gtpooh, posts by tag: boyd - LiveJournal (original) (raw)

LOL Like I'm going to do this consistently. It was a pretty good weekend. BOYD cleared Karazhan over two nights. (Dudes, I just did a search on BOYD and there's another guild with that name and a GM with the hot pink mohawk!! We really need to get a dependable website up.) Our new raid leader kicks butt. I am so glad we poached him from the Alliance.

BOYD also started a new program of instances we are calling "Retro Raids". We are going back to pre-BC and picking up all the old content. Yesterday we did Molten Core. Forty man raid instance that could take eight hours to get down, we fourteen manned it in about 2 and half hours. Granted, most of us were 70s. And I was main healer. But . . .wow. Almost as impressive as the 3-4 man take down of Omen a while back.

After that was over I got a tell from one of the raid guilds, asking if I would come and help them down a Void Reaver. I thought I asked if we were instancing it or if it was just a take down and I was assured it was gonna be quick. Honestly, I was pretty much exhausted from three days of healing. But I agreed. I mean, it's what codependent guildmasters do, right. LOL OMG It was Tempest Keep. It was a pug being arranged by Crimson Wrath I started out spot healing the raid. Then I was afk for a couple getting coffee and I come back and I'm one of the main tank healers. OMG. I know, that and a buck seventy-five will get me a small coffee. But . . .OMG main healing for Crimson Wrath. LOL

Other than that, boring weekend spent crying in my coffee.