harry_potter - Profile (original) (raw)

on 12 July 2001 (#244671)

This community is no longer cutting Deathly Hallows spoilers. We do understand, however, that not everyone has finished all 7 books. We ask that you include a warning in your subject or at the beginning of your entry just to be courteous. All Harry Potter fans are welcome, despite being movie fans or book fans. If you have any problems with anything in the community, contact a moderator. Your fabulous moderators are justanerdyangel, tez_na_nox, theawolf, drjeannette, halfscripts, kathleenalice, lizzeroni, keyann, rasberrytwix , tamgerine, and abrynneIf you are looking for a community where posts are constantly showing up, this is not the one for you (Posts here are moderated). If you want a community where you don't have the exact same questions being asked over and over again, then this IS the community for you.DO NOT, I repeat, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT bring a personal problem into the community. Any post that complains about another user attacking you or that attacks another member directly or indirectly will be automatically deleted. There is a time and place, and it is not the time, and this is not the place.If you feel you are being unfairly treated, send me (justanerdyangel) an e-mail (dreamonwrittenpages@gmail.com), and you show me comments where you're being harassed and if a problem truly exists, I will deal with it. But this community is not a place for you to whine and complain because someone once upon a time said something mean. We don't want people getting cut down here, but we also don't want to read about personal problems, so seriously just contact me and we'll deal with it.The moderators reserve the right to delete any posts we find offensive or are an obvious violation of the rules. Don't complain about it. If you had read the rules, and follow them, your post probably won't be deleted. All posts are moderated, which means that we approve it before it goes up. This is to prevent inappropriate and repetitive posts. Sometimes a post goes through when it shouldn't have, and we apologize for this in advance.
**Please read before posting!**-This is not a community for RPG advertising, looking for an RPG community, or wanting to advertise one. There are communities solely for this purpose, please take your advertisements, searches, and discussions there. This is also NOT an icon community. Icon posts are NOT allowed. This applies to icon requests as well. Scroll down to the bottom for proper places for this. Any posts about icons will be deleted. If you have questions about costuming, see the bottom for appropriate places to ask those questions. -This is also not really a fanfic community. Discussion is fine, but the problem is that not everyone has read your specific fan fic. So try to keep those posts to fan fic specific communities. Just do an interest search, you'll find proper places, with people more likely to give you the discussion/suggestions/etc you are looking for.-No off topic posts. This community has well over 5000 members and when there is new Harry Potter information, this community gets very busy. There is no need for off topic posts to clutter up friends pages even more. The only exception is for very good causes, or certain school projects. Ask a mod if you think you fall into these categories or are not sure.-Quizzes are cool, but if you got it from this community, post your results in the comments of the original post. If you have a new quiz, by all means, post it.-Try and keep profanity to a minimum. This doesn't mean that you CAN'T swear. We just don't want to see it every sentence of every post. Use common sense and remember that Harry Potter is for all ages, and therefore readers 13+ are probably here in this community.-Before you ask a question, please check the list of fandom resources at the bottom of the page. Refer there before asking questions that could be answered at one of them.-Try and keep "me too!" posts to a minimum. For example: when the 5th movie comes out. 10 posts in a row that say "I just saw the movie and I loved it you all will too!!!!!111one" are not useful discussion tools. We would love to hear your opinion on the movie. Tell us exactly what you liked, disliked, or would have changed. Put substance to your post or you could find it deleted.-Do NoT tYpE lYkE tHiSs!!!!!!!!11111one wHy NoT dO u AsK?!?!?!?!?! BECAUSE IT'S ANNOYING. CAPSLOCK AND 1337 ARE TOO. Just don't do them. Spell check your entries, and be mature about things. Alternating type, 1337, CAPSLOCKED posts, and excessively misspelled words and excessive punctuation will merit your post being deleted. Don't waste your time. -If you are asked to cut something, do so. People have their reasons. Some people are more sensitive to spoilers. Some people have dial up so pictures take a while to load. And some people don't want to have to see an uber long post on their friend pages that they have to scroll by to read other things. It's nothing personal, be respectful, and don't get defensive.-Be nice, be respectful, have fun, and enjoy yourself.
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Thank you to foxestacado for the layout and teneraestnox for the icon


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Tell me (justanerdyangel)about it.
Send me an email at dreamonwrittenpages@gmail.com

harry_potter is proud to be linked with:
incendio_sort :: A four house based Harry Potter sorting community.

Thank you ahead of time for your interest but the maintainers of this community are not interested in affiliating at this time.

12 grimmauld place, albus dumbledore, animagus, argus filch, arthur weasley, aunt marge, azkaban, beauxbatons, bellatrix lestrange, bill weasley, bludger bat, broomsticks, buckbeak, butterbeer, care of magical creatures, cedric diggory, charlie weasley, charms, cho chang, chocolate frogs, cornelius fudge, crookshanks, dean thomas, diagon alley, divination, dobby, dolores jane umbridge, draco malfoy, dudley dursley, dumbledore's army, durmstrang, errol, fang, fawkes, filius flitwick, firenze, flourish and blotts, fluffy, forbidden forest, frank longbottom, fred weasley, george weasley, gilderoy lockhart, ginny weasley, golden snitch, gringotts, gryffindor, harry potter, hedwig, herbology, hermes, hermione granger, hippogriff, hogsmeade, hogwarts, hp, hufflepuff, invisibility cloak, j.k. rowling, james potter, jk rowling, knockturn alley, lee jordan, legilimens, lily evans, lucius malfoy, luna lovegood, mad-eye moody, madame maxine, magic, merpeople, metamorphmagus, minerva mcgonagall, ministry of magic, moaning myrtle, molly weasley, moony, muggles, narcissa malfoy, neville longbottom, niffler, nymphadora tonks, occlumens, olivanders, oliver wood, ollivander's, padfoot, pansy parkinson, parslemouth, patronus, percy weasley, peter pettigrew, petunia dursley, pigwidgeon, pomona sprout, poppy pomfrey, potions, prefects, privet drive, professor binns, professor dumbledore, professor sinistra, professor vector, prongs, quidditch, quirenius quirrell, rating, ravenclaw, remus lupin, rolanda hooch, ron weasley, rubeus hagrid, scabbers, severus snape, sibyll trelawney, sirius black, slytherin, sorting hat, spew, squib, studying, the burrow, the chamber of secrets, the goblet of fire, the half blood prince, the leaky cauldron, the marauders, the order, the philosopher's stone, the prisoner of azkaban, the sorceror's stone, tom riddle, transfiguration, viktor krum, voldemort, wands, winky, wormtail