm? Need advice?
Is your comm or forum dying down?
Would you like to arrange link swaps?
Do you have tips?
Want to rave about something good that's happened?
Need to let off steam?
Want to discuss something?
Considering starting up a comm or forum?

Members who are trying to help out admins and maintainers, or who love a comm/forum and want to improve it are very welcome too.

Hopefully we can all help and encourage each other!

Please keep wank to a minimum. Flocking is acceptable and encouraged. This comm is fandom friendly.

No bashing of other groupperil members. We're going to have different techniques of adminning. Complain about your own members at your own risk.

This is not just a place to advertise, so please keep that to a minimum.

If you have a dead journal, or look suspicious, you will not be allowed to join sorry.

activity, admin, administration, admins, advertising, advice, affiliates, answering questions, answers, art, ask, asking, asking questions, assistance, colour schemes, comms, communities, curiosity, design, designers, digital, digital art, diplomacy, discuss, discussing, discussion, domain names, domains, dying comms, faq, forum, forums, getting started, guidance, help, helping, helping people, home pages, hosting, inquiries, link, link exchange, link swap, links, livejournal, livejournal support, lj_support, maintainers, mod, moderator, moderators, mods, motivation, newbies, photoshop, programmers, questions, reviews, skins, support, support communities, support community, tables, techies, transparency, urls, usability, web design, web designers, web pages, website design, websites