G. Grimby | University of Gothenburg (original) (raw)

Papers by G. Grimby

Research paper thumbnail of Assessing and Adjusting for Cross-Cultural Validity of Impairment and Activity Limitation Scales Through Differential Item Functioning Within the Framework of the Rasch Model

Medical Care, 2004

In Europe it is common for outcome measures to be translated for use in other languages. This ada... more In Europe it is common for outcome measures to be translated for use in other languages. This adaptation may be complicated by culturally specific approaches to certain tasks; for example, bathing. In this context the issue of cross-cultural validity becomes paramount. To facilitate the pooling of data in international studies, a project set out to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of impairment and activity limitation measures used in rehabilitation from the perspective of the Rasch measurement model. Cross-cultural validity is assessed through an analysis of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) within the context of additive conjoint measurement expressed through the Rasch model. Data from patients undergoing rehabilitation for stroke was provided from 62 centers across Europe. Two commonly used outcome measures, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) motor scale are used to illustrate the approach. Pooled data from 3 countries for the MMSE were shown to fit the Rasch model with only 1 item displaying DIF by country. In contrast, many items from the FIM expressed DIF and misfit to the model. Consequently they were allowed to be unique across countries, so resolving the lack of fit to the model. Where data are to be pooled for international studies, analysis of DIF by culture is essential. Where DIF is observed, adjustments can be made to allow for cultural differences in outcome measurement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Pre-Exhaustion Exercise on Lower-Extremity Muscle Activation During a Leg Press Exercise

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic changes in muscle structure and electrophysiology in late polio with aspects on muscular trainability

Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of An 8‐year longitudinal study of muscle strength, muscle fiber size, and dynamic electromyogram in individuals with late polio

Muscle & Nerve, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Stretch-shortening cycle during plantar flexion in young and elderly women and men

European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1995

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. T... more The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. The purpose of the study was to compare the SSC of four different groups comprising a total of 29 women and 30 men, divided according to sex and age (i.e. 20-40 years and 70-85 years). A KIN-COM dynamometer was used for strength measurements of the plantar flexion of the right foot. An electromyogram (EMG) from the gastrocnemius muscle was recorded simultaneously. Maximal voluntary concentric muscle actions at 120 degrees.s-1 and 240 degrees.s-1 with and without prior eccentric muscle actions were performed. Average torque values of the range of motion between 90 degrees and 99 degrees of the ankle joint were extracted. All four groups were significantly stronger at 120 degrees.s-1 than at 240 degrees.s-1 for pure concentric actions. The average torque values of the concentric phases in the SSC movement were significantly higher than the torque values for pure concentric actions in all four groups and at both velocities. The EMG was significantly lower or unchanged in the SSC movement compared to a pure concentric action in all groups. A larger percentage increase in torque with prior eccentric action was found in young women compared to young men at both velocities. Our results suggested that the enhanced performance was even more marked when a concentric action was preceded by an eccentric action in the young women than in the young men, probably due to better utilization of elastic forces, but we could not demonstrate any age-related differences in enhanced performance with SSC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Publishing in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of acetylcholine inhalation on cardiopulmonary function during exercise in patients with lung disease

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of shape changes of the chest wall on distribution of inspired gas

The configuration of the chest wall was measured with magnetometers applied at various levels of ... more The configuration of the chest wall was measured with magnetometers applied at various levels of the rib cage and abdomen. Distribution of ventilation was measured in the supine position using a bolus of xenon-133 inspired at a flow rate of 0.1 liter per sec. Measurements were made during spontaneous breathing, during augmented abdominal breathing, after manual lateral compression of the lower part of the rib cage followed by a predominantly abdominal motion, and after similar compression followed only by increase of the lateral basal rib cage diameter. Basal compression gave a decrease in lateral diameter of 5 to 7 per cent. During spontaneous breathing, apical ventilation exceeded basal ventilation. During an inspiration with an increase of the lateral basal rib cage diameter after compression, the ventilation of basal peripheral regions increased somewhat. No other systematic effects of the changes in either chest wall diameter at the start of inspiration or the type of inspirati...

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Research paper thumbnail of Instrumental activities of daily living related to impairments and functional limitations in 70-year-olds and changes between 70 and 76 years of age

The aim of this study was to analyse in particular dependence in instrumental daily life activiti... more The aim of this study was to analyse in particular dependence in instrumental daily life activities (I-ADLs) and its association with physical impairments and functional limitations in the elderly. The study was based on cross-sectional data on 70-year-olds (n = 602) and longitudinal data on subjects followed up to the age of 76 (n = 371). Persons dependent in ADL had lower values in maximum walking speed, grip strength, knee extensor strength, stair climbing capacity and in forward reach, compared with those who were independent in ADL. Walking speed in both women and men and sight impairment in men had the greatest influence on dependence in ADL. Possible critical levels for disability in ADL are discussed, as persons who developed dependence between 70 and 76 already had a lower capacity in walking speed and knee extensor strength at age 70 than persons who retained their independence in ADL.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical work of breathing derived from rib cage and abdominal V-P partitioning

Journal of Applied Physiology

Estimates of the mechanical work of breathing derived from measurements of separate rib cage and ... more Estimates of the mechanical work of breathing derived from measurements of separate rib cage and abdominal volume displacements, each plotted against transthoracic pressure, include the elastic cost of chest wall distortion which may occur during breathing. Inspiratory work is partitioned between the diaphragm and the rib cage musculature by adding measurements of transabdominal pressure. The mechanical work of breathing derived from separate rib cage and abdominal volume-pressure (V-P) tracings (the sum of work done by the diaphragm, rib cage, and abdominal musculature) is compared with ventilatory work estimated from the Campbell diagram (which does not include any distortional work). During resting breathing the two estimates are closely comparable, consistent with little or no distortion of the chest wall during quiet breathing. As ventilation increases, the estimate developed from rib cage and abdominal tracings reveals systematically greater mechanical work than is estimated f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Repeated serial determination of cardiac output during 30 min exercise

Journal of Applied Physiology

... Effect of bandaging the legs (Table 5). At rest in the supine position there was no effect of... more ... Effect of bandaging the legs (Table 5). At rest in the supine position there was no effect of bandaging the legs on the oxygen uptake, cardiac output, stroke Page 3. GRIMBY, NILSSON, AND SANNE Subj Time L3a.k Rest Rest Supine Sitting Pm? PR AL GK Giv TH Mean Mean ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compensatory muscle fiber hypertrophy in elderly men

Journal of Applied Physiology

Muscle strength and muscle morphology have been studied three times during a period of 11 yr in n... more Muscle strength and muscle morphology have been studied three times during a period of 11 yr in nine elderly men. On the last occasion the average age was 80.4 (range 79–82) yr. Body cell mass decreased by 6% and muscle strength for knee extension, measured by means of isometric and concentric isokinetic (30–60 degrees/s) recordings, declined by 25–35% over the 11-yr period. Between 76 and 80 yr of age only the isokinetic strength for 30 degrees/s decreased significantly. Muscle fiber composition in the vastus lateralis did not change between 69 and 76 yr of age, but there was a significant reduction in the proportion of type IIb fibers from 76 to 80 yr. The decrease in type II fiber areas was not significant between 69 and 76 yr of age (as in a larger sample from the same population), but a significant increase in both type I and type II fiber areas was recorded from 76 to 80 yr of age and biceps brachii showed similar tendencies. In the same period, the enzymatic activities of myo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exercise in man

Journal of Applied Physiology

... Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exerczse in man. J. Appl. Physiol... more ... Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exerczse in man. J. Appl. Physiol. ... and untrained human subjects; muscle blood flow T HE LOCAL INJECTION TECHNIQUE with external regis-tration of the elimination of an injected radioactive iso-...

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Research paper thumbnail of Respiratory muscle action inferred from rib cage and abdominal V-P partitioning

Journal of Applied Physiology

We measured separate volume-pressure (V-P) relationships or rib cage anddiaphragm-abdomen in seve... more We measured separate volume-pressure (V-P) relationships or rib cage anddiaphragm-abdomen in seven human subjects during voluntary relaxation of the respiratory muscles, breathing at rest, during exercise, and rebreathingexpired air. Estimates of separate volume displacements of the two parallelchest wall pathways were based on analysis of rib cage and abdominal anteroposterior diameter changes. The pressure developed across each pathway (transthoracic pressure) was partitioned into two serial pressure drops: transdiaphragmatic pressure and transabdominal pressure. We develop the concept that the relationship of volume displacements of structures to pressures developed by the structures during breathing, as compared to the relaxed state,reflects action of respiratory muscles in the structure. We interpret therelationship of rib cage volume displacements to transabdominal pressure(during breathing vs. relaxation) as indicating action of intercostal and accessory muscles only, the sep...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Abdominal Breathing on Distribution of Ventilation in Obstructive Lung Disease

Clinical science and molecular medicine

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Research paper thumbnail of Muscle morphology and enzymes in proximal and distal muscle groups of lower limb from patients with corticosteroid treated rheumatoid arthritis: the relationship to maximal isokinetic muscle strength

Clinical Science

Abnormal morphological and enzymatic patterns in the lateral vastus muscle have been found in wom... more Abnormal morphological and enzymatic patterns in the lateral vastus muscle have been found in women with corticosteroid treated rheumatoid arthritis. By means of biopsies from the lateral heads of right gastrocnemius muscles, the histology and enzyme activities were compared with those found in right vastus lateralis biopsies. The findings were correlated with isometric and isokinetic strength of the plantar flexors. The relative occurrence of type I fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was 46.4 +/- 18.7 (SD) %, which is significantly higher than found in the vastus lateralis [35.7 +/- 13.3 (SD) %] (P less than 0.03). The relatively lower percentage of type II fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was due to a relatively low percentage of type II A fibres [mean 27.9 +/- 16.4 (SD) %] (P less than 0.05). The area of type I fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was 26.1 X 10(2) +/- 10.0 (SD) micron 2, which is 74% of the mean area for type I fibres found in the vastus lateralis (P less than 0.01). The area of type II fibres in the gastrocnemius was 14.9 X 10(2) +/- 7.1 (SD) micron 2, which is 77% of the mean area for type II fibres found in the vastus lateralis. The isokinetic muscle strength of the plantar flexors in corticosteroid treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis was reduced to less than 50% at all angular velocities when compared with healthy women. The same difference was found in the knee extensors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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Research paper thumbnail of Health and Aging Characteristics of Highly Physically Active 65-Year-Old Men

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Eighteen highly physically active men aged 65 years, training since youth, were compared to 67-ye... more Eighteen highly physically active men aged 65 years, training since youth, were compared to 67-year-old men from the general population. Body fat was low in the well-trained men, particularly in the central regions of the body. They smoked less. They characterized themselves as being in a general state of good health and well-being. Plasma insulin values were remarkably low. Blood pressure and resting heart rate were lower and ventilatory capacity better than in controls, and they had less heart diseases. The "juvenile" traits in their energy metabolism as well as in blood pressure and in their own perception of being highly energetic were not associated with less aging characteristics of hair, skin, or function of senses. The results obtained in this selected group suggest that physical activity protects against several age-dependent conditions as well as obesity, also at a fairly advanced age. These findings as well as the observations of differences in ventilatory function, smoking habits, and well-being between the group of highly physically active men and the control group deserve further studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spirometric studies in normal subjects: III

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Research paper thumbnail of Respiration as a Limiting Factor for Working Capacity

Leistungsbegrenzung von seiten der Lunge, 1976

Diseases of the cardiorespiratory system often considerably limit the physical work performance. ... more Diseases of the cardiorespiratory system often considerably limit the physical work performance. However, to what extent is the respiratory system a limiting factor for exercise tolerance without manifest respiratory disease? What factors should be taken into consideration?

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Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening exercise program in post-polio subjects

Birth defects original article series, 1987

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing and Adjusting for Cross-Cultural Validity of Impairment and Activity Limitation Scales Through Differential Item Functioning Within the Framework of the Rasch Model

Medical Care, 2004

In Europe it is common for outcome measures to be translated for use in other languages. This ada... more In Europe it is common for outcome measures to be translated for use in other languages. This adaptation may be complicated by culturally specific approaches to certain tasks; for example, bathing. In this context the issue of cross-cultural validity becomes paramount. To facilitate the pooling of data in international studies, a project set out to evaluate the cross-cultural validity of impairment and activity limitation measures used in rehabilitation from the perspective of the Rasch measurement model. Cross-cultural validity is assessed through an analysis of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) within the context of additive conjoint measurement expressed through the Rasch model. Data from patients undergoing rehabilitation for stroke was provided from 62 centers across Europe. Two commonly used outcome measures, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) motor scale are used to illustrate the approach. Pooled data from 3 countries for the MMSE were shown to fit the Rasch model with only 1 item displaying DIF by country. In contrast, many items from the FIM expressed DIF and misfit to the model. Consequently they were allowed to be unique across countries, so resolving the lack of fit to the model. Where data are to be pooled for international studies, analysis of DIF by culture is essential. Where DIF is observed, adjustments can be made to allow for cultural differences in outcome measurement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Pre-Exhaustion Exercise on Lower-Extremity Muscle Activation During a Leg Press Exercise

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic changes in muscle structure and electrophysiology in late polio with aspects on muscular trainability

Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine. Supplement, 1994

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Research paper thumbnail of An 8‐year longitudinal study of muscle strength, muscle fiber size, and dynamic electromyogram in individuals with late polio

Muscle & Nerve, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Stretch-shortening cycle during plantar flexion in young and elderly women and men

European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1995

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. T... more The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. The purpose of the study was to compare the SSC of four different groups comprising a total of 29 women and 30 men, divided according to sex and age (i.e. 20-40 years and 70-85 years). A KIN-COM dynamometer was used for strength measurements of the plantar flexion of the right foot. An electromyogram (EMG) from the gastrocnemius muscle was recorded simultaneously. Maximal voluntary concentric muscle actions at 120 degrees.s-1 and 240 degrees.s-1 with and without prior eccentric muscle actions were performed. Average torque values of the range of motion between 90 degrees and 99 degrees of the ankle joint were extracted. All four groups were significantly stronger at 120 degrees.s-1 than at 240 degrees.s-1 for pure concentric actions. The average torque values of the concentric phases in the SSC movement were significantly higher than the torque values for pure concentric actions in all four groups and at both velocities. The EMG was significantly lower or unchanged in the SSC movement compared to a pure concentric action in all groups. A larger percentage increase in torque with prior eccentric action was found in young women compared to young men at both velocities. Our results suggested that the enhanced performance was even more marked when a concentric action was preceded by an eccentric action in the young women than in the young men, probably due to better utilization of elastic forces, but we could not demonstrate any age-related differences in enhanced performance with SSC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Publishing in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of acetylcholine inhalation on cardiopulmonary function during exercise in patients with lung disease

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of shape changes of the chest wall on distribution of inspired gas

The configuration of the chest wall was measured with magnetometers applied at various levels of ... more The configuration of the chest wall was measured with magnetometers applied at various levels of the rib cage and abdomen. Distribution of ventilation was measured in the supine position using a bolus of xenon-133 inspired at a flow rate of 0.1 liter per sec. Measurements were made during spontaneous breathing, during augmented abdominal breathing, after manual lateral compression of the lower part of the rib cage followed by a predominantly abdominal motion, and after similar compression followed only by increase of the lateral basal rib cage diameter. Basal compression gave a decrease in lateral diameter of 5 to 7 per cent. During spontaneous breathing, apical ventilation exceeded basal ventilation. During an inspiration with an increase of the lateral basal rib cage diameter after compression, the ventilation of basal peripheral regions increased somewhat. No other systematic effects of the changes in either chest wall diameter at the start of inspiration or the type of inspirati...

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Research paper thumbnail of Instrumental activities of daily living related to impairments and functional limitations in 70-year-olds and changes between 70 and 76 years of age

The aim of this study was to analyse in particular dependence in instrumental daily life activiti... more The aim of this study was to analyse in particular dependence in instrumental daily life activities (I-ADLs) and its association with physical impairments and functional limitations in the elderly. The study was based on cross-sectional data on 70-year-olds (n = 602) and longitudinal data on subjects followed up to the age of 76 (n = 371). Persons dependent in ADL had lower values in maximum walking speed, grip strength, knee extensor strength, stair climbing capacity and in forward reach, compared with those who were independent in ADL. Walking speed in both women and men and sight impairment in men had the greatest influence on dependence in ADL. Possible critical levels for disability in ADL are discussed, as persons who developed dependence between 70 and 76 already had a lower capacity in walking speed and knee extensor strength at age 70 than persons who retained their independence in ADL.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mechanical work of breathing derived from rib cage and abdominal V-P partitioning

Journal of Applied Physiology

Estimates of the mechanical work of breathing derived from measurements of separate rib cage and ... more Estimates of the mechanical work of breathing derived from measurements of separate rib cage and abdominal volume displacements, each plotted against transthoracic pressure, include the elastic cost of chest wall distortion which may occur during breathing. Inspiratory work is partitioned between the diaphragm and the rib cage musculature by adding measurements of transabdominal pressure. The mechanical work of breathing derived from separate rib cage and abdominal volume-pressure (V-P) tracings (the sum of work done by the diaphragm, rib cage, and abdominal musculature) is compared with ventilatory work estimated from the Campbell diagram (which does not include any distortional work). During resting breathing the two estimates are closely comparable, consistent with little or no distortion of the chest wall during quiet breathing. As ventilation increases, the estimate developed from rib cage and abdominal tracings reveals systematically greater mechanical work than is estimated f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Repeated serial determination of cardiac output during 30 min exercise

Journal of Applied Physiology

... Effect of bandaging the legs (Table 5). At rest in the supine position there was no effect of... more ... Effect of bandaging the legs (Table 5). At rest in the supine position there was no effect of bandaging the legs on the oxygen uptake, cardiac output, stroke Page 3. GRIMBY, NILSSON, AND SANNE Subj Time L3a.k Rest Rest Supine Sitting Pm? PR AL GK Giv TH Mean Mean ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Compensatory muscle fiber hypertrophy in elderly men

Journal of Applied Physiology

Muscle strength and muscle morphology have been studied three times during a period of 11 yr in n... more Muscle strength and muscle morphology have been studied three times during a period of 11 yr in nine elderly men. On the last occasion the average age was 80.4 (range 79–82) yr. Body cell mass decreased by 6% and muscle strength for knee extension, measured by means of isometric and concentric isokinetic (30–60 degrees/s) recordings, declined by 25–35% over the 11-yr period. Between 76 and 80 yr of age only the isokinetic strength for 30 degrees/s decreased significantly. Muscle fiber composition in the vastus lateralis did not change between 69 and 76 yr of age, but there was a significant reduction in the proportion of type IIb fibers from 76 to 80 yr. The decrease in type II fiber areas was not significant between 69 and 76 yr of age (as in a larger sample from the same population), but a significant increase in both type I and type II fiber areas was recorded from 76 to 80 yr of age and biceps brachii showed similar tendencies. In the same period, the enzymatic activities of myo...

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Research paper thumbnail of Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exercise in man

Journal of Applied Physiology

... Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exerczse in man. J. Appl. Physiol... more ... Local xenon 133 clearance from the quadriceps muscle during exerczse in man. J. Appl. Physiol. ... and untrained human subjects; muscle blood flow T HE LOCAL INJECTION TECHNIQUE with external regis-tration of the elimination of an injected radioactive iso-...

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Research paper thumbnail of Respiratory muscle action inferred from rib cage and abdominal V-P partitioning

Journal of Applied Physiology

We measured separate volume-pressure (V-P) relationships or rib cage anddiaphragm-abdomen in seve... more We measured separate volume-pressure (V-P) relationships or rib cage anddiaphragm-abdomen in seven human subjects during voluntary relaxation of the respiratory muscles, breathing at rest, during exercise, and rebreathingexpired air. Estimates of separate volume displacements of the two parallelchest wall pathways were based on analysis of rib cage and abdominal anteroposterior diameter changes. The pressure developed across each pathway (transthoracic pressure) was partitioned into two serial pressure drops: transdiaphragmatic pressure and transabdominal pressure. We develop the concept that the relationship of volume displacements of structures to pressures developed by the structures during breathing, as compared to the relaxed state,reflects action of respiratory muscles in the structure. We interpret therelationship of rib cage volume displacements to transabdominal pressure(during breathing vs. relaxation) as indicating action of intercostal and accessory muscles only, the sep...

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Abdominal Breathing on Distribution of Ventilation in Obstructive Lung Disease

Clinical science and molecular medicine

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Research paper thumbnail of Muscle morphology and enzymes in proximal and distal muscle groups of lower limb from patients with corticosteroid treated rheumatoid arthritis: the relationship to maximal isokinetic muscle strength

Clinical Science

Abnormal morphological and enzymatic patterns in the lateral vastus muscle have been found in wom... more Abnormal morphological and enzymatic patterns in the lateral vastus muscle have been found in women with corticosteroid treated rheumatoid arthritis. By means of biopsies from the lateral heads of right gastrocnemius muscles, the histology and enzyme activities were compared with those found in right vastus lateralis biopsies. The findings were correlated with isometric and isokinetic strength of the plantar flexors. The relative occurrence of type I fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was 46.4 +/- 18.7 (SD) %, which is significantly higher than found in the vastus lateralis [35.7 +/- 13.3 (SD) %] (P less than 0.03). The relatively lower percentage of type II fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was due to a relatively low percentage of type II A fibres [mean 27.9 +/- 16.4 (SD) %] (P less than 0.05). The area of type I fibres in the gastrocnemius muscle was 26.1 X 10(2) +/- 10.0 (SD) micron 2, which is 74% of the mean area for type I fibres found in the vastus lateralis (P less than 0.01). The area of type II fibres in the gastrocnemius was 14.9 X 10(2) +/- 7.1 (SD) micron 2, which is 77% of the mean area for type II fibres found in the vastus lateralis. The isokinetic muscle strength of the plantar flexors in corticosteroid treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis was reduced to less than 50% at all angular velocities when compared with healthy women. The same difference was found in the knee extensors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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Research paper thumbnail of Health and Aging Characteristics of Highly Physically Active 65-Year-Old Men

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Eighteen highly physically active men aged 65 years, training since youth, were compared to 67-ye... more Eighteen highly physically active men aged 65 years, training since youth, were compared to 67-year-old men from the general population. Body fat was low in the well-trained men, particularly in the central regions of the body. They smoked less. They characterized themselves as being in a general state of good health and well-being. Plasma insulin values were remarkably low. Blood pressure and resting heart rate were lower and ventilatory capacity better than in controls, and they had less heart diseases. The "juvenile" traits in their energy metabolism as well as in blood pressure and in their own perception of being highly energetic were not associated with less aging characteristics of hair, skin, or function of senses. The results obtained in this selected group suggest that physical activity protects against several age-dependent conditions as well as obesity, also at a fairly advanced age. These findings as well as the observations of differences in ventilatory function, smoking habits, and well-being between the group of highly physically active men and the control group deserve further studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spirometric studies in normal subjects: III

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Research paper thumbnail of Respiration as a Limiting Factor for Working Capacity

Leistungsbegrenzung von seiten der Lunge, 1976

Diseases of the cardiorespiratory system often considerably limit the physical work performance. ... more Diseases of the cardiorespiratory system often considerably limit the physical work performance. However, to what extent is the respiratory system a limiting factor for exercise tolerance without manifest respiratory disease? What factors should be taken into consideration?

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Research paper thumbnail of Strengthening exercise program in post-polio subjects

Birth defects original article series, 1987

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