hannah_den - Profile (original) (raw)

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Hannah Abbott is a pink-faced blonde girl who wears her hair in pigtails. She is a close friend of Ernie Macmillan, who shares her hobby of collecting chocolate frog cards. She became a prefect in August and joined Dumbledore's Army that October.

Hannah had the unhappy distinction of being the first of Harry's year to crack under the strain of O.W.L. study, requiring a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she broke down crying in Herbology, saying she was too stupid to take her exams. She accidentally multiplied a ferret into a flock of flamingos during the Transfiguration practical, but acquitted herself well in the confrontation with Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express.

Hannah was prominent among the Hufflepuffs who initially believed Harry to be the Heir of Slytherin in their second year. At one point in their third year, Hannah was convinced that Sirius Black could turn into a flowering shrub, which in hindsight is less silly than it might sound at first. House loyalty had her wearing a Support Cedric Diggory! badge early in the Triwizard Tournament. Despite occasional incidents like this, she is on friendly terms with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Sadly, Hannah's mother was killed by Death Eaters during her sixth year at Hogwarts. Hannah left Hogwarts and has not yet returned.

Taken and edited from the Harry Potter Lexicon.

Den Mother: rainbowdarling


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