Norma Franklin | University of Haifa (original) (raw)

Norma Franklin


Papers by Norma Franklin

Research paper thumbnail of Stone Volutes: United by a Common Motif not by a Common Function

The Ancient Israelite World , 2023

Please contact me if you are interested in the complete article An analysis of the meaning and ... more Please contact me if you are interested in the complete article
An analysis of the meaning and function of the 55 stone volutes discovered in ancient Israel, Judah, Ammon, Moab.

Research paper thumbnail of The Assyrian Stylized Tree: A Date Palm Plantation and Aššurnaṣirpal II's Stemma

Aššurnaṣirpal II (r. 883-859 b.c.e.) moved his capital from Aššur to the old, long-deserted city ... more Aššurnaṣirpal II (r. 883-859 b.c.e.) moved his capital from Aššur to the old, long-deserted city of Kalḫu, which he proceeded to rebuild. His new official residence, the Northwest Palace, he described as his "palace for eternity." The rooms of the palace had carved stone relief slabs, previously unknown in Assyria. Ten of the, known, rooms had depictions of stylized trees, as well as other figures. This chapter identifies the stylized trees as female date palms and their offshoots-clones of the original tree-together offering a stylized view of a date palm plantation. By exploring the scientific and linguistic data of date palms and the artistic and historical aspects of the reliefs, it appears that Aššurnaṣirpal used this stylized depiction of a date palm plantation as his stemma, an analogy of his unchanging hereditary right to rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo V

Research paper thumbnail of The Room V Reliefs at Dur-Sharrukin and Sargon II's Western Campaigns

Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of …, 1994

The first excavations at Khorsabad were conducted by PE Botta in 1844.The results, illustrated by... more The first excavations at Khorsabad were conducted by PE Botta in 1844.The results, illustrated by the artist ME Flandin, were published in 1849 in five volumes, Monument de Ninive. The excavations were renewed by V. Place in 1852, and the results published by M. Pillet in 1918, Les ...

Research paper thumbnail of An Ancient Winery at Jezreel, Israel

Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies , 2020

The discovery, excavation, function, typology, and prob-able date of an ancient winery excavated ... more The discovery, excavation, function, typology, and prob-able date of an ancient winery excavated by the present Jezreel Expedition in 2013 are the focus of this article. Its method of construction and its function are dis-cussed, and a comparison is made with other simple treading installations. The demand for wine is discussed with reference to the military nature of Jezreel dur-ing the period of Assyrian hegemony, and a probable date for the winery's initial use is proposed. The Jezreel winery continued in use until at least the first century CE, when new grape-pressing installations appear in the Byzantine-period village of Jezreel.


Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo's Stables: Trading Egyptian Horses to the Assyrian Empire, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Entering the Arena: The Megiddo Stables Reconsidered

Much has been written about the stables of Megiddo Stratum IV since a series of tripartite buildi... more Much has been written about the stables of Megiddo Stratum IV since a series of tripartite buildings were discovered in 1928 during excavations conducted by The Oriental Institute under the direction of P. L. O. Guy. The buildings continued to be identified as Solomon’s Stables until the early 1970s, when Yadin conducted a number of small-scale excavations on behalf of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and dated them down to the 9th century BCE; consequently, they became known as Ahab’s Stables (Yadin 1970; 1976). The Megiddo Expedition of Tel Aviv University launched a large-scale excavation of the site in 1992, and excavations in the area of the northern stables (Area L) were resumed in 1998. The Tel Aviv University excavations resulted in the stables being dated later—yet again—to the 8th cen-tury BCE and cautiously attributed to Jeroboam II (Cantrell and Finkelstein 2006: 644–45; Finkelstein 1999: 63–66).

Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo and Jezreel Reflected in the Dying Embers of the Northern Kingdom of Israel 1 The Beginning of the End

The Last Days of the Kingdom of Israel Ed. by Hasegawa, Shuichi / Levin, Christoph / Radner, Karen Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 511 ISBN 978-3-11-056660-4, 2018

In 746 BCE, Tiglath-pileser III came to the Assyrian throne as a usurper.¹ His foreign policy was... more In 746 BCE, Tiglath-pileser III came to the Assyrian throne as a usurper.¹ His foreign policy was markedly different to that of his predecessors: he enlarged the area of Assyrian control, annexed former client states and converted them into Assyrian provinces.² His rule marks the beginning of Assyria's imperial phase³ and, significantly, also the beginning of the end of the Kingdom of Israel. The Northern Kingdom rebelled against Assyrian domination circa 734 BCE – an event heralded by the murder of Pekahiah, the son of Menachem, and the accession of Pekah to the Israelite throne in 736 BCE.⁴ Tiglath-pileser responded to the general unrest in the region by conducting three campaigns⁵ to the west, including at least one against Israel, between the years 734 and 732 BCE.⁶ This resulted

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Function of Bell-Shaped Pits: With a View to  Iron Age Jezreel



Research paper thumbnail of Have We Found Naboth's Vineyard at Jezreel?

The biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel... more The biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel, where archaeologists excavated an Iron Age winery at the foot of Tel Jezreel.

Research paper thumbnail of A Military City and the Location of Jehus Coup.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of The Story of Naboth's Vineyard and the Ancient Winery in Jezreel /the-story-of-naboths-vineyard-and-the-ancient-winery-in-jezreel

Research paper thumbnail of Jezreel Revealed in Laser Scans: A Preliminary Report of the 2012 Survey Season

Research paper thumbnail of Dispelling the fog ( אפל) around the Ophel ( עֹפֶל) In: (editors): Noor Mulder, Jeannette Boertien, Eveline van der Steen, Exploring the Narrative Jerusalem and Jordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages:  Papers in Honour of Margreet Steiner

Research paper thumbnail of An Ancient Winery in Jezreel

Research paper thumbnail of From Megiddo to Tamassos and Back: Putting the “Proto-Ionic Capital” in its Place. Festcrift in honor of David Ussishkin. (Eds. I. Finkelstein and N. Na’aman)

Research paper thumbnail of Relative and Absolute Chronology of Gallery 629 and the Megiddo Water System: A Reassessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Samaria: From the Bedrock to the Omride Palace.

Research paper thumbnail of Stone Volutes: United by a Common Motif not by a Common Function

The Ancient Israelite World , 2023

Please contact me if you are interested in the complete article An analysis of the meaning and ... more Please contact me if you are interested in the complete article
An analysis of the meaning and function of the 55 stone volutes discovered in ancient Israel, Judah, Ammon, Moab.

Research paper thumbnail of The Assyrian Stylized Tree: A Date Palm Plantation and Aššurnaṣirpal II's Stemma

Aššurnaṣirpal II (r. 883-859 b.c.e.) moved his capital from Aššur to the old, long-deserted city ... more Aššurnaṣirpal II (r. 883-859 b.c.e.) moved his capital from Aššur to the old, long-deserted city of Kalḫu, which he proceeded to rebuild. His new official residence, the Northwest Palace, he described as his "palace for eternity." The rooms of the palace had carved stone relief slabs, previously unknown in Assyria. Ten of the, known, rooms had depictions of stylized trees, as well as other figures. This chapter identifies the stylized trees as female date palms and their offshoots-clones of the original tree-together offering a stylized view of a date palm plantation. By exploring the scientific and linguistic data of date palms and the artistic and historical aspects of the reliefs, it appears that Aššurnaṣirpal used this stylized depiction of a date palm plantation as his stemma, an analogy of his unchanging hereditary right to rule.

Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo V

Research paper thumbnail of The Room V Reliefs at Dur-Sharrukin and Sargon II's Western Campaigns

Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of …, 1994

The first excavations at Khorsabad were conducted by PE Botta in 1844.The results, illustrated by... more The first excavations at Khorsabad were conducted by PE Botta in 1844.The results, illustrated by the artist ME Flandin, were published in 1849 in five volumes, Monument de Ninive. The excavations were renewed by V. Place in 1852, and the results published by M. Pillet in 1918, Les ...

Research paper thumbnail of An Ancient Winery at Jezreel, Israel

Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies , 2020

The discovery, excavation, function, typology, and prob-able date of an ancient winery excavated ... more The discovery, excavation, function, typology, and prob-able date of an ancient winery excavated by the present Jezreel Expedition in 2013 are the focus of this article. Its method of construction and its function are dis-cussed, and a comparison is made with other simple treading installations. The demand for wine is discussed with reference to the military nature of Jezreel dur-ing the period of Assyrian hegemony, and a probable date for the winery's initial use is proposed. The Jezreel winery continued in use until at least the first century CE, when new grape-pressing installations appear in the Byzantine-period village of Jezreel.


Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo's Stables: Trading Egyptian Horses to the Assyrian Empire, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Entering the Arena: The Megiddo Stables Reconsidered

Much has been written about the stables of Megiddo Stratum IV since a series of tripartite buildi... more Much has been written about the stables of Megiddo Stratum IV since a series of tripartite buildings were discovered in 1928 during excavations conducted by The Oriental Institute under the direction of P. L. O. Guy. The buildings continued to be identified as Solomon’s Stables until the early 1970s, when Yadin conducted a number of small-scale excavations on behalf of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and dated them down to the 9th century BCE; consequently, they became known as Ahab’s Stables (Yadin 1970; 1976). The Megiddo Expedition of Tel Aviv University launched a large-scale excavation of the site in 1992, and excavations in the area of the northern stables (Area L) were resumed in 1998. The Tel Aviv University excavations resulted in the stables being dated later—yet again—to the 8th cen-tury BCE and cautiously attributed to Jeroboam II (Cantrell and Finkelstein 2006: 644–45; Finkelstein 1999: 63–66).

Research paper thumbnail of Megiddo and Jezreel Reflected in the Dying Embers of the Northern Kingdom of Israel 1 The Beginning of the End

The Last Days of the Kingdom of Israel Ed. by Hasegawa, Shuichi / Levin, Christoph / Radner, Karen Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 511 ISBN 978-3-11-056660-4, 2018

In 746 BCE, Tiglath-pileser III came to the Assyrian throne as a usurper.¹ His foreign policy was... more In 746 BCE, Tiglath-pileser III came to the Assyrian throne as a usurper.¹ His foreign policy was markedly different to that of his predecessors: he enlarged the area of Assyrian control, annexed former client states and converted them into Assyrian provinces.² His rule marks the beginning of Assyria's imperial phase³ and, significantly, also the beginning of the end of the Kingdom of Israel. The Northern Kingdom rebelled against Assyrian domination circa 734 BCE – an event heralded by the murder of Pekahiah, the son of Menachem, and the accession of Pekah to the Israelite throne in 736 BCE.⁴ Tiglath-pileser responded to the general unrest in the region by conducting three campaigns⁵ to the west, including at least one against Israel, between the years 734 and 732 BCE.⁶ This resulted

Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Function of Bell-Shaped Pits: With a View to  Iron Age Jezreel



Research paper thumbnail of Have We Found Naboth's Vineyard at Jezreel?

The biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel... more The biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel, where archaeologists excavated an Iron Age winery at the foot of Tel Jezreel.

Research paper thumbnail of A Military City and the Location of Jehus Coup.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of The Story of Naboth's Vineyard and the Ancient Winery in Jezreel /the-story-of-naboths-vineyard-and-the-ancient-winery-in-jezreel

Research paper thumbnail of Jezreel Revealed in Laser Scans: A Preliminary Report of the 2012 Survey Season

Research paper thumbnail of Dispelling the fog ( אפל) around the Ophel ( עֹפֶל) In: (editors): Noor Mulder, Jeannette Boertien, Eveline van der Steen, Exploring the Narrative Jerusalem and Jordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages:  Papers in Honour of Margreet Steiner

Research paper thumbnail of An Ancient Winery in Jezreel

Research paper thumbnail of From Megiddo to Tamassos and Back: Putting the “Proto-Ionic Capital” in its Place. Festcrift in honor of David Ussishkin. (Eds. I. Finkelstein and N. Na’aman)

Research paper thumbnail of Relative and Absolute Chronology of Gallery 629 and the Megiddo Water System: A Reassessment.

Research paper thumbnail of Samaria: From the Bedrock to the Omride Palace.

Research paper thumbnail of Fit for a King: The Tombs of the Kings of Israel

Research paper thumbnail of The Capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel: From inception to destruction

Research paper thumbnail of The Proto-Aeolic Capitals from Samaria and Gerizim: A Different Perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Grace Mary Crowfoot and her four daughters

Research paper thumbnail of From  Proto-Aeolic Capitals to Date Palms: A New Look at the Tree of Life and  Archaeological Evidence of its' Cult (Iron Age II)

Research paper thumbnail of From Proto-Aeolic Capitals to Date Palms: A New Look at the Tree of Life

Research paper thumbnail of Phoenix dactylifera L.: Connecting Archaeology and Dates

Research paper thumbnail of The Acropolis of Samaria in the Iron Age

Research paper thumbnail of The Volute Motif

Ivories, votive capitals, stele, and beyond: The origin of the proto-ionic or volute motif and it... more Ivories, votive capitals, stele, and beyond:
The origin of the proto-ionic or volute motif and its evolution

The volute motif has previously been recognized as a stylized version of a date palm, the tree of life. However until now the key botanical rationale that gave rise to this relationship has not been understood. This paper will explain the naissance of the volute motif and illuminate its significant emblematic function in the art and architecture of the Ancient Near East.

Research paper thumbnail of Jezreel-Expedition-2017-poster.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Review of:-  The Archaeology of the Ostraca House at Israelite Samaria:                Epigraphic Discoveries in Complicated Contexts by Ron E. Tappy 		in: Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 		Penn State University Press 		Volume 6, Numbers 1-2, 2018 		pp. 148-151

Research paper thumbnail of Building Material/s (bu. ma./mas

Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World: A New Biblisches Reallexikon. In. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Proof Encyclopedia article on Building materials in the ancient near east

Research paper thumbnail of Encyclopedia article - ConstructionTechnique

Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World: A New Biblisches Reallexikon. In. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck., 2022

Proof Construction techniques in the ancient near east

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