Gryphon's Roost (original) (raw)

Happy Birthday!!! Feb. 10th, 2010 @ 11:30 am
Happy Birthday to Amelia, Dozer, Stella, Angel and Kasey! On this day last year you all were all welcomed into the world.You have all found wonderful homes with wonderful families... May you have love, treats and plenty of toys to play with over the years.Hugs to the Miles' and Daisy puppies!JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: contentcontentand now playing:: Bishops Heir audio book (step up on the soapbox)
And the total is now ........5 Jan. 9th, 2010 @ 05:17 pm
So as of today, it's all official.... Falcon is mine! Kit and Bob dropped Falcon off today at the house on their way to see puppies in CT.So Falcon is now home and officially part of the Healy House.So the tally is this...Ginagardens Oh Mi Little Admiral, known to one and all as Miles.Calcurt Forward Momentum, known to one and all as Taura.Darkmoon Miss Peabody, known to one and all as Amelia.Calcurt Bronze Falcon, known to one and all as Falcon.And Danger, I know he's M&M Mountains something....but I'm not sure on his full registered name yet. Michelle is going to get me his paperwork at some point.I will be updating the website at some point with pictures and info.I will also be posting pictures of the Fur Foot Healy Family here and on myspace.I will be giving Danger his own livejournal, just like the rest of the fur foots here at the house. And I will be updating the livejournals soon... I will also be updating the myspace for the puppies soon too.Happy Dance!JeanetteCurrent Location: healy houseand the mood stone says:: bouncybouncyand now playing:: watching Serenity (1 soapbox | step up on the soapbox)
We have a new face at the Healy House.... Dec. 31st, 2009 @ 10:41 pm
His name is Danger....and he is most definitely not a sheltie....Danger and BrianCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: happyhappyand now playing:: the Replacements (5 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
Happy Dance!!!! Dec. 1st, 2009 @ 10:50 pm
Miles and Taura are now Therapy dogs!!!! yay! they took their therapy dog tests tonight and passed.weeeee!JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: happyhappyand now playing:: cable canned music (step up on the soapbox)
December 1, 2007 Dec. 1st, 2009 @ 10:06 am
Happy Birthday to Ginagardens Oh Mi Little Admiral, CGC, RA, known to everyone as Miles!He's two today, and after I do my job interview, I'm taking him to Michelle's for a bath for his birthday. I'm hoping that tonight I can add Therapy Dog to his name.Weeee..........jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: busybusyand now playing:: cable canned music (2 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
I walk away from my comp for a minute ....... Nov. 7th, 2009 @ 12:12 pm
And what do I see.....this......Somebody snuck in to check his Livejournal....Current Location: healy houseand the mood stone says:: amusedamusedand now playing:: watching romancing the stone (5 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
Happy Birthday!!! Jul. 15th, 2009 @ 11:03 am
Happy B'day to all the July babies......that means Joe, Mike, Hank, Kelly..........Oh and Me!Hugs!JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: awakeawakeand now playing:: dogs barking..... (2 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
Falcon's first blog.... Jul. 13th, 2009 @ 03:02 pm
hi all!I just wanted to let you know that Falcon has his first entry up at his LJ. You can read it over at falcons_diaryCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: contentcontentand now playing:: cable canned music (1 soapbox | step up on the soapbox)
snicker.,........ Jun. 28th, 2009 @ 11:27 pm
Yes, the Secret Policeman's Balls is still as funny as I remember it being.........JCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: amusedamusedand now playing:: secret policeman's ball (step up on the soapbox)
website updates! Jun. 22nd, 2009 @ 07:16 pm
Hi,I just finished some updates to the darkmoon website.let me know what you thinkI'm going to find time to work on the tribal page pedigree at some point soon. It needs to be done.jeanettehttp://www.darkmoonshelties.comCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: exhaustedexhausted (step up on the soapbox)
New Paltz Shows..... Jun. 11th, 2009 @ 02:47 pm
So I have the schedules for thursday, friday and saturday next week, the 18th, 19th and 20th. Thursday, Taura and I are at Ulster County Fairgrounds in New Paltz. We are in ring 5 at 1:00. If any one wants to see them, Michelle's Berners and Cresteds are in ring 4 and ring 1 at 10.Friday, we are in ring 4 at 11:00. Michelle's Berners are in ring 2 at 10:45 and the cresteds are in ring 1 at 8:30. Saturday, we are in ring 2 at 12:30. And Michelle's berners are in ring 2 at 10:30 and the cresteds are in ring 1 at 9:30.If any one is interested in the full judging programs.... this is the program for the Wallkill Show. this is the program for the Shawangunk Show.. And this is the program for the Mid-Hudson Show....So come join us and cheer us on.....JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: awakeawakeand now playing:: law & order SVU (1 soapbox | step up on the soapbox)
I am so upset.... Jun. 5th, 2009 @ 03:56 pm
So miles and I did not get to the Taconic show today.... I took a wrong turn, and next thing I knew I was in Beacon! UGH!!! with not enough time to trace my way back to get there for the show.So once again we are starting off with an Absent going for Miles new Obedience Title. Sigh.......Here's hoping that we don't get any non-qualifying scores the rest of the weekend....jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: tiredtired (1 soapbox | step up on the soapbox)
oh my god!!! Jun. 4th, 2009 @ 04:53 pm
I want a Munch Muppet!!!!!!!giggle!!!!JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: amusedamusedand now playing:: watching Special Letters Unit (step up on the soapbox)
any one want to cheer us on this weekend? Jun. 1st, 2009 @ 01:10 pm
Miles and I are wandering to another set of shows this weekend. Friday we are in Yorktown Heights NY at Roosevelt State Park for the Taconic show. We are in ring 8 at 10:40.Saturday we are in Norwalk CT at Taylor Farm Park at the Greenwich show. We are in ring 18 at 11:50.Sunday we are back at Roosevelt State Park for the Taconic Obedience trial. We are in ring 8 again sometime after 11:15.Come cheer us on and hopefully we'll walk away with three qualifying scores for his Companion Dog Title!jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: bouncybouncyand now playing:: law & order (2 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
It's time for that special announcement....that comes once a year.... May. 9th, 2009 @ 10:59 am
The date for the Healy House Summer Party!!!!!!Okay folks, due to lots of schedule conflicts, we've tried our best for this one and the best date we can come up with is July 4th this I hope to see as many of you there as can make it, that includes you too Hans!The only real request brian has, is this.....If you have access to any fireworks...bring them!And as usual, the party is pot luck...Jeanette and Brian.Current Location: homeand the mood stone says:: awakeawakeand now playing:: brian channel surfing (8 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
ARG!!! Apr. 26th, 2009 @ 04:09 pm
Okay here is the deal on Animal Rights.... There aren't any....I hate these animal rights groups.... They are unwilling to acknowledge the love and devotion of people for their pets.. They are unwilling to acknowledge the dedication of people to keep breeds of dogs, cats or any animal alive and healthy.I own three beautiful shelties.... I love them dearly, care for them. I take them to the vet, get their health checks..their shots... I feed them...train them. I even socialize them so that they are not obnoxious in public places.By animal rights groups point of view, I am cruel to have my dogs. I am cruel to them because I own them. I am cruel because I bred Miles and added to the dog population. I am cruel because I haven't gotten Taura and Miles fixed. I am cruel because I got Miles and Taura from breeders instead of giving a shelter dog a home.They don't care that I love my puppies. They don't care that I spend my time, money and energy on my dogs.All they care about is that I am in the wrong for owning dogs.Now let me tell you how I look at things.... These crack pot animal rights groups are the ones that are cruel. They insist on killing dogs and cats to save said creatures from themselves. To save them from the people who love and care for them. And when we try to get our animals back, they fine us and arrest us because we love our animals, our friends, our companions...There is no such thing as a bad dog people...only bad owners...owners that tie dogs out with no food or shelter. Owners that beat their dogs until they are vicious because they think that is the way to train a dog or they think that's the way the dog should be.I have nothing against shelter dogs....They need love and attention, just as much as any dog from a breeder. I have nothing against dogs from a breeder, they need love and attention just as any dog from a shelter.What I have a problem with is people who think that one is better than the other...or worse than the other. Or that they are both worse than no dog or cat or any pet at all.PETA and it's co-horts can go to Hell... I love my dogs... I will take care of them to the best of my ability. I even have an open adoption approval at one of the local shelters. So go suck a rotten egg and blow it out your ass people. I OWN PETS!!!!JeanetteCurrent Location: Homeand the mood stone says:: annoyedannoyedand now playing:: poltergeist the legace (5 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
weeeee!!! Apr. 23rd, 2009 @ 10:21 am
Happy Birthday Taura Bear!!!!She's a year old today...We were going to go out today for her b'day and wander together, but I was feeling lazy today. We'll go wandering on Saturday, that way Brian will be with us too. And she'll get a day with Brian and I without the Father/Daughter duo. She still got her bath and a toy and a new scarf and a beaded necklace. I'll put the scarf and necklace on her later. I also have puppy ice cream for her.I may even break out the bubbles and have her and the father/daughter duo play with bubbles for her b'day.JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: happyhappyand now playing:: law & order (step up on the soapbox)
so... Apr. 20th, 2009 @ 04:29 pm
I am almost caught up with Numb3rs...It's a very good interesting show... the basic idea of the show is this... FBI works with Cal Sci professors to solve hard to crack cases using number theory.I love it! And I've been upset that I haven't had a chance to really see all of it, as the show plays on friday nights. Thank God for DVD Season Collections.Perp: "It's only sex no big deal.."Colby:"Let's see you feel any differently about it when you are someone's cell block bitch."(son)Don:"it's ridiculous, you have to sleep in your own place..."(dad)Alan:"They are having an all night mathathon in the living room."That's only some of the fun lines that come out of the people on this show...But what's got me going is one of the episodes from Season 4... the basic story is this.... a $2 Million dollar comic book is stolen at a comic con...and the FBI is called in to find it. What had me rolling was that one of the crew is a big huge comic book fan. So the actor playing our FBI Comic Geek got stuck with saying all the Fan Boy Comic Geekzoid quotes and lines you hear at any convention...Comic Book or Otherwise. This includes going fan boy over artists and quoting Doctor Strange...And why does Colby always get the runners!!!!I love it...jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: amusedamusedand now playing:: numb3rs (step up on the soapbox)
I don't know which is worse.... Apr. 18th, 2009 @ 11:05 pm
That the stupid Yutz that started this whole mess with Falcon being lost and missing still hasn't called to talk to me about the damage he has done. He's ready to talk but I have to call him...NOT! There is no apology for getting yelled at when you royally screw up... and if you are insulted that you got yelled at over a dog...tough shit.Or that the dog still won't go into the damn traps so that we can finally bring him home......ARRRGGGG!!!!! I want my life back! I have lost 3 months of my life dealing with this mess. Brian and I haven't gotten a chance to go to the movies... my porch has not been puppy proofed so that Amelia can go out on the porch. My bathroom still needs to be replaced... The pen for the dogs, AKA the Hollow still needs to be finished so that I don't have to worry about Miles, Taura or Amelia getting out of it.I've lost show registration money, because I've had to not go to shows so I can look for Falcon... I've lost track of the amount of money I've spent in the last 3 months towards finding/catching Falcon... And to top it all off...lord only knows what shape Falcon will be in when we finally get him home...I would love to thank the Mushroom that made this mess....Principal my ass.....Bite Me... If you can't live in this world and take responsibility for your actions and deal with being yelled at when you royally screw up and understand that there are consequences to others for your actions...guess what... you might as well be a in the dark and grow on Bull Shit!jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: crankycrankyand now playing:: cable canned music (1 soapbox | step up on the soapbox)
puppy update Apr. 17th, 2009 @ 01:27 pm
Well Amelia's page is updated... I've also added a link to her photobucket album. I also got her AKC papers today and they are now up on the health files page at the website.go take a look.....http://www.darkmoonshelties.comweee!!!jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: happyhappyand now playing:: law & order SVU (step up on the soapbox)
updates.... Apr. 8th, 2009 @ 10:53 pm
Weee.... I just finished updating the Darkmoon website with all the new stuff on Amelia. go take a look.... she's so cute. www.darkmoonshelties.comi still have to set up her photobucket album...and add her info over at the tribal pages site... jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: bouncybouncyand now playing:: law & order (step up on the soapbox)
And the Winner is..... Apr. 8th, 2009 @ 07:01 pm
I went out to see Susan today and to see which of the Miles babies was coming home with me... I looked at all of the puppies and while I had my preferances going into Susan's House, it would figure that I would leave with neither of my preferances. I brought home one of the Blue Merle Girls. She's a little big, but I like how she fits together. Her registered name with the AKC is Darkmoon Miss Peabody. Her call name is Amelia.And yes, once again she is named for one of the favorite characters from one of our favorite book series. This time we went with the Amelia Peabody Mysteries to get her name.I stopped off at Joann's on my way home to introduce Amelia to Barry and his eyes lit up and she had no problems curling up with him. As a matter of fact he went to go play his video game and she followed him into the living room and curled up at his feet and watched the game as he played. It was a really cute scene. And then she went exploring a little and he called her name and she went right back to him. Considering that she really hadn't heard her name until we got to Joann's that was pretty good.Just like her daddy and the rest of the critters here at the house she does have a live journal. It'samelias_world Now she is here at the Healy House and it's dinner time so i'm going to go feed puppies.jeanetteDarkmoon Miss Peabody AKA AmeliaCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: happyhappyand now playing:: Discovery Channel (2 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)
new addition to the healy house,.... Apr. 8th, 2009 @ 10:51 am
this afternoon I am leaving for the wilds of PA to go bring home the Miles baby to live with me..... and to eventually be Barry's Junior Handling puppy! Yay!!!I am going to consider all 5 of them with the little blue boy, the little tri girl named snip, and the little blue girl named y-girl as the ones I am going to seriously consider.I have names picked out for all three of them.If I bring home the little boy he will be registered as Darkmoon Gallowglass and his call name will be Magnus.If I bring home the little tri girl she will be registered as Darkmoon Chieftains Daughter and her call name will be EmberIf I bring home the little blue girl she will be registered as Darkmoon Miss Peabody and her call name will be Amelia.which ever one comes home will once again get his/her own livejournal and be added to the darkmoonshelties myspace page. And I will update the Darkmoon website accordingly.As for the Falcon hunt, we still know where he is, but he is still proving to be very elusive catching wise..weeee I can't wait.jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: hopefulhopeful (step up on the soapbox)
I need to vent.... Apr. 2nd, 2009 @ 11:30 pm
2009 had a plan.....and this is what it was.... January: finish the window for the new wall in the living room over looking the front stairway. Put said window in the wall over looking the front stairway. Plan for January: Shot to Hell had to fly down to florida for my grandfather's funeral. February: Pick up Falcon from owner Kit Curtis and work with him so that he could go to the dog shows with me, miles and taura. Go to Salem Mass for the first time ever to attend Brian's cousin's wedding. Finish getting/ordering supplies for new bathroom to go in upstairs in the hall. Start socializing Falcon and take him to classes so that he could go into the show ring with me. Attend Monticello Kennel Club Show and Northern New Jersey Show with Miles and Taura to start on their next round of shows. Plan for February: Shot to Hell, Never got to go to Salem Mass as fat stupid people chased falcon around the pen and chased him off the property and then didn't bother to stick around to help find the dog. Lost money on the entries for the Monticello and NNJ show as I was looking for Falcon. Never got to get more supplies for the bathroom, too busy looking for dog. Still haven't gotten to put the window in the new wall overlooking front stairway. March: Attend Saw Mill River Kennel Club show with Taura and Falcon. Enter Taura and Falcon in the Tri-State Sheltie show. Finish work on new bathroom. Get the house ready for Dani and Jason's wedding in May. Attend First Dog Training Show and get Miles first leg, (qualifying score) towards his Rally Advanced title. Plan for March: Shot to Hell, Lost money on Falcon's entry for Saw Mill show, still looking for him. Spending money, I should have spent on getting bathroom done, trying to find the dog. Missed the deadline to enter Taura, (can't enter Falcon he's missing) in the Tri-State Sheltie show. Haven't started on new bathroom. House is no where near ready for Dani and Jason's wedding in May. Miles NQed at the First Dog show, as I was so busy looking for Falcon, never got a chance to practice Rally with Miles. April: Scrub House down, plant seed in front yard so that I have grass for Dani and Jason's wedding. Attend Tri-State Sheltie Show in Hamden CT with Taura, one of the judges likes to place tri-color dogs.... clean up outside around the house. maybe finish the pen. get miles' puppy here and start working with him/her and barry so that they can go to class and start doing the whole junior handler thing. Plan for April: Shot to Hell, Found Falcon now I have to fool around trying to catch him. Not attending Tri State Sheltie show in Hamden CT with Taura, didn't get a chance to enter her in time to go. Still haven't done the bathroom...still haven't put in the new window. Lord only knows how much work will get done in time for Dani and Jason's wedding..... Will have to juggle training new puppy while trying to make Falcon a non Ferral Dog, while getting Taura ready for show ring in May, and while getting Miles ready for his next Rally show.So if any one is confused on any of this and why Brian and I are angry and annoyed that we have been inconvenienced over the last few months because some one has no respect for us, and thinks that they are better than brian and I and don't care what the consequences of their actions means to others...send them here so they can read just how bad things have been royally screwed up by one simple choice in their actions. thank you for letting me vent. Oh and a little clue on just how angry I am...I only use the Lads from Andromeda as an Icon when I am really pissed off about something. JeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: pissed offpissed offand now playing:: wqxr (step up on the soapbox)
news and other goodies Mar. 31st, 2009 @ 06:16 pm
I did some work today on the Darkmoon Website... I added a page for all the blogs for the critters and took the links for the journals off the directory page. It needed to be done, since I am adding one of miles' fur babies to the house soon. And to be honest another blog link on the directory page is just too damn many. I may clean up the gallery links too. There are a lot of them as well.And the best news ever...WE FOUND FALCON!!!!! Now i'm not saying that we got him back yet. That is still in the works. But I know where he is, and I know he's alive and that he's eating and that I am so much closer to getting him back and I don't have to deal with this depressive mess i've been in for the last month! Yay!!!!!Happy Dance!!!!Of course then all the fun begins... As i said i'm getting one of miles' fur kids in a week or so and so i'll have a new puppy to work with...but i will also have to resocialize falcon so that he's not ferral dog too.... this is going to be a lot of work. And train miles for the rally advance ring and train taura for the conformation ring. And do all the things that normally go on around this place as spring and summer hits us with all the wanderings in and out of here.weeeeeeeround and round I go....jeanetteCurrent Location: homeand the mood stone says:: bouncybouncyand now playing:: wqxr (12 soapboxes | step up on the soapbox)