Gil Fishhof | University of Haifa (original) (raw)


Papers by Gil Fishhof

[Research paper thumbnail of "Political Intentions and Romanesque Portal Iconography: Saint-Hilaire in Semur-en-Brionnais, Saint Hugh of Cluny and the Dynastic Strategies of the Lords of Semur](

Mediaevistik – International Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Research, 23 (2010), pp. 11-48., 2010

M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung... more M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung Herausgegeben von P e te r D inzelbacher und A lb re ch t C lassen

Research paper thumbnail of 14th Imago Conference - In Sickness and in Health

We are thrilled to publish the program of the 14th Annual Imago conference: “In Sickness and in ... more We are thrilled to publish the program of the 14th Annual Imago conference: “In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art”.

The two-day international conference will be held online, January 12-13, 2021.

We invite you to join us for a rich event that will explore a diverse variety of fascinating subjects, such as “Healing, Humor and Pleasure”, “The Sick and Disabled Body”, and “Gendering Disease”.

Participation is free and there are no registration fees. To attend, please fill out the online registration form:

Imago – The Israeli Association of Visual Culture in the Middle Ages, and the Department of Art History, University of Haifa

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitaller Patronage and the Mural Cycle of the Church of the Resurrection at Abu-Gosh (Emmaus) – A New Reading

The Military Orders – Culture and Conflicts, eds. J. Schenk, M. Carr (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2017): 81-93., 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth

Research paper thumbnail of Chivalry, and Nobility in Medieval and Early Modern Art - Call for papers

Chivalry, and Nobility in Medieval and Early Modern Art - Call for papers, 2020

Images related to chivalry and nobility are found in medieval and early modern art in various con... more Images related to chivalry and nobility are found in medieval and early modern art in various contexts, formats, and settings. Whether representing real or fictional figures, portrayals of members of the nobility, heroes, and knights were rendered in accord with contemporary ideas on social structure, codes of behavior, and religiosity.

We invite relevant papers from broad points of view that consider the contexts of the production, reception, and interpretation of such art. We encourage interdisciplinary studies that can shed new light on previously well-studied artworks as well as papers that deal with works that are relatively unexplored

The conference will take place on January 2, 2020, at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Dafna Nissim ( or Sharon Khalifa-Gueta ( no later than September 15, 2019.



University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Israel,
31 January 2018–2 February 2018

Keynote speakers: Prof. Benjamin Z. Kedar, Prof. Helen J. Nicholson.

Conference organisers: Professor Adrian J. Boas, Dr Judith Bronstein, Dr Gil Fishhof, Arch. Vardit Shotten-Hallel.

Research paper thumbnail of "The Role and Meanings of the Image of Saint Peter in the Crusader Sculpture of Nazareth: A New Reading", in: Elizabeth Lapina, April Jehan Morris, Susanna A. Throop, and Laura J. Whatley (eds.), The Crusades and Visual Culture, Ashgate Publishing, 2015, pp. 35-55.

Research paper thumbnail of "Saint-Hilaire at Semur-en-Brionnais and the Meaning of Models in 12th-century Burgundian Architecture", Arte Medievale, 2008/2, pp. 25-46

Research paper thumbnail of "Reconsidering the Sculptural Program of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: The Role and Meaning of its Bases and Socles", in: Christine Verzar, Gil Fishhof (eds.), Pictorial Languages and their Meanings, Tel Aviv University, 2006.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lions of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: Survival, Transformations and Meanings of an Ancient Motif", in: Hanna Taragan and Nissim Gal (eds.), The Beauty of Jepheth in the Tents of Shem. Studies in Honour of Mordechai Omer, Tel Aviv University, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of "Political Intentions and Romanesque Portal Iconography: Saint-Hilaire in Semur-en-Brionnais, Saint Hugh of Cluny and the Dynastic Strategies of the Lords of Semur", Mediaevistik – International Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Research, 23 (2010), pp. 11-48.

M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung... more M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung Herausgegeben von P e te r D inzelbacher und A lb re ch t C lassen Beiträge werden druckfertig in deutscher, englischer, französischer oder italienischer Sprache elektronisch an die Herausgeber erbeten, ausgenommen Autoren aus Amerika, die sich direkt an Prof. Classen (s.u.) wenden sollten. Für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte wird keine Haf tung übernommen. Die Verfasser tragen für ihre Beiträge die Verantwortung. Eine Verpflichtung zur Aufnahme von Entgegnungen besteht nicht. MEDIAEVISTIK publiziert keine anderweitig erscheinenden Aufsätze. Rezensionsexemplare werden mit der deutlichen Beschriftung "kostenloses Rezensionsexemplar" an Verlag und Herausgeber erbeten. Für eine Besprechung bzw. Rücksendung unverlangt einge sandter Bücher kann keine Gewähr geleistet werden. MEDIAEVISTIK erscheint einmal jährlich in einem Band. Bezugspreise: Abonnement sFr. 96.--/ EUR 66.--, Einzelband sFr. 110.--/EUR 75.70, jeweils zuzüglich Porto und Verpackung. Abbe stellung des Abonnements ist nur zum 31. Dezember möglich. Werbeanzeigen und Beilagen durch den Verlag. Alle Beiträge sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Übersetzung, Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung auf photomechanischem oder ähnlichen Wege, Vortrag, Rundfunk-oder Fernsehsendung sowie Speiche rung und Verarbeitung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen -auch auszugsweise -sind nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Verlages gestattet.

Research paper thumbnail of The Frescoes of Berzé-la-Ville, and the Beatitude of the Blessed Saint Hugh" In: R. Milano, W. Barcham, (eds.) Happiness or Its Absence in Art, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 27-44.

Conference Presentations by Gil Fishhof

Research paper thumbnail of In Sickness and in Health/ Imago Conference

I will be giving a paper on the gender aspects of paintings depicting lovesickness and stone-oper... more I will be giving a paper on the gender aspects of paintings depicting lovesickness and stone-operations. Please find attached the itinerary of the conference.

Research paper thumbnail of CFP: In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art Call for papers

In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art Cal... more In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing
in Medieval and Early Modern Art
Call for papers
14th Annual Imago Conference, University of Haifa, January 12, 2021

In light of the global turmoil caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the 14th Annual Imago conference will examine the cultural and artistic impact of epidemics, diseases, and healing in the art of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. We hope this examination will not only shed new light on the artistic, social, and political mechanisms of both of these periods, but will also produce fresh insights into cultural and artistic responses to the current global health crisis.
Disease is an inevitable part of the human experience. Whether in times of acute crisis, the most familiar of which is the Black Death of the mid-14th century, or as a constant threat at all other times, diseases evoked varied responses, from theological formulations to the transmission of medicinal knowledge; and, not least, to artistic depictions.
We invite papers from broad and diverse points of view: case studies of iconographies dealing with disease or healing, studies of the artistic responses to specific epidemics, and comparative studies between East and West, the Christian and the Islamic worlds, etc. Interdisciplinary studies and those engaging with the production, reception, and interpretation of art concerned with disease and healing are of particular interest. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Artistic expressions of medicinal practices
• Visual components in medical manuscripts
• Artistic responses to the Black Death and to other epidemics
• Physical and spiritual health – Medieval and Early Modern expressions
• Disease and otherness – xenophobic, racist, and anti-Semitic polemical visual expressions
• Disease – theological and moral conceptions
• Gendered aspects of disease and healing
• Disease and healing between East and West – artistic expressions
• Leprosy and its cultural and artistic representations
• Saints, relics, pilgrimage, and healing
• Disease and apotropaic practices
• Places of sickness and death: art in hospitals and cemeteries
• Images of doctors and nurses
• Representations of suffering and sickness

The conference will take place on January 12, 2021, at the University of Haifa.
* Should the ongoing Covid-19 situation prevent the conference from being held on campus, it will be held online via Zoom.
* All speakers will be allowed to deliver their paper via Zoom, even if the conference will take place physically on campus.
* We will broadcast the entire conference to participants via Zoom.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Dr. Gil Fishhof ( no later than September 1st, 2020. Abstracts should include the applicant's name, professional affiliation, and a short CV. Each paper should be limited to a 20-minute presentation, to be followed by a discussion and questions. All applicants will be notified by October 1st 2020 regarding acceptance of their proposal. For additional information or further inquiries, please contact Dr. Fishhof.

Organizing committee: Dr. Gil Fishhof, Ms. Mazi Kuzi, Prof. Jochai Rosen, Dr. Margo Stroumsa-Uzan,

Research paper thumbnail of "Eastern Christian Painters Refugees in the Frankish Kingdom of Cyprus in the 13th Century: Pictorial Evidence and Impact" (The Latin East in the 13th Century: Institutions, Settlements and Material Culture, Haifa, Haifa University, 31st January - 2nd February 2018)


Books by Gil Fishhof



In the 88 years between its establishment by the victorious armies of the First Crusade and its c... more In the 88 years between its establishment by the victorious armies of the First Crusade and its collapse following the disastrous defeat at Hattin, the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem was the site of vibrant artistic and architectural activity. As the crusaders rebuilt some of Christendom's most sacred churches, or embellished others with murals and mosaics, a unique and highly original art was created. Focusing on the sculptural, mosaic, and mural cycles adorning some of the most important shrines in the Kingdom (such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Basilica of the Annunciation, and the Church of the Nativity), this book offers a broad perspective of Crusader art and architecture. Among the many aspects discussed are competition among pilgrimage sites, crusader manipulation of biblical models, the image of the Muslim, and others. Building on recent developments in the fields of patronage studies and reception theory, the book offers a study of the complex ways in which Crusader art addressed its diverse audiences (Franks, indigenous eastern Christians, pilgrims) while serving the intentions of its patrons. Of particular interest to scholars and students of the Crusades and of Crusader art, as well as scholars and students of medieval art in general, this book will appeal to all those engaging with intercultural encounters, acculturation, Christian-Muslim relations, pilgrimage, the Holy Land, medieval devotion and theology, Byzantine art, reception theory and medieval patronage. Gil Fishhof teaches medieval and Crusader art at the Department of Art History, University of Haifa. His main areas of expertise are Romanesque art and architecture in France, art in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, art of the Cluniac order, and questions of medieval patronage and audiences. Together with Einat Segal and Assaf Pinkus, he has recently published the edited volume The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth-Where the Word Became Flesh (2020), and with Vardit Shoten-Hallel and Judith Bronstein the volume Settlement and Crusade in the 13th Century-Multidisciplinary Studies of the Latin East (2021).

Research paper thumbnail of The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth: Where the Word Became Flesh

The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth is among the most celebrated loca sancta in the Holy... more The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth is among the most celebrated loca sancta in the Holy Land and has been a destination of pilgrims for millennia.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the modern edifice, this anthology is the first to offer a comprehensive study of the church, comprising the stages of its construction from the Byzantine era, through Crusader and Franciscan campaigns, into the present.

The studies discuss such topics as the basilica’s complex pictorial language, including stained-glass windows, bronze doors, and votive panels, and the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the reception of modern elements of its architecture. The various analyses take into consideration the challenges facing Christian art in a multicultural world.

[Research paper thumbnail of "Political Intentions and Romanesque Portal Iconography: Saint-Hilaire in Semur-en-Brionnais, Saint Hugh of Cluny and the Dynastic Strategies of the Lords of Semur](

Mediaevistik – International Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Research, 23 (2010), pp. 11-48., 2010

M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung... more M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung Herausgegeben von P e te r D inzelbacher und A lb re ch t C lassen

Research paper thumbnail of 14th Imago Conference - In Sickness and in Health

We are thrilled to publish the program of the 14th Annual Imago conference: “In Sickness and in ... more We are thrilled to publish the program of the 14th Annual Imago conference: “In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art”.

The two-day international conference will be held online, January 12-13, 2021.

We invite you to join us for a rich event that will explore a diverse variety of fascinating subjects, such as “Healing, Humor and Pleasure”, “The Sick and Disabled Body”, and “Gendering Disease”.

Participation is free and there are no registration fees. To attend, please fill out the online registration form:

Imago – The Israeli Association of Visual Culture in the Middle Ages, and the Department of Art History, University of Haifa

Research paper thumbnail of Hospitaller Patronage and the Mural Cycle of the Church of the Resurrection at Abu-Gosh (Emmaus) – A New Reading

The Military Orders – Culture and Conflicts, eds. J. Schenk, M. Carr (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2017): 81-93., 2017

Research paper thumbnail of The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth

Research paper thumbnail of Chivalry, and Nobility in Medieval and Early Modern Art - Call for papers

Chivalry, and Nobility in Medieval and Early Modern Art - Call for papers, 2020

Images related to chivalry and nobility are found in medieval and early modern art in various con... more Images related to chivalry and nobility are found in medieval and early modern art in various contexts, formats, and settings. Whether representing real or fictional figures, portrayals of members of the nobility, heroes, and knights were rendered in accord with contemporary ideas on social structure, codes of behavior, and religiosity.

We invite relevant papers from broad points of view that consider the contexts of the production, reception, and interpretation of such art. We encourage interdisciplinary studies that can shed new light on previously well-studied artworks as well as papers that deal with works that are relatively unexplored

The conference will take place on January 2, 2020, at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Dafna Nissim ( or Sharon Khalifa-Gueta ( no later than September 15, 2019.



University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Israel,
31 January 2018–2 February 2018

Keynote speakers: Prof. Benjamin Z. Kedar, Prof. Helen J. Nicholson.

Conference organisers: Professor Adrian J. Boas, Dr Judith Bronstein, Dr Gil Fishhof, Arch. Vardit Shotten-Hallel.

Research paper thumbnail of "The Role and Meanings of the Image of Saint Peter in the Crusader Sculpture of Nazareth: A New Reading", in: Elizabeth Lapina, April Jehan Morris, Susanna A. Throop, and Laura J. Whatley (eds.), The Crusades and Visual Culture, Ashgate Publishing, 2015, pp. 35-55.

Research paper thumbnail of "Saint-Hilaire at Semur-en-Brionnais and the Meaning of Models in 12th-century Burgundian Architecture", Arte Medievale, 2008/2, pp. 25-46

Research paper thumbnail of "Reconsidering the Sculptural Program of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: The Role and Meaning of its Bases and Socles", in: Christine Verzar, Gil Fishhof (eds.), Pictorial Languages and their Meanings, Tel Aviv University, 2006.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lions of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard: Survival, Transformations and Meanings of an Ancient Motif", in: Hanna Taragan and Nissim Gal (eds.), The Beauty of Jepheth in the Tents of Shem. Studies in Honour of Mordechai Omer, Tel Aviv University, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of "Political Intentions and Romanesque Portal Iconography: Saint-Hilaire in Semur-en-Brionnais, Saint Hugh of Cluny and the Dynastic Strategies of the Lords of Semur", Mediaevistik – International Journal of Interdisciplinary Medieval Research, 23 (2010), pp. 11-48.

M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung... more M E D I A E V I S T I K internationale Z eitsch rift fü r interdisziplinare M ittelalterforschung Herausgegeben von P e te r D inzelbacher und A lb re ch t C lassen Beiträge werden druckfertig in deutscher, englischer, französischer oder italienischer Sprache elektronisch an die Herausgeber erbeten, ausgenommen Autoren aus Amerika, die sich direkt an Prof. Classen (s.u.) wenden sollten. Für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte wird keine Haf tung übernommen. Die Verfasser tragen für ihre Beiträge die Verantwortung. Eine Verpflichtung zur Aufnahme von Entgegnungen besteht nicht. MEDIAEVISTIK publiziert keine anderweitig erscheinenden Aufsätze. Rezensionsexemplare werden mit der deutlichen Beschriftung "kostenloses Rezensionsexemplar" an Verlag und Herausgeber erbeten. Für eine Besprechung bzw. Rücksendung unverlangt einge sandter Bücher kann keine Gewähr geleistet werden. MEDIAEVISTIK erscheint einmal jährlich in einem Band. Bezugspreise: Abonnement sFr. 96.--/ EUR 66.--, Einzelband sFr. 110.--/EUR 75.70, jeweils zuzüglich Porto und Verpackung. Abbe stellung des Abonnements ist nur zum 31. Dezember möglich. Werbeanzeigen und Beilagen durch den Verlag. Alle Beiträge sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Übersetzung, Nachdruck, Vervielfältigung auf photomechanischem oder ähnlichen Wege, Vortrag, Rundfunk-oder Fernsehsendung sowie Speiche rung und Verarbeitung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen -auch auszugsweise -sind nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung des Verlages gestattet.

Research paper thumbnail of The Frescoes of Berzé-la-Ville, and the Beatitude of the Blessed Saint Hugh" In: R. Milano, W. Barcham, (eds.) Happiness or Its Absence in Art, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 27-44.

Research paper thumbnail of In Sickness and in Health/ Imago Conference

I will be giving a paper on the gender aspects of paintings depicting lovesickness and stone-oper... more I will be giving a paper on the gender aspects of paintings depicting lovesickness and stone-operations. Please find attached the itinerary of the conference.

Research paper thumbnail of CFP: In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art Call for papers

In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing in Medieval and Early Modern Art Cal... more In Sickness and in Health: Pestilence, Disease, and Healing
in Medieval and Early Modern Art
Call for papers
14th Annual Imago Conference, University of Haifa, January 12, 2021

In light of the global turmoil caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the 14th Annual Imago conference will examine the cultural and artistic impact of epidemics, diseases, and healing in the art of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. We hope this examination will not only shed new light on the artistic, social, and political mechanisms of both of these periods, but will also produce fresh insights into cultural and artistic responses to the current global health crisis.
Disease is an inevitable part of the human experience. Whether in times of acute crisis, the most familiar of which is the Black Death of the mid-14th century, or as a constant threat at all other times, diseases evoked varied responses, from theological formulations to the transmission of medicinal knowledge; and, not least, to artistic depictions.
We invite papers from broad and diverse points of view: case studies of iconographies dealing with disease or healing, studies of the artistic responses to specific epidemics, and comparative studies between East and West, the Christian and the Islamic worlds, etc. Interdisciplinary studies and those engaging with the production, reception, and interpretation of art concerned with disease and healing are of particular interest. Suggested topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Artistic expressions of medicinal practices
• Visual components in medical manuscripts
• Artistic responses to the Black Death and to other epidemics
• Physical and spiritual health – Medieval and Early Modern expressions
• Disease and otherness – xenophobic, racist, and anti-Semitic polemical visual expressions
• Disease – theological and moral conceptions
• Gendered aspects of disease and healing
• Disease and healing between East and West – artistic expressions
• Leprosy and its cultural and artistic representations
• Saints, relics, pilgrimage, and healing
• Disease and apotropaic practices
• Places of sickness and death: art in hospitals and cemeteries
• Images of doctors and nurses
• Representations of suffering and sickness

The conference will take place on January 12, 2021, at the University of Haifa.
* Should the ongoing Covid-19 situation prevent the conference from being held on campus, it will be held online via Zoom.
* All speakers will be allowed to deliver their paper via Zoom, even if the conference will take place physically on campus.
* We will broadcast the entire conference to participants via Zoom.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to Dr. Gil Fishhof ( no later than September 1st, 2020. Abstracts should include the applicant's name, professional affiliation, and a short CV. Each paper should be limited to a 20-minute presentation, to be followed by a discussion and questions. All applicants will be notified by October 1st 2020 regarding acceptance of their proposal. For additional information or further inquiries, please contact Dr. Fishhof.

Organizing committee: Dr. Gil Fishhof, Ms. Mazi Kuzi, Prof. Jochai Rosen, Dr. Margo Stroumsa-Uzan,

Research paper thumbnail of "Eastern Christian Painters Refugees in the Frankish Kingdom of Cyprus in the 13th Century: Pictorial Evidence and Impact" (The Latin East in the 13th Century: Institutions, Settlements and Material Culture, Haifa, Haifa University, 31st January - 2nd February 2018)




In the 88 years between its establishment by the victorious armies of the First Crusade and its c... more In the 88 years between its establishment by the victorious armies of the First Crusade and its collapse following the disastrous defeat at Hattin, the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem was the site of vibrant artistic and architectural activity. As the crusaders rebuilt some of Christendom's most sacred churches, or embellished others with murals and mosaics, a unique and highly original art was created. Focusing on the sculptural, mosaic, and mural cycles adorning some of the most important shrines in the Kingdom (such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Basilica of the Annunciation, and the Church of the Nativity), this book offers a broad perspective of Crusader art and architecture. Among the many aspects discussed are competition among pilgrimage sites, crusader manipulation of biblical models, the image of the Muslim, and others. Building on recent developments in the fields of patronage studies and reception theory, the book offers a study of the complex ways in which Crusader art addressed its diverse audiences (Franks, indigenous eastern Christians, pilgrims) while serving the intentions of its patrons. Of particular interest to scholars and students of the Crusades and of Crusader art, as well as scholars and students of medieval art in general, this book will appeal to all those engaging with intercultural encounters, acculturation, Christian-Muslim relations, pilgrimage, the Holy Land, medieval devotion and theology, Byzantine art, reception theory and medieval patronage. Gil Fishhof teaches medieval and Crusader art at the Department of Art History, University of Haifa. His main areas of expertise are Romanesque art and architecture in France, art in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, art of the Cluniac order, and questions of medieval patronage and audiences. Together with Einat Segal and Assaf Pinkus, he has recently published the edited volume The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth-Where the Word Became Flesh (2020), and with Vardit Shoten-Hallel and Judith Bronstein the volume Settlement and Crusade in the 13th Century-Multidisciplinary Studies of the Latin East (2021).

Research paper thumbnail of The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth: Where the Word Became Flesh

The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth is among the most celebrated loca sancta in the Holy... more The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth is among the most celebrated loca sancta in the Holy Land and has been a destination of pilgrims for millennia.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the modern edifice, this anthology is the first to offer a comprehensive study of the church, comprising the stages of its construction from the Byzantine era, through Crusader and Franciscan campaigns, into the present.

The studies discuss such topics as the basilica’s complex pictorial language, including stained-glass windows, bronze doors, and votive panels, and the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the reception of modern elements of its architecture. The various analyses take into consideration the challenges facing Christian art in a multicultural world.